
Half Breed

"Hey guys, we're back." Kim then placed down the plastic bag full of groceries on one of the plastic chairs.

"Owota is gone..." Mike sighed.

"Wait... what!?" I said as I began checking every corner of the Circus.

"He ran off without telling anyone..." Mike then took a seat on one of the dusty chairs.

"Crap... You know where he is?"

"He left a note saying he'll deal with the hunters himself..."

"Why the hell is he fighting them all by himself?"

"Apparently the hunters might have something to do with the disappearance of his father and mother."






-Eighteen Years Ago-

"Alice, could you please list the types of advertising media for the class?"

"What? Oh uh... SORRY SIR! Paragraph four... uhh..." I nervously spoke as I stood up from my desk.

Crap, where's paragraph four!?

"Spacing out again I see? How do you expect yourself to finish university if you don't concentrate..."

"Sorry sir, won't happen again!" I then sat down quietly without saying anything else.

Man, this is embarrassing...

I'm Alice Schmitz, a 19-year-old student at Western-Alinam university since I had just earned a scholarship here. I also work a part-time job at a bookstore to cover my living expenses since I live alone in a small apartment.

It was just an ordinary winter morning when I noticed a tall handsome man sitting alone by himself right across from my table. He didn't have any books, only just a pen and was just observing the lecture without writing anything down or taking any notes. He had long black hair and wore a grey t-shirt and jeans.

I have a spare notebook so I might as well...

"Hey, there," I whispered to the man as I scooted over next to him. "I saw you didn't have any notes so I was wondering if you wanted to share."

"Sorry I don't go to this university..."

"Wait, why are you here then?"

"I just like watching lectures."

I then handed him a notebook, "You're gonna need this."

"No, no, no... it's fine, you really don't have too."

"I know you want it... just take it." He then took the notebook shyly without saying a word. I then giggled a bit and pat him on the back, "I'm Alice by the way."

"I already knew that from your incident with the teacher." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Aha, you jerk, you're supposed to tell me your name."

"Oh yeah, sorry... I'm Kevin... Nice to meet you."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Kevin..."

He then opened the notebook and began writing with his pen. "Hey, Alice..." Kevin then leaned on my shoulder with his arm and smiled at me, "Wanna go on a date?"









"Wait, what!?"

The then giggled for a few seconds, "Yeah come on, just say yes, it'll be fun I promise."

"Well, you're straight forward... I just met you a few seconds ago, what makes you think I'll go out with you?"

"You were literally on the other side of the table, and you bothered to come all the way here."

"Pfft, like I'd do that..."








"Well, I guess I'm leaving then." He then stood up, picked up his book and began to walk out of the lecture hall.

"..." I should be studying...

I then ran out of the classroom and tried to catch up with him. As I opened the door I saw him petting a small skinny white stray cat lying down on the floor, it looked malnourished as if it hadn't eaten in days. He then picked it up gently and began walking away.

"Hey, Kevin, mind explaining what you're going to do with that cat!?" I said as I poked him in the back.

He then turned around and smiled, "I'm naming him Tofu and I'm bringing him home with me."

"You do know that could be someone's cat right?"

"Well, if this someone isn't feeding their cat properly, I don't think they should be taking care of him..."

"Well... uhh..." I mumbled as I twiddled my thumbs.

"Well, what? I gotta get home quick."

"Well... you still owe me for that book... so... you have to treat me to dinner!" I awkwardly said with a soft voice.

Right after that, he dropped off the cat at his home and we went out for dinner, and that's how it all started, looking back at it I couldn't help but just laugh seeing how much of a tsundere I was being. Ever since then, we would always hang out after lectures ended hanging out at libraries, parks and even movie theatres on rare occasions. You know... you find love in the weirdest of places.

"Imagine owning your own planet... wouldn't that be amazing?" Kevin said as we both sat down and gazed at the city lights. We had just broken onto the roof of a building to look at the view.

"What do you mean?"

"You know... your own planet! It's your own place where you can be alone, do whatever you want, be whatever you want, it's a place just for you."

"Yeah but... wouldn't you be lonely?"

"Yeah, what's bad about that?"

I then stood up and flicked Kevin on the head, "If you're all alone you'll go crazy! Haven't you watched those movies of people being stranded on deserted islands?"

"Yeah... I guess so."

"Now, if I was there, that would be a whole different story!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the coolest person around, I can keep you company where ever you go so you don't go crazy!"

"Are you trying to suggest something?"

"Pfft no, it's not like that."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"By the way Kevin..."

"What's up?"

"Got any names yet?"

"I was thinking something like... Owota... Owota Schmitz."

- Present -

It was a dark night, you couldn't hear anything but the crickets chirping and your own footsteps. I was waiting infront some train tracks. The crossing signal then began flashing red as the barrier bar began to lower. You could start hearing the train in the distance coming closer. I was waiting on the other side of the train tracks opposite from a man in a black shirt and shorts, he had long black hair and wore glasses.

"Thank god the Pop and Lemon concert was interrupted or else I wouldn't have found you on the radar. Kinda sucked tho, one of my favourite idols is dead and someone calls me a cultist."

•̀ _ •́ "Does it look like I care?"

"Pfft, no, but you really should, cause right now, I really want to kill something..."








Threat Level: ?

Abilities: ?