
I Just Want to Live Leasurely but Everyone Keeps on Bothering Me!

Elric Blackmore was an avid role-playing player in the VRMMO Dawn's Light. He was one of the best players in the game and the only solo player to enter the top leaderboards. He was not the strongest but he was the most versatile and the most annoying player to fight. Eric Blackmoore was the weak and talentless son of a Duke. Ridiculed and scorned due to his lack of talent in magic, he turned to being a wastrel to fill the void in his heart. These two people should have never met but fate had a different opinion. Waking up in the body of his alternate with the abilities of his game character, Elric has never been more confused in his life. ------------ I post chapters as I write them. It's been years since I last written something so don't expect me to write that fast. Updates are irregular.

WatcherOfWorlds · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Medb smiled and with a wave of her hand, the dead Ann floated towards her. She lightly blew on Ann's face.

Frost grew from Ann's face which grew into ice crystals that spread to her entire body. First the head, then the neck, to her torso and arms. Then to her hips, legs, and finally, feet.

Where there was once a corpse was now a misshapen lump of frost the shape of a person.

~Be born anew~

Medb lightly touched the frost. A flower bloomed where her hand met the ice. Vines grew from the root of the flower and slowly snaked around the ice encased person.

Flowers similar to that which bloomed first emerged from the vines until the frozen figure was covered in vines and flower. Then the vines tightened, cracking the ice. It continued until the vines dug into the corpse's skin, yet it didn't stop. The vines sunk into Ann's now white skin, leaving only vine-like marking to where they disappeared.

Once the process was finished, Ann was unrecognizable from her previous appearance. It was like comparing a pebble to a gem.

Ann's previous creamy skin turned into as white as snow. Her black hair was now a light pink with blooming flowers of the same color. Her entire figure was marred with thorny vine like marking with flowers blooming at random places.

Medb lowered Ann into the ground. As soon as she was laid still, her eyes shot open with a gasp.

"I-I'm alive" Ann asked.

"Yes, and it's time for you to answer my question," Elric said. "Why did you try to kill me?"

Ann's eyes widened and she shot up, her body became tense as she took a stance.

~Thou dares to bear aggression towards this one's consort? Know thy place, worm!~

Ann's arms and legs twisted into itself, her eyes widened and her mouth opened into a voiceless scream as her entire body fell limp to the ground. Green blood, muscles, and bone jutted out from the now useless limbs.

"That was unnecessary.' Elric said. "Just order her to answer."

~Her song of pain was music to this one. Now thrall, answer my beloved~

"T-the m-m-mage pro-protecting... t-the prin-princess must d-die," Words flowed out of Ann's mouth. "T-then the oth...ers w-will ca-capture h-her."

"Why do you want to capture me?" The Princess who was silent the whole time suddenly asked.

Ann held her tongue and didn't answer.

"Answer her question," Elric ordered.

"T-the cr-crown Prince... f-f-fav-favors her... B-by taking... h-her as hos-hostage, w-we can weak-weaken... his... influ...ence..."

"Who is we?"

"The Thi-third p-Prince..."

"Why? I trusted you Ann... You were my closest friend! Why did you betray me?!" Emotions suddenly sprung out from the Princess.

"I a-always h-hated you," Ann rattled out.

At those words, the princess collapsed to her knees as tears streamed down her face.

The stress of her previous situation and the betrayal of the one she considered her closest confidant struck her pysche so much.

~Such an ugly thing, humanity is~ Medb floated towards the crying Princess and wiped her tears. ~Cry not for this traitor for they are not worth thine tears~

~Turncoats and traitors are the vilest of liars. What better vengeance than making that one serve the one she hates for eternity?~

The Princess looked at Medb with blank eyes, question danced in her gaze.

Medb giggled and waved her hand, healing Ann's limbs and pulling her towards the two.

~I gift this one to thee. She shall serve thee until thine death where she will follow. She can do no harm, she can tell no lies, and she will always obey. Like a puppet on a string, she shall be thine toy for as long as thee wants it~

Medb held out a hand towards the Princess.

~This one offers to thee for a price. Doth thou accept?~

"W-what do you want," the Princess asked as her gaze locked on to the figure of her former friend.

~Nothing to worry about~ Medb's smile became larger. ~Aid mine consort and this worm is yours~

The princess took Medb's offered hand. Ann dropped limp to the ground as a bracelet of thorns and flowers appeared on the Princess' wrist.

~The deal is done.~

With those words, Medb floated away towards Elric who was watching.

~And now mine beloved, what of the insects in the woods?~

"Kill them, turn them, I don't care," Elric replied.

~Prefect. Now, might I stay once the deed is complete?~

"Stay as long as you like," Elric answered as he walked towards the Princess and her new slave.

Medb's smile turned predatory and she vanished in an explosion of petals and frost. With her vicious tendency to revel in the pain of her enemies, Elric held a little pity towards those who'll cross Medb's path.

Just a little.