
I Have No Affinity?

In this new world of uncertainties, unknown calamities, and yet-to-be-unraveled mysteries, one thing is for sure. Strength is what defines authority and the weak will perish. The destiny that's already been set, is now being revised.

asxenous · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


"Is this your first time going out of Buenoa? It seems like your mind had left your body."

"Huh? Ah, yes, that's right."

"Well, I can't blame you. It's hard to part with something and someone that you have a sentimental attachment with."


Jae-ki nodded and turned his sight outside. The carriage is once again filled with silence. Jae can't help but worry about what awaits him in the provincial capital.

The carriage stopped with the whistling wind and the rustling sound of falling leaves.

"We're here, young man."

Jae-ki comes out of the carriage and cannot help but be in awe. He spent a few seconds standing in front of the entrance before deciding to enter.

"Please, line up for inspection.."

Jae-ki followed the other people who line up for the inspection.

'Wow, the front gate looks so expensive already."

Jae-ki remains speechless. It can't be helped since this is his first time in Alentoria, the southeast provincial capital of the Empire.

Busy people can be seen all over the place. A market filled with a variety of products, foods, equipment, orbs, and some sort of unidentifiable objects.

"First I need to find that place."

"Uhm, excuse me. May I ask for direction to the-----"

Jae-ki was interrupted by the sudden commotion nearby.

"What's happening?"

The people start to panic, stampede is inevitable.

Jae-ki who is unaware of what's happening did not react at all.

"Hey mister, what is happening?"

"Probably another monster invasion."


"Everyone please calm down. The imperial force will soon arrive."

After a few seconds, a group of people appeared on the scene. They are fully equipped from top to bottom. Jae-ki witnessed the imperial force fight the monsters both outside and within.

The imperial force easily crushed the low-classified monsters in less than an hour.

"Are those goblins?"

Jae-ki meant to ask the mister from earlier.

"Yeah, and those humanoid-like monsters that can fly are called dracos."

Jae-ki looks in the direction of the person who answered his question. Their eyes met.

"Yo, I am Hoon."

The unfamiliar person said as he offer his hand for a handshake.

Jae-ki did not respond and he ignore the young man. Jae-ki then walks away.

"This punk."

Hoon whispered.

"Aren't you looking for the Alentoria Institution for Scholars?"

Jae-ki stopped walking and immediately return to shake the hand of Hoon.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jae-ki."

"This bastard, really."

Hoon whispered.

"Since I am also heading there, wanna go together?"

Jae-ki nodded to express agreement. Jae-ki is actually quite shy around people of his age since he never had any friends back in Buenoa.

"I don't know if the cat got your tongue, but I hope you'll talk when I ask you in the future."

Hoon groans as he scratches the back part of his head.

They finally arrived at the front door of the building.

"You ready?" Hoon asked

"Uhm" Jae replied then nod his head

Hoon looks so pissed.

They proceed inside and inquire about the entrance test.

"The test will consist of conjuring a spell, a battle with dummies, and an elemental affinity test."

"Will you take the test now or tomorrow? For your information, tomorrow will be the last day of entrance testing and failure to do so will not be considered."

The woman personnel stated. Hoon asks Jae-ki for his thoughts.

Being able to live with Ms. Jang who can conjure and is quite knowledgeable about magic, Jae-ki receives sufficient training and proper utilizing of mana to conjure spells.

I didn't know that those hardships would actually be useful today. Jae-ki thought.

Old man Jino actually knew that this day would come so he molded Jae-ki into a fine warrior by forcing him to learn different weapons and combat styles daily.

It sounds great but it was the total opposite, those days are somewhat like punishments.

Oh, Gods and Goddesses please pardon my past life mistakes if there are even any.

"Hey, hey wake up..."

"Ah, yes I'll take the test today."

"Look at you spacing out again... Did you even eat your breakfast today?" Hoon worriedly asked

"Anyway, we'll do the tests today."

"Affirmative, please proceed to the next room."

The only thing that bothers Jae-ki is his elemental affinity. Once a person started absorbing mana from the surroundings through depth concentration and breathing techniques, some of the bubbles that one visualizes as it enters the body will assume the color of the person's strongest elemental affinity. Red for fire, green for wind, blue for water, and brown for the earth.

However, that wasn't the case for Jae-ki, the mana bubbles remain colorless from the time it enters his body up until he completely digests them into his mana core. That being said, his mana core has been colorless ever since.

Hoon took the evaluation first. Hoon demonstrated a splendid performance by conjuring a fireball and an earthquake as the first test and then taking down 36/50 dummies within two minutes.

"Please place your palm on this crystal monolith and insert 25% of your mana to begin the evaluation."

Hoon started emitting mana from the palm of his right hand. As soon as he finishes inserting mana into the monolith, a red and brown sphere-like structure was slowly formed and begin revolving with each other.

"Alright, that's all for today please wait for the result."

Said the examiner. Hoon walks out of the room and immediately boasts his dual-elemental affinity to Jae-ki.

Jae-ki ignored him as he celebrate like an idiot in front of so many people.

"Examinee Jae-ki, please proceed to the evaluation room. I repeat examinee Jae-ki, please proceed to the evaluation room. Thank you"

Jae-ki started walking toward the evaluation room.

"Please conjure your basic spells."

Jae-ki took a deep breath, open his two hands, close his eyes, and conjured four basic spells in one spell-cast.