
I Have Become a Capable Servant for the Villain

In a twist of fate, Elena transmigrates into the novel she once read. Embracing her new identity as Seraphine, a young slave designated to be a side character, she will be killed by her master, the villain of the story. However, She is not alone. She comes with a special Ai assistant named Alice who could help her change her future and overcome all her struggles. Seraphine must also come to terms with the unexpected twists that the story has taken, both as a result of her actions and the unknown surprises awaiting her. The world is set in a medieval to renaissance era with magics and inconsistent technologies. All rolled up into one adventure, from slice-of-life moments to comedy, fantasy, romance, action, and Academy. I hope anyone reading this has fun and enjoys the journey! If you are worried that the main character might remain a servant and be weak, rest assured that she will gradually grow stronger and attain a higher status in the future! The story's early part focuses on the character's relationship development, but it slowly gets more detailed and reveals the world's secret. Since I'm not too fond of lore dumps, and I am pretty sure you don't like it. Publication date 2/7/2023 *** Disclaimer: This is also the first novel I wrote in English; you guys can comment or give suggestions if you want to support me : )

NewbieJimjim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
126 Chs


Seraphine felt a mix of anxiety and guilt wash over her as she met Damian's gaze. She knew she had gone against his orders by venturing into the dungeon alone, and now she had to face the consequences of her actions.

"I'm sorry, young master," Seraphine replied, her voice soft but filled with sincerity. "I was reckless in entering the dungeon alone, but I had my reasons for doing so." Her eyes pleaded with Damian, hoping he would understand the depth of her conviction.

There was a brief silence as Damian processed her response, his expression unreadable. Seraphine could feel the weight of his gaze upon her, the tension in the room almost palpable. It was difficult to discern his true emotions, whether he was angry or merely discontent.

Finally, Damian broke the silence. "Seraphine, your safety is of utmost importance to me," he stated firmly, his voice a mixture of concern and sternness. "I cannot have you putting yourself at unnecessary risk. It worries me greatly."

Seraphine's heart sank as she heard the disappointment in Damian's voice. She had hoped for understanding, but she knew she had let him down. This made her feel even worse than if he had been angry with her, as the disappointment cut much deeper. She looked down at the floor, unable to meet his gaze, and tried to justify her actions to herself.

"Please give me a chance, young master.' Seraphine lowered her gaze, her voice filled with remorse. 'I understand my actions went against your orders and caused you distress, but I truly did this for you.' She looked up at him, hoping to gain his understanding and forgiveness, but knew it may not be easy.

Seraphine reached into her pocket and retrieved the small crimson crystal. She held it delicately in her palm, its vibrant glow catching Damian's attention. Curiosity sparked in his eyes, and he gestured for her to continue, giving her the opportunity to explain.

With a deep breath, Seraphine began recounting the events that had unfolded in the depths of the dungeon. She described the purification process she had undertaken, her encounter with the demonic heart, and the transformation it had undergone into the crystal she now held. Every detail was laid out before Damian, painting a vivid picture of the risks she had taken and the efforts she had made to protect and purify the artifact.

As Seraphine's words reached their conclusion, Damian's expression shifted from initial surprise to a deep understanding. He had initially harbored thoughts of severe punishment for the knights who had failed in their duty to protect her, but Seraphine's explanation gave him a new perspective. He realized that they were powerless in the face of the challenges she had faced alone.

In Damian's mind, a sense of awe and respect began to grow for Seraphine. He admired her unwavering determination and the bravery she had displayed in the face of danger. It was a quality he had not fully recognized in her before, and it elevated her in his eyes.

"Seraphine," Damian spoke softly, his gaze fixed on the crimson crystal. "I cannot express how impressed I am by your courage and dedication. You have gone beyond what I could have ever expected."

Seraphine's eyes widened in surprise at his words. She had not anticipated such a reaction from Damian. In that moment, she understood the weight of her actions and how they had resonated with him.

Taking a deep breath, Seraphine laid the crimson crystal on the table before Damian. Her voice carried a mixture of gratitude and excitement as she spoke, "Sir Damian, this crystal is also for you. I have purified it, removing all contamination. It is now completely safe for you to possess."

Seraphine went on to explain the potential of the crystal, how it held overwhelming power that could enhance Damian's presence in aristocratic circles. She revealed that not only the crystal but also the other treasures from the dungeon were at his disposal.

Damian's eyes widened as he absorbed her words, the significance of the gift sinking in. He couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness and sacrifice Seraphine had demonstrated. The weight of her actions brought an unexpected surge of gratitude and happiness, nearly bringing tears to his eyes.

"Thank you, Seraphine," Damian said sincerely, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. A warm smile graced his face, radiating a happiness and contentment that Seraphine had never seen before. In that moment, Damian's true emotions were laid bare, and it was a sight that touched her deeply.

" It seems he looks very charming when he smiles, doesn't he " Alice suddenly talks in Seraphine mind once again.

Seraphine was taken aback when Alice suddenly spoke to her in her mind, making her startle slightly. Despite this, she couldn't help but blush at Alice's words, finding Damian's charming smile indeed endearing.

"Well, at least our hard work has paid off," Seraphine admitted, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She was relieved that her efforts had not been in vain, and that they had the potential to greatly change her future. Even so, there was still a question that nagged at her.

Should she ask Damian to grant her freedom for what she had done? Despite the risk of being punished if he refused, the possibility of gaining her freedom was too tantalizing to ignore. She knew it was a gamble, but one she felt she had to take.

" Seraphine, I recommend you take another look at Damian," Alice suggested, her voice laced with a mischievous tone. Seraphine's gaze shifted towards Damian, and her eyes widened in surprise. Gone was the cold and hostile expression she had once known. Instead, his face radiated contentment and warmth, his eyes filled with a newfound gentleness.

A faint blush tinted Seraphine's cheeks as she realized the change in Damian's demeanor. Alice's words resonated in her mind, confirming what her heart had started to believe. Damian's feelings for her had grown, and it seemed that she no longer needed to worry about her place in the mansion. He would cherish her and not abandon her.

Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Seraphine turned her attention back to Alice. "I suppose staying by Damian's side would be beneficial for both of us," she mused, a small smile gracing her lips. The uncertainty and fear that had once plagued her had transformed into a glimmer of hope and security.

Alice's eyes twinkled with amusement as she continued, her teasing tone evident. "Moreover, I have the opportunity to observe your relationship with Damian. It's quite entertaining from my perspective, I must say. [໒(⊙ᴗ⊙)७✎▤] "

Seraphine's cheeks flushed even deeper, a mixture of embarrassment and excitement flooding her being. She couldn't deny the joy she felt in knowing that Alice, her faithful companion, found amusement in their blossoming connection.