
I Have Legendary Farming Space Ring

Alex, an ordinary man from Earth, led a mundane life until he chanced upon a chest on the island of Java. Inside the chest, he discovered an assortment of random items, including a book about plants. Despite working as a bank clerk, Alex had previously pursued agricultural studies, and armed with the knowledge from the ancient book, he eagerly began assisting his family in improving their plantation. However, his imagination was ignited by online novel stories, prompting him to experiment by dripping his blood onto each item in the chest, hoping for a mystical response. Unfortunately, his efforts yielded no extraordinary results. On his way back home to aid his family with the farm, Alex was involved in an accident. When he regained consciousness, he found himself inhabiting the stout body of another person, who possessed a limp leg and a stump for a right hand. Initially confused, Alex soon uncovered the truth—that the original owner of this body had been a former soldier entangled in the criminal underworld. This unfortunate soul had served as a lackey to the underworld boss for an extended period before being unjustly framed. In a coerced act, the body's owner had signed off the transfer of a failing farm to clear someone else's name. Motivated by a sense of justice and an eagerness to reunite with his own family, Alex made the decision to return to the hometown of the body's original owner. There, he would take up the challenge of cultivating the land alongside his newfound family, navigating the complexities of their circumstances. Thankfully, Alex discovered that he possessed a magical ring that held the potential to ease his journey. With this ring, he hoped for a more comfortable existence. Little did he know that his path would be strewn with various challenges that would test his resilience and preparedness. Each obstacle he encountered would push him to his limits, forcing him to tap into his inner strength and adapt to the circumstances he faced.

Ampas_Tahu · Urbano
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124 Chs

Clarify Debt

Chapter 15

Lily and Lilith were filled with fear as Baka showed no signs of stopping. He seemed to enjoy seeing others in trouble and exaggerated his actions for that purpose.

Aaron and Jeff frowned, feeling uncomfortable with the way they were treating the Russell family. They knew that Russell was only trapped and it bothered them to think about it.

Despite the rumors of Russell being a cripple, insiders knew that his body was far from useless. He could still hold his own against strong opponents in the system, which made these people nervous and hired many "bodyguards."

"Do you even understand the weight of owing millions? Blame your husband for getting himself into such massive debt!" Baka continued to shout relentlessly.

Just as Lilith and Lily were on the verge of tears, the sound of a car approaching caught their attention.

A burly man with a tattoo and only one arm appeared, commanding the attention of everyone present. His presence seemed to evoke a slight sense of fear and unease in their hearts.

It was Alex, who had come home expecting to see the joyful faces of his wife and child after giving them some nice gifts. Instead, he found several burly strangers he didn't want to see, and his family looked terrified.

Looking at his daughter with a guilty expression, Alex then turned his displeased gaze to the foreigners.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a cold tone.

The three figures of Aaron, Jeff, and Baka, along with the burly people around, were not happy with Alex's words, but none of them made a sound for some reason.

"I ask once again, what are you doing in my house? If you guys are not kind, don't blame me for being cruel!" Alex's words sounded normal at the beginning, but when he said the last word, he slightly raised his voice, which made people even more scared for some reason.

Baka, who had been boasting confidently, then thought to himself, "Is this Russell a retired soldier? His momentum is quite strong! He deserves to be a war king in the army..."

While everyone was silent, Alex was about to say a few more words.

Seeing that they were being passive and that it wouldn't solve the problem, Aaron took the initiative to step forward. "Cough. Mr. Greenfield introduced me, Aaron Smith, as a contractor and vendor for the development of Mary's farm. I want to inform you that Mary's farm still has debts with contractors and vendors," he replied smoothly and calmly, despite feeling slightly scared in his heart.

Alex frowned slightly upon hearing this. He thought the bank debt was a lot, but now it turns out there is additional debt.

Seeing Alex's silence, Jeff couldn't help but explain as well. "Cough. Mr. Greenfield introduced me, Jeff Williams, as a staff member of the tax bureau. I'm also here to let you know that Mary's farm still has unpaid taxes."

Alex could only shake his head helplessly. It seems that these people have gone too far.

He never had any contact with these people before, and he had no intention of seeking revenge for what happened to Russell. But who would have thought they would keep suppressing him again and again?

With this, Alex looked at Baka with a stern expression. "And you?" he asked.

"I, Baka Johnson from the bank, state that Mary's farm still owes us 1.8 million dollars!" Baka confidently spat out the numbers and words.

Alex nodded and replied casually, "Okay, I want to see the debt contract and related documents."

This surprised everyone who had come. They had expected Alex to be angry or react differently. After all, it was common knowledge that the debt was not his responsibility from the beginning.

Nonetheless, they provided the relevant documents to Alex, even though they were confused. At least it seemed like Alex was willing to pay.

For contractors and vendors, there is still 30% of unpaid wages, amounting to approximately 200,000 dollars. Additionally, there is the material cost to consider. Then for taxes worth approximately 150,000 dollars. And finally, the bank's debt is 1.8 million dollars as previously mentioned.

At least Alex has to pay off a debt of about 200,000 dollars a month in twelve months.

Alex then nodded and said lightly.

Alex nodded and said lightly, "I will try to pay on time every month—"

"Don't even try. This debt is nothing. You have to be able to pay, otherwise, you will be fined!" Baka interrupted Alex's words, displaying his arrogance.

People around who witnessed this cursed Baka for his behavior.

Alex nodded calmly and then smiled, "Fine, I will repay the debt every month. But you guys have to remember one thing: no more behavior like this will happen next time. If I find out that you are troubling my family to the point of putting them in danger… don't blame me for being cruel."

As Alex spoke, his friendly smile gradually turned into a sinister one, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

Those people in black with burly bodies even promised in their hearts that they would not come to this place again to make trouble. Baka, who heard the threat from the other party's words, could only snort. Among the three people who collected debts, he was the only one who knew and was friends with the people who framed Alex.

With this, Baka naturally didn't think much of Alex, as he believed he had a stronger backer than this lone outcast in front of him.

"Meanwhile, Aaron and Jeff nodded, naturally not wanting to offend the devil in front of them. After a few more words, the guys left. With those people gone, Alex no longer thought about the debt that was hanging over his head. "200,000 dollars a month? Tch, mister, I already make a hundred thousand dollars in a day. Don't fuss over that little money!" he sneered inwardly.

When Alex finished sneering, he could see that his wife and child were already crying silently. "Eh, you two, don't cry, just relax. As long as Dad is here, no one will dare to disturb you." Lilith, who heard this, might have calmed down a bit, but Lily seemed even more anxious.

"Over two million dollars in debt? Where will the money come from to pay?" she wondered.

Seeing his wife's anxiety, Alex took the initiative to explain. "Ah Lily, don't worry, you don't need to think about it, I have a way to pay off the debt."

"Have a way? What way?" asked Lily, a little emotional.

Alex hastily showed the balance on his cell phone. "Look at this balance, it was 60,000 dollars, but now only this much is left because I bought fertilizer and seeds. This money was earned only by selling the vegetables from my father's garden."

"Dad's garden vegetables?" Lily looked puzzled. "3000 pounds at most can only be sold for 7000 dollars, but why can her husband sell 60,000 dollars? That's improved a lot!"

Seeing his wife's disbelieving gaze, Alex explained, but not in detail. "There are many secrets in the border, and I accidentally found a broken ancient formula to make vegetables and fruits better. Therefore, I can sell vegetables at a high price. Later, I will give it a try there and see how the vegetables I have made turn out."

Even though Alex's words still sounded a little strange, Lily could only nod in agreement since that was all she could do."

"Have you guys eaten?"

"Not yet..." Lilith said, still feeling sad. He originally wanted to eat, but encountering the terrifying scene earlier left him with little appetite.

"Ahh, then that's good. Daddy brought lots of food and stuff for you guys. Let's get it out of the truck!"

Lily, who heard this, was slightly suspicious.

"Didn't you say that you bought seeds and fertilizer? Why do we have food and goods now instead?"

"Hehehe, this didn't cost much, my dear," Alex replied playfully.

Then the family went to the pick-up truck, only to find random things filling the back of the car as well as the co-pilot's quarters.

"Isn't this a lot? We still owe millions and you are still spending money!" Lily exclaimed worriedly.

"Ah no-no, this is for Mom and Dad, and you guys. It's a one-time purchase," Alex quibbled.

After that, the three family members helped each other out with lots of things to put in the house.

After having a meal with his family, Alex went up the mountain to clean up his farm, using his space ring ability to quickly get rid of the weeds as he did the previous day. By afternoon, 2/10 of the fruit farm's area was cleared of grass and weeds.

Next, Alex watered every acre of land with the water stored in the ring, just like the previous day. As he completed these tasks, Alex couldn't help but think about something else.

"Looks like I have to create a lake inside the space ring…" With this idea in mind, Alex had a lot of plans. In his free time, he could plant seeds in the ring and even consider raising animals there.

Alex aimed to create a self-sufficient wild ecology within his space ring, where even things like flies, mosquitoes, or seemingly unimportant creatures could serve a purpose when needed.

While Alex contemplated the possibilities for the space ring, he received a call from the station boss.

"Hello, oh is the boss nearby? Can you come to Mary's farm?"

Shortly after, a large freight truck arrived. When it stopped, a familiar, fat middle-aged figure stepped out with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Greenfield."

"Ahhh, hello, Mr. Greenthumb. It's kind of you to deliver the fertilizer yourself."

"Ahh, no-no, it's no trouble at all. I also wanted to thank you for the report."

"Ahh, is that so?"

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