
Night together (2) [edited]

With the tranquil night, cool wind can be felt passing through. The light that came from the moon into the glassed wall reflected inside the darkroom as the two silhouettes gave out an intimate shadow. As one could see, two men are in an ambiguous position.

"hot…uhhh..so hot," the woman in a man's clothes said and it was Austin.

Austin saw a man's shadow and went closer as she felt the man's skin, she shivered and took the man's clothes off. The man opened his eyes and saw Austin's cute face despite being disguised as a man as she was facing him, as the light imitating from the moon was facing to Austin and the man was no other than Chris.

Chris saw Austin's expression he tried to dodge Austin but because of them being intoxicated, Chris could not help but claim Austin's lips. He then laid Austin to the bed and took off his clothes.

Clothes are thrown all over the floor and if one would look closely, the other party is not a man but a woman whose chest was covered with a bandage to make the chest looked like a man. Chris had not paid any attention as he was not in his usual self due to the alcohol and the drug that was secretly been added beside all he knew was he badly need to let it out and his junior had erected.

Both of them spend the night hot and wild that Chris did not even realize that the man he was holding now had his disguised taken off and Chris was now fucking a woman, not a man.

Chris was awoken by the rays of the sun. He stared at the ceiling for a while and felt the throbbing of his head from the hungover and the memories from last night came to him. He jolted and looked around to find the man and woman who he believed that he had sexed with last night. Only to find no one at all. He flipped the comforter and found bloodstains in the bedsheets.

Confused. He asked himself, "She was a virgin?"

Chris was shocked that he had deflowered someone he did not know. He quickly reaches out for his phone and quickly called Liam.

[yes hello. How was your night Chris, ahahaha]

Liam said as soon as he answered the call. It only made Chris fuming mad but held it all. He took a deep breath and asked

"who is she?"

Liam took a while before answered in a confused tone.

[who are you referring to Chris?]

"the one you arrange last night. Who is she?"

[man. I did not send any lady at all it was just you and Austin]

Chris frowns at Liam's answer and hung up. He then called his assistant.

"look for the CCTV footage and find out who came in and out in room 809 last night and this morning in a hotel near the dead rabbit give me the copy after fifteen minutes."

He then hung up the call right after.

No woman? Huh! Did they take me as an easy target? Then who would that woman be? Don't tell me that Austin guy was a woman then.

Chris sneered at the thought of Austin being a woman.

On the other side, Austin was dazed in front of the mirror in her room.

It was gone. It was gone. He took it. What am I going to do if I get pregnant? How am I going to live on being a man if I will be pregnant? How will I face uncle Jonathan who raised me?

Austin heaved a sigh and told herself.

"Wu Jie Shi don't worry. It's not like it is common to be impregnated after a one night stand."

As she consoled herself.

A month had passed and what Austin had feared had happened. At first, she was denying to herself and disregarded the sudden changes in her sleeping order. Since she sleeps more than usual and she always looked for ice cream and peaches and would throw up if she smelled an onion. Even Jonathan Howard was in doubt about her recent actions and took a note to his mind.

Jonathan hadn't married despite his old age as he was worried that he may bring danger to his family due to his line of work. Being a soldier may look honorable to others, but it was very dangerous as to why he taught Wu JingShi everything he had learned in the military. He was very happy as he considered Wu JingShi as his daughter. But was also worried about her future with him. Since he had no assurance that every time he had an assignment he could come back safe and alive. As there is still a war that was caused by other countries. Many terrorists had infiltrated the country.

Nine months had passed and Austin took a year left to the university as no one knew that he was a she. All this time, the Howard family gave support to Austin and took extra care of her.

She gave birth to a boy whose facial features were almost identical to Chris. She named him Wu Fin and Jonathan called him Xander as Alexander Howard was his English name.

Austin and Howard lived a peaceful life and Austin graduated as a Computer Engineer in Rochester Institute of Technology - Rochester, New York.

Austin was now working in the Automotive industry. She was doing great and got a promotion in her job as a Senior Distribution Engineer. Her typical day in work was in-field inspections, engineering and development of design packages for construction crews, and performing administrative tasks, planning, and/or customer follow-up PDSLINE.

All was going well but she decided to resign and go back to China. Her supervisors rejected her resignation letter and were instead given her a notice for relocation and she will be sent to its subsidiary company in china.

Two days before her flight schedule, the Howard family gave a farewell and congratulatory party for Wu JingShi and Wu Fin.

Wu JingShi cried like a baby to Jonathan's arms and the whole Howard family teased Jonathan that his baby will be married and still want to cry to its father's arms.

"I am off to work not to get married!" Wu JingShi retorted and it just made the Howard family burst in laughter.


Wu JingShi had awoken from her dazed as her phone. It was a reminder for her to pick up Uncle Jonathan at the airport. Wu JingShi took her phone and went up. The basement room was connected to her room. She changed her clothes first and went out to pick up her son before going to the airport.

Wu JingShi wears a white turtle neck and denim skinny jeans paired by a gray Lauren Ralf Lauren wool Blend Reefer Coat and Halogen Wool Blend Beret.

The mother and son caught the attention of the masses as Wu JingShi stood out with her beauty and Wu Fin's handsome features. The crowd had one thought in mind.

That kid will be more handsome when he grows up.