
Chapter 153 Injured Demonic Dragon

"According to the number in your tokens, you all will go ten[10] at a time and begin your sculpturing," the elderly monk with a goatee said.

"I'm fifty eight[58]," Lu Jin thought as he remembered the no. on his token.

"No. one[1] to no. ten[10] should step forward," the elderly monk with a goatee said.

Hearing what the elderly monk with a goatee said, those who were in the called out category stepped forward.

"They're only nine[9] of them,"

"I wonder where the last one might be?"

"Failing to come on time, the cultivator having token no. six[6] is disqualified," the elderly monk with a goatee said before looking at the nine[9] sculptors in front of you.

He said, "you all will receive a thirty[30] meters huge boulder, with a length of twenty [20] meters and a height of ten[10] meters."

"I wonder what will be sculpted," Lu Jin thought as he looked at the elderly monk with a goatee.