
I Have Yet to Become a Doll Today

When the world became a landscape for a game, humans immediately became dolls who no longer moved nor breathed, frozen like items on display in a shelf. In the beginning, Bai Youwei thought this was an alien prank. Nobody knew why the humans suddenly became dolls. That was until they were all gathered together and sucked into a bright fog before being greeted by a mechanical voice, "Ding! Welcome to the Game of Dolls! The rules are as follows: 1. Refusing to play the game will result in dollification! 2. Failure to beat the game will result in dollification! 3. Beating the game to win a doll!" Bai Youwei walks into the embrace of Shen Mo trembling. "I'm scared, I'm just a weak little girl..." Shen Mo takes her hand, places it on his abs and says, "Now you don't have to be scared anymore!" The game systems starts ringing in the background, "Alert! Alert! Please respect the game and focus! No dating inside the game!" This is a story of how an intelligent and calm young lady works with a boy with nothing but a hot bod to beat the impossible Game of Dolls!

Flowery · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
368 Chs

Chapter 251 Dedicated to Alice

Translator: 549690339

Without having a chance to wash up, Shen Mo got up hastily and went downstairs, bumping into Su Man, Zhu Shu, Pan Xiaoxin, and Chang Weicai at the front door who had also heard the music.

"What's making that noise?"

"Not sure, it seems to be coming from downstairs."

They quickly exchanged a few words and went downstairs together, where they saw Yan Qingwen, Lun Ang, and Li Li. All three were leaning against tables or lying against the wall, having just been roused from sleep.

Shen Mo was bewildered.

These three were the ones who kept watch during the last night shift, but looking at them now, had all of them fallen asleep?!

People coming out of special forces shouldn't have such a lack of alertness! The only answer was that there was some force at play, causing these three people to fall into an unconscious sleep!

Just like he had last night!

On thinking about this, he felt tense.