
I Like The CEO!?

This is my first day working at this big company. Some at this company already like me, but some people really like me I just don’t know why. Will this be a love triangle or will she meet her destined lover.

Balajee_Ramasamy_4329 · Fantasia
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First Day

This was my first day of work at my new company Min Entertainment I hurried to get inside because I didn't want to be late I was just an Intern but I still didn't want to be late. I was an Ivy League graduate with a Master's Degree who can't find a job - I'm the type small businesses avoid. I knew this company was gonna work me till I drop but I didn't care as long as they payed me well for me and my child. Yes, I have a child who looked exactly like her father but the child isn't mine because it's my mom child but my mom passed after she gave birth my father couldn't live without my mother so he committed suicide despite that I still love my Mom's child as my own she wanted to come with me to work but I hired a babysitter for her so she stayed at home.

I saw someone standing there so I decided to ask him where I should sit. I tapped him on the shoulder and asked where I should sit.

"Go to my office and wait there I will come and tell you where to sit." He said still looking serious. I wondered if he had other expressions than being serious. I hurried to his office he told me where it was I was nervous to go because I am only a intern I don't feel like I should be in a office.

I waited for a while and just like he said he came inside the office and sat down on his chair.

"Hello my name is Mr. Kim I am the Director or Manager of the AR Planning Department that's where you are going to work your work is going to start right away because we have a big project coming up we have to finish before next week do you think you are up for the job? I have to start working right away? I have to start right away? I haven't even gotten my seat yet. I didn't want to say that though because it was only my first day I didn't want to disappoint anyone especially my Manager.

"I will work hard you can count on me I always get anything and everything done!" I said without breathing. He chuckled. I wondered why he laughed.

"What's so funny do I talk funny or something?" I said angry. He chuckled even more.

" Why are you so determined?" He said laughing still.

"Because I need the money for me and my child." I said and rushed out the room snatching my paper from his desk

"Her child?" He said quietly.

"I thought she was only 29 years old?" He pondered my answer trying to make sense of it but no solutions came to his mind. I ran to my desk and plopped down and sighed I knew this job is not going to be easy but as I said I will do anything as long as they pay me for me and my child. I started working on my part of the project determined to get it done fast. Once I finished I went to Mr. Kim's office and told him I finished.

"You're finished already?" He said surprised.

"I thought this would keep you busy for 5 days." He said surprised still.

"If you are finished you can go eat lunch early and speaking of lunch I am going to come with you." He grabbed his coat and straightened his tie then got up then we both went to lunch. We found the perfect spot to sit. Just as we were about to eat we heard someone.

"Jongchan!" He yelled we both saw a guy running to our table and he sat down next to Mr. Kim and started talking.

"Hey it's been a while since we talked who is this girl?" His friend said and stretched his hand out.

"She is the new intern I was talking about." I shaked his hand and asked what his name was.

"My name is Yusung you can just call me Yu." He said.

"Why do you have two different colored eyes." Yu asked politely but it didn't sound politely to me but I still answered.

"It's because -" I started saying but I got a phone call from one of my group mates.

"I'm sorry I have to take this." I said and rushed to my desk. They were both looking at each other.

"She's really determined." Yu said. Mr. Kim didn't care all he cared about was that I did my work correctly.

"You know she looks like she might be your type." Yu said innocently.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well she looks like a little puppy and she's determined like you are.

"I don't think so." He said seriously.

"Well too bad she looks like your type." He said sadly. After they finished speaking Mr. Kim went inside but he saw some people talking.

"There is this new intern in the AR Planning Department and she's really good at her job I gave her my work and she said she will do it if you have any work give it to her. Mr. Kim overheard everything. He came to my desk and told me to stop working on the assignment.

I also have another novel called Werewolf’s Secret you should go check it out and give me some ideas for new chapters in the comments I am always open to new stuff.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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