
I Just Wanted a Normal life with my Waifu!

Disclaimer-I own nothing. Dying and waking up in a weird place, I get wishes and you can guess from there, except for the part where ROB fucked me over! Warning- I'll update when I feel like it so sometimes I'll update sometimes I won't, also constrictive criticism is welcome.

BoredBoy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Meeting the boys( updated)

Waking up in my room, I notice its evening.

"Damn that hurt." I said, and despite passing out I still felt the phantom pain.

[Saitama body potential and Saiki telekinetic powers potential fused with "God Saiyan body" changing into "???", gives 10 times the boost for training than what would be the norm for "???"]

It said, and while I didn't really like the fact that it left the new ability you could say, up in the air, I decided to ignore it.

[Another privilege of being the manager is you can open separate chat's with members]

I don't see how that's beneficial right now, but ok. Deciding to do the daily points, I press a button at the top right corner and opened to a slot machine with 3 slots all on 0. Clicking on it, it started rolling and after a while it landed on 92.

[Multiplying by two]

Then it changed to 184, as I realized my own state, full of sweat along with my bed.

"This is gonna be annoying." I mumbled realizing I have to shower and clean my sheets now.

Getting to the bathroom, I notice my new look in the bathroom and I'm definitely more buff than before, taller, and my hair turned black while my face got a bit of a feral look, and my eyes turned into exact replicas of Gojo's.

'Shit how can I hide this?' I thought to myself, before realizing I can affect the atmosphere so to make it seem like I was always like this, and I changed the atmosphere to where my voice can be heard again too, while hoping my family wouldn't go against the atmosphere seeing me.

After taking a shower, I put my sheets in the washer before checking on the group chat again, realizing now just how extensive of a conversation went on while I was gone.

{GCM:"Sakuta"Is online]

[GCM:"Sakuta", Hey guys, sorry I haven't been active all day, a few things, you could say, came up]

I gave a brief explanation since I'm not exactly sure how Goku or Gojo would react if I told them about me copying the saiyan bloodline and Limitless with six eyes respectively. I don't think Gojo would be mad, but more intrigued, but I still don't trust him enough, and while Goku is normally go lucky, he can get mad sometimes and I'd rather not face that.

["Saiki", Hmm, well we seem to know nothing about each others worlds, they're vastly different from each other, what about you?]

[GCM:"Sakuta", yeah, you guys are actually here as anime]

Though they're bootleg from my original world, it doesn't matter, they're here.

["Saiki", interesting, I've always felt something watching me, just never knew what]

Huh, makes sense with his powers making him practically omnipotent, though same can be said with my atmosphere where I can literally deny someones existence and my ability to travel through time so I could probably stop the birth of a person so they never existed.

["Goku", hey, do I fight strong guys in the future?]

[GCM:"Sakuta", yeah, but depends how soon, or if you already are, depending on the year.] I explained to him.

["Goku", year 778]

After reading that, I remember it's the year Beerus should fight him.

[GCM:"Sakuta", When is Bulma's birthday?]

["Goku", Tomorrow, why?]

And after those words, another notification popped up.

[Mission: Stop Beerus from destroying the earth!

Description: After Beerus' fated battle with Goku, he will become dissatisfied and destroy the world, keeping his promise unlike cannon! Work with Goku and defeat Lord Beerus stopping the worlds demise!

Requirements: All Dimensional Group Chat members, must complete by tomorrow, DragonBall time

Reward: 5,000 Points

Penalty: Lose access to travel to other world's outside of each others

Accept/Deny, 0/5]

"...Fuck you Murphy."I silently mutter to myself.

[GCM:"Sakuta", I think it's better if we all go now, if the description was anything to go by, our world's time flow differently, and we don't know how marginal the difference's may be, for better or worse]

{"Gojo", good analysis Sakuta-kun, just what I would expect from a future student!]

Gojo said casually, ignoring him the rest agree as we all click accept.

[Mission accepted, commencing world traveling, all world's other than DragonBall will be frozen]

It said before I felt something sucking me up as I appear in front of Goku while we're outside and see its night, though thank god the moon isn't there.

"hey guys!" Goku said with a wave and smile.

"You must be Saiki and Sakuta." Gojo said while appearing and disappearing around us, examining us.

"I'm Sakuta, nice to meet you all, and I didn't know you swing that way." I said, remarking the last part to Gojo.

"No no, just inspecting you to see if you're worthy, and can definitely say you are."Gojo said while smiling in front of us, he's in his sorcerer uniform with his normal eye cover.

"Gojo, you say your the strongest, right?" Saitama suddenly asks.

"Of course I am." He replied confidently while turning to him.

"Fight me then."

"Ah, no fair! I wanted to fight him!" Goku joins in.

"It's fine, you can fight him after, but Gojo's definitely winning." I said to calm Goku down.

"Why you think so?" Saiki said appearing next to us.

"Well since you can read my mind, you probably already know." I said casually.

"That's the strange thing, I can't and there was only one other person like you." He replied surprising me, but remembering who he's talking about I quickly deny it.

"No, I'm not who you're thinking of clearly, but I don't know why either." After I said that, Gojo talks.

"You should come at me with everything you've got." Gojo says to Saitama.

"You sure?" He asks, knowing how it normally goes down.

"Don't worry, I'm the Strongest." And in response Saitama pulls his fist back with a serious face. but I remember something, specifically the environment.

"Wait! Don't fight here! Goku, your crops will get destroyed, remember?" I finished reminding Goku as he realizes.

"Oh yeah! Thanks Sakuta, let's go to a desert guys." Goku said while the rest agreed, as he starts flying in the air, a screen pops up.

[Ki energy detected, would you like to integrate this energy?]

It asked, and I immediately agree, forgetting the pain I felt when I fused something before with myself, but I felt nothing, except for something akin to a flame ignite in my stomach, though it oddly didn't hurt.

"Whoa, did you just get Ki?" Goku asked, suddenly appearing in front of and startling me.

"Y-Yeah." I responded awkwardly.

"Your pretty strong to for a human, but you're Ki reminds me of a Saiyans, but also something else I can't sense either." Goku said with a perplexed look, and seeing him catch on a little, I distract him.

"The fight Goku, remember?" I said noticing the other three left already.

"Oh yeah, I'll fly us there." Goku says, knowing I probably can't fly which I'm thankful for. After we flew to where they were at, though we had to scout for them from the sky since they can't be sensed by Goku. Eventually we find them, Gojo and Saitama were facing each other a few feet apart, while Saiki stood to side, we landed beside him while Saitama speaks.

"Now that they're here, we can start, right?" Saitama said with an overbearing face of excitement.

"Yeah."Gojo replied, and immediately after his words, Saitama sent a fist.

"Serious punch."And I expected us to be blown away, but it seems Saiki thought ahead and kept us 3 unaffected, though the same can't be said about the surroundings. After the dust cloud generated from the punch settled,though I could already see from six eyes, we saw Saitama's punch stopped 1 feet from Gojo's face.

"I told you it would fine." Gojo said with a smirk.

"My turn, Unlimited Void." He said, and then he and Saitama are surrounded by a white ball before eventually the two came out, Saitama on Gojo's shoulder passed out though.

"I think that's enough for today." Gojo said with a nonchalant smile.

'You think?' I rhetorically asked in my head.

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