
I have become the Child Emperor

A man finds himself inside the body of the Child Emperor from the world of Akame Ga Kill. With this unexpected twist of fate, he now possesses the ability to influence the Empire's future. Will he use his newfound power to bring about positive changes, or will his actions inadvertently lead to the Empire's downfall? [FAIR WARNING: I'd like to point out that this story will mostly prioritize the ripple effects caused by the MC's decisions. Chapters in which the main character is involved might be few and far between.] Get advanced chapters below↓↓↓ https://www.patreon.com/Support_Five

Support_Five · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 8

It has been a few days since I found myself in the body of Child Emperor Makoto in the Akame Ga Kill world. The initial shock of this sudden change took a while to wear off, but spending most of my time alone in my room helped me cope. It wasn't that I couldn't leave, it's just that the doctors advised me to remain in bed and heal up, and General Budo urged me to follow their instructions.

As the days passed, I realized that the memories I had found in the void were that of the child emperor. I'm grateful to be alive but being in the Akame Ga Kill world wasn't exactly my first choice. If I had been given the option, I would have preferred a slice-of-life anime or Fairy Tale, mostly because of Erza, but that's beside the point.

I have met with 3 people who I remember from the show - Great General Budo, Prime Minister Honest, and Doctor Stylish. All I can say is that they look similar to their anime counterparts, but not exactly a perfect carbon copy. It was quite an interesting experience to be had. Doctor Stylish, in particular, couldn't stop bragging that it was his medicine that helped wake up the emperor. He brags about it quite often in front of my doctors and seems to relish in their defeat.

Something I knew wasn't quite the true. I know it was that light that brought me out of the "lock-in syndrome" I was experiencing while I was already in the body of the child emperor. No wonder I could hear them on occasion. I was conscious back then, but I couldn't move my body nor open my eyes. Perhaps it was a mixture of that final burst of light and Stylish's drug that resulted in me being fully conscious, but who knows really.

In the last few days, I have often found myself contemplating why that burst of light brought me here. Perhaps it was a benevolent force that wanted me to have a better life, or maybe it wanted me to fix the empire's problems. The latter of which is going to be quite an undertaking, as I now find myself in the midst of rebellions, corruption, and political struggles that I must navigate in order to restore the empire to its former glory. The Prime Minister, in particular, is at the top of my list of priorities that I must take care of if I am to succeed.

It's intriguing to see how the Prime Minister operates. In the memories of the child emperor, Honest is a good man who helped him in moments of loneliness. But now that I know the truth, I can see that the Prime Minister is an expert at manipulation. He can play the role of a trustworthy ally in one moment and then stab you in the back for power in the next. It's likely that the previous emperor and empress died because they trusted the Prime Minister too much and failed to see through his facade.

As I lay in bed, contemplating my next moves, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. How could I, a fresh graduate, possibly navigate this complex world of politics and power struggles?

Besides the internal problems of the Empire, there was also the Revolutionary Army that I needed to worry about. As a man of the 21st century, I know their cause is justified. The Empire is just too corrupt now for ordinary citizens to have a good life. Addressing this issue is one of my top priorities, and I need to find a way to balance the needs of the people with the stability of the government.

"What a mess", I told myself as I looked at the notebook in my hand.

The notebook contains all the things I remember from the Akame Ga Kill world. While resting, I had also written things down in English for security reasons. I have to thank the memories of Emperor Makoto, without which I wouldn't be able to function in this world. The language barrier alone would have hindered me from taking any actions.

I was suddenly taken out of my own musing when I heard a knock at my door.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty. I brought your breakfast."

"Come on in", I replied.

The door to my room opened and I could see a beautiful girl carrying a tray of food with her. She was dressed like those traditional maid servant's attire of the British Nobility of the past. It consisted of a white blouse with a high neckline and long sleeves, a black skirt that fell just above the ankles, and sensible black shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun.

Accompanying the maid was a physician and two Imperial Guards, the latter monitoring both the maid and the physician for any sudden threats to my person.

"I brought eggs, bacon, and bread, Your Majesty", the maid said as she placed the tray of food on my bed.

"Thank you," I replied as I looked at the food before me. It was a stack of golden-brown toast, a perfectly cooked sunny-side-up egg, and a pile of crispy bacon.

I took a bite of the toast, savoring the crunch of the crust and the soft, buttery center. The eggs were cooked to perfection, with a runny yolk that mixed perfectly with the bacon. And the bacon was crisp and salty, just the way I liked it. Damn, the food here truly tastes great. Being the child emperor truly has its perks sometimes.

"Your Majesty, you need to take this medicine after finishing your meal. It contains vitamins that will help strengthen your body," the doctor stated as he placed a small container of pills on my tray of food.

"Thank you, doctor. I will make sure to take them," I replied with a smile, feeling grateful for the care that I received since I woke up. The void had made me appreciate the simple things in life, such as a good meal and proper medical attention.

"Please tell my compliments to the chef".

The maid gave a smile and replied, "He would be happy to hear your praise, Your Majesty".

After taking my medicine and finishing my meal, I stood up from my bed and walked towards the window. From there, I could see the bustling capital with its numerous houses and people going about their daily lives. I realized that every decision I make could impact them, either positively or negatively. Looking up, I saw the clear blue sky and let out a sigh.

This life is not about me anymore. Somehow, I have found myself in a world where I have to bear a heavy responsibility even if I like it or not.

With a sense of determination, I told myself, "I don't know where you are, child emperor, but I vow to keep this empire from falling with everything I have. I will change our fate and ensure that the legacy of Emperor Makoto lives on for another 1000 years. I will become the new Emperor Makoto and secure your place in history."

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