
I just want to be a good teacher

maximize77 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Met a fan

It was clearly Bai Zi who suggested robbing the bank at the meeting, but she didn't show any happy expression when looking at the banknotes in front of her, but just looked at them silently.

On the contrary, Qinxiang said happily: "Great! Why are you still dazed? Take them all away!"

"Wait!" Ayane stopped her: "Do you really want to use this money, Serika-chan?"

Qinxiang couldn't understand: "Why can't it be used? We still have to pay off the debt!"

Ayane said strongly: "If you really do such a thing, it is a real crime!"

"The source of their money is not clean to begin with, and black banks are not protected by the law, right?" Qinxiang retorted, and then said: "Besides, if we let it go, wouldn't it be equivalent to providing arms to criminals? Stealing people's money Is there something wrong?"

Hifumi, who has a gentle personality, wanted to stop them, but since this was always an internal problem in Abydos, she could only watch the development of the matter silently.

Afterwards, Nomiya also supported: "I agree with Seika-chan's opinion. After all, it is the criminal's funds, and it is absolutely fine to use them in a righteous way."

Seeing someone standing on her side, Qinxiang also said happily: "Right! This way, the school's debts can be relieved a lot!"

Looking at this scene, Hoshino, who had been silent all the time, asked: "Shirako-chan, what do you think?"

She looked like she had expected it: "...Whether I express my opinion or not, Hoshino-senpai will definitely object."

"As expected of Bai Zi-chan, you really understand me." Hoshino said seriously, uncharacteristically, "What we need are documents, not money."

"Even if it's criminal funds for bad guys this time, what about next time? What about the next time?"

"If you start this way, you will definitely do the same thing in the future as if nothing has happened."

"If you get to that point, when you encounter a debt crisis, you will definitely narcotize yourself by saying, "There is nothing you can do about it," while doing truly illegal and criminal things."

"From a senior's perspective, I really don't want everyone to become like that."

After saying a long series of words, Hoshino concluded: "Does a school protected by this method still have any meaning?"

Everyone was silent, but Hoshino, in order to emphasize the importance of the method, continued: "If we use this method, it is better to rely on Nomiya-chan's gold card from the beginning."

Seeing that he was mentioned, Nomiya also said: "Although I proposed this before, it was rejected by Hoshino-senpai."

"I can understand your feelings, senior. If you don't pay your debts in the right way, will Abydos still be Abydos?"

Seeing Nomiya's change of attitude, Hoshino returned to his usual lazy self: "Yawn~ That's right."

"So let's just take the necessary documents. This is the Chairman's order."

Hearing Hoshino's tough order, Qinxiang looked at Su Xia with pleading eyes: "I really don't understand. Just because I got into trouble in a strange place, I have to give up such a large sum of money? The teacher can't understand it, right?"

To be honest, Su Xia had already noticed a large amount of cash in her bag at the bank, and she thought there was no problem in using the money.

But after listening to Hoshino's words, he also understood that since this was her decision, he could not do such a desecrating act.

What I have to do is not to use this opportunistic method to repay debts, but more directly.

Go and cut off the source of suffering for everyone in Abydos, the Caesar Group.

After understanding what she really wanted to do, Su Xia touched Qinxiang's head to comfort her: "Teacher also thinks what Hoshino said is very reasonable. Qinxiang-chan is a good child, so she must understand the painstaking efforts of her seniors, right?"

After seeing the appearance of Qinxiang Steam Princess, Bai Zi also said convincingly: "Since it is the chairman's order, then we must obey it."

Seeing that the differences had been resolved, Hifumi also spoke cautiously: "Although I don't know the current situation of everyone in Abydos, I think that if you take this money, you may get involved in bigger troubles, because This money is like the seeds of disaster, right?"

"Then let me handle the money."

Hearing what Su Xia said, Hoshino nodded, "Then please leave it to the teacher."

Ayane reminded everyone in the communication: "Attention! Someone is approaching this way!"

Su Xia originally thought that another group of black market guards had arrived, but after turning it on, she found that it was not red dots, but four green dots approaching.

Ayane also added: "But the other party doesn't seem to be hostile. Let's observe it first anyway?" After Ayane finished speaking, everyone also wore hoods in order to conceal their identities.

When they were close enough to see each other clearly, Su Xia realized that those were the convenience houses they had just met at the black market bank.

Alu ran over panting from the front: "Please, please listen to what I have to say!"

"I saw your previous actions. It only took five minutes to break into the bank and retreat intact. You are really the top lawless gangsters."

Unexpectedly, the person chasing him turned out to be the person who had just been a fan. Everyone didn't know how to respond and could only listen silently.

"I'm really shocked! I didn't expect anyone would dare to do such a bold thing in this day and age. I'm so touched!"

"I will work hard! I will not be bound by law and morality, become a truly free soul, and become an outlaw like you!"

Although Alu's words were full of true feelings, they were still not easy to understand for everyone, but looking at her look, they couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

Alu, who was like a star-struck fan, asked excitedly: "So, so, please tell me your names!"

"It's like an organization name or something like that, even if it's not an official name! I will definitely keep your majestic appearance today deeply in my heart!"

Facing such excited Alu, Nomiya also said the same joke as before: "The name of our team is, Masked Swimsuit Team!"

"Masked swimsuit picture..." Alu repeated in a low voice, and then she was not confused about the strange name. Instead, she praised: "It's really cool! So handsome!"

Hoshino also added: "I was supposed to come here wearing a swimsuit and covering my face, but it was a little urgent today, so I just covered my face."

Nomiya enjoyed it: "That's it! We usually hide ourselves as idols, and then when we find the bad guys, we will cover up and attack each other!"

And he once again played an old joke: "By the way, my name is Christina desu?"

"desu?...It's so unique!"

Hoshino continued to add settings vigorously: "And our motto is, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Be ruthless without tears, and act like a demon."

Seeing that Alu seemed to have memorized these words, Su Xia could only shake her head. I guess Alu will believe them now when they say the sun rises from the west.

Just when Su Xia couldn't bear to stare and looked away at the other people in the convenience room, Mutsuki winked at him and then mouthed the word "teacher".

Su Xia raised her hands in a gesture of surrender and thought to herself: "Although I never thought about hiding it from them, I didn't expect it to be exposed so quickly."

Seeing Su Xia's behavior, Mutsuki raised the terminal toward him. The interface on it was the momotalk interface, which was obviously a hint to hold the interview.

Su Xia nodded to express receipt, and then sent a message to everyone in the masked swimsuit: "Anyway, let's withdraw first."

"Then, let's head towards the sunset!"

Hearing Hoshino's unclear words, Hifumi complained softly: "The sunset hasn't come out yet..."

After everyone left, Alu still muttered: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Ruthless without tears, walking like a demon... I will engrave these words deep in my soul!"

Kayoko asked Mutsuki in a low voice: "Are you really not going to tell her that the teacher is in there?"

"It's interesting anyway, let's talk about it then~"