
I Have No Affinity?

In this new world of uncertainties, unknown calamities, and yet-to-be-unraveled mysteries, one thing is for sure. Strength is what defines authority and the weak will perish. The destiny that's already been set, is now being revised.

asxenous · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


"It's a boy! it's a boy!"

"My lady, your child is a boy!"

The midwife gasped while holding a healthy newborn.

"Let me.. see, my child" the mother speaks weakly

The midwife gently gives the baby to its mother

"I am sorry"

"Please forgive your mother"

The lady cries.

As she kisses the forehead of her child, galloping horses can be heard from afar.

"It seems like they had found us already, such bad luck."

The mother asked the midwife and one of her three loyal guards to help the newborn escape.

"But my lady, all of us can still escape here!"

"No....., no.."

"It's pointless. Even if we're able to escape here, we would be hiding for all of our life."

"I don't want my child to experience such a thing. I want him to live his life to the fullest."

The mother sobbed. The midwife and the guard remain hesitant to leave.

"Since the two of you wanted to serve me 'til the end, this will be my last request."

"Bring my child to the village where I grew up. I want the two of you to raise my child there and once he reaches 13 years old, I permit you to decide whether to leave or stay."

The mother exclaimed with sorrow.

"His name shall be, Jae-ki. As the name means talent and ability, the Gods shall bestow him their guidance."

The two followed their lady and escape from the back, they run hurriedly as their tears run down just as fast.

The mother broke down in tears. After a while, she muster up her strength, grabbed a sword, and started walking towards the front door. All that can be heard from afar are those sounds from the clashing of swords and screams in agony.


A young boy comes back with his clothes covered with dirt. He take his clothes off and started to wash up.

"Ms. Jang, did the old man come back already?"

"No, not yet. Now that you mention him, I also wonder what's taking him so long."

Ms. Jang took a moment and shows confusion and curiosity on her face.

"Anyway, the food is ready so come down to eat after you're done."


"Hmm, the foods seem special tonight. What might be the celebration Ms. Jang?"

Jae-ki asks while he aggressively sniffs the food.

He sat down but didn't stop sniffing the food in front of him. He looked in the direction of Ms. Jang and saw her tearing up.

"Ms. Jang, what's the problem? Is there something wrong?"

Jae-ki rushed toward Ms. Jang to check on her.

"Silly, what could be a problem when you've never even given me one."

Jae-ki smile and goes back to his seat. Ms. Jang wiped her tears and took a deep breath before sitting down.

"You are now thirteen and sooner or later, maybe even tomorrow you have to leave for the provincial capital."

"Oh come on Ms. Jang, I will visit here as much as I can okay?"

Ms. Jang nodded and smiled.

"Ei, now what's this? you gonna eat without me?"

Said the old man followed by the creaking sound as he close the door.

"Tch, quickly move your ass over here."

"Mean old woman as always. Do not think too much about whatever this old hag has said earlier, alright?"

"Right, yes. I'll dig in now."

As the boy enjoys his food, Ms. Jang looks at the old man with mixed emotions showing on her face, worries, fulfillment, and sorrow. The old man Jino replied with a smile.

"Ms. Jaaaang, I will get ready to sleep now."

"Alright, goodnight."

Jae-ki shows a bright smile and replied.

"Goodnight to you as well, Ms. Jang."

Jae-ki lay on his bed and started staring at the ceiling. After a while, he then moves his eyes outside the window.

"I can see that Ms. Jang does not have the intention to reveal anything about my origin at all.

It's not that I can blame her for that. After all, it's not something that can be easily disclosed.

I knew it. I knew everything. About my mother, her long silky vibrant pink hair, her eyes that shine brightly looking at me with love and adore. Her thin pale lips and a necklace that mystically spectacular. He thought.

Jae-ki shows no emotion on his face but his left eye tears up unconsciously.

There are several things that I discover in this world.

This remote village that we live in is called Buenoa though I cannot remember the place where I was born, I am certain that it is rather more developed than this place.

Mana catalyzes everything. It is believed that through proper utilizing of mana, one can surpass even the champions of the empire.

In this world where power is authority, everyone has been granted an affinity.

The four main affinities are Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind.

One can choose from different forces of the continent. Two main classes are mages and warriors. Under the mages, different subset classes distinguish one from another and the same applies to warriors. However, a secret class was recognized by the empire, that is a


Battlemage is a mixture of mage and warrior. They usually use polearm as their weapon but they are also adept at using other weapons based on their fighting style.

The following day, Jae-ki prepared himself to go out. He is now ready to venture toward the provincial capital and start his new life.

"I can't believe that you are going to leave us now."

"Ms. Jang, it's not like I am going to crossed-over another universe. I'm going to visit here once in a while."

Jae-ki comforts Ms. Jang walks towards her and gives her a warm tight hug.

"Now, now, don't cry, you mean old hag. It doesn't suit you for damn sake."

Old man Jino teases Ms. Jang as he bites his lower lip in an attempt to prevent himself from crying.

"Said who? Your eyes look like it's about to burst into tears any moment now."

Jae-ki chuckles and hugs both of them.

"Now, the carriage is here, Jae. Here, wear this, and don't let go of it no matter what."

Ms. Jang loosen herself from her hug of Jae-ki and started to wipe her eyes.

She then took out the necklace from her pocket and give it to Jae.

Jae-ki was shocked because he know that the necklace was her mother's.

"I'm off now. Thank you for everything until now, please take care of yourselves!"

Jae-ki shouts as he runs in the direction of the carriage.

"Is it the right decision to keep everything from the boy?"

Jino asked Ms. Jang

"Don't bother, I can feel something about that boy. I might be crazy but I think he probably knows everything from the start."

"What? You mean he is conscious when our lady gave birth to him?"

"That pretty makes sense since he did not ask even a single thing regarding his real family."

The two remained dazed and began contemplating.

"Hey, old hag, do you remember the last word of our lady?"

"Yes, and I have no plan to leave here. I will wait until he returns."

"Seems like we both have made the same decision."

Old man Jino grab Ms. Jang by her left shoulder and let her lean her head on him as they witness the carriage looks farther and farther.