
I Have Become a Capable Servant for the Villain

In a twist of fate, Elena transmigrates into the novel she once read. Embracing her new identity as Seraphine, a young slave designated to be a side character, she will be killed by her master, the villain of the story. However, She is not alone. She comes with a special Ai assistant named Alice who could help her change her future and overcome all her struggles. Seraphine must also come to terms with the unexpected twists that the story has taken, both as a result of her actions and the unknown surprises awaiting her. The world is set in a medieval to renaissance era with magics and inconsistent technologies. All rolled up into one adventure, from slice-of-life moments to comedy, fantasy, romance, action, and Academy. I hope anyone reading this has fun and enjoys the journey! If you are worried that the main character might remain a servant and be weak, rest assured that she will gradually grow stronger and attain a higher status in the future! The story's early part focuses on the character's relationship development, but it slowly gets more detailed and reveals the world's secret. Since I'm not too fond of lore dumps, and I am pretty sure you don't like it. Publication date 2/7/2023 *** Disclaimer: This is also the first novel I wrote in English; you guys can comment or give suggestions if you want to support me : )

NewbieJimjim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
126 Chs


After the culmination of the treatment, Adrain gradually elevated himself, propping his form upon the plump pillow. His visage exhibited a marked improvement, a manifestation of a complete recovery, rendering him the picture of restored health.

"Father!" Adelaide's pace quickened as she closed the distance to Adrain, her countenance a tapestry of concern and relief interwoven. No matter how poised she had endeavored to be in the moments preceding, the swell of her emotions proved overpowering.

Tears streamed unrestrained upon Adrain's body as she embraced him, her sobs finding solace against the canvas of his chest. His hand moved in a soothing arc, a gesture to pacify the storm within her.

Seraphine's gaze settled upon the fruit of her arduous labor, a quiet satisfaction unfurling within her. Though this endeavor demanded a reservoir of mental energy and concentration surpassing even that which had been required for the purification of the demonic heart, her constitution and prowess had withstood the trial, leaving her only mildly fatigued.

As Seraphine observed Adrain's comforting ministrations, consoling Adelaide as her tears flowed unabated, Mariana embarked upon an approach, her countenance a tapestry of gravitas, its intentions elusive to Seraphine's perception.

With a gentle exhalation, Mariana inclined her head, a gesture of profound reverence accorded to those of elevated noble standing.

"I offer my sincerest apologies for any past indiscretions. My gratitude for your aid in my husband's recovery knows no bounds,"

With a genuine expression, marked by the glistening tears in her eyes, Mariana's gratitude for Adrain's recovery was evident.

"Accepting her now, Mother?" Damian's teasing remark held a hint of sarcasm, yet it carried his true approval. The jest didn't last, fading amidst the camaraderie in the room.

"I..." Mariana hesitated, regret visible on her face, a sign of her remorse for how she treated Seraphine in the past.

"Just joking. A positive relationship between us is a good thing, right?" Damian's tone shifted from playful to sincere, his hand resting gently on Seraphine's shoulder.

"Yes," a soft smile appeared on Seraphine's lips, radiating calm amidst them all, "Together, with unity and strength, we'll be alright."

Amidst the jubilation over the successful treatment, Iris's abrupt clap garnered everyone's attention, pulling their focus back to her.

"Seraphine, your abilities are truly remarkable," Iris began with a solemn demeanor, yet again demanding attention for a matter of urgency. Seraphine couldn't help but wonder about the nature of this new concern.

"However, our task is not complete yet," Iris continued, her expression unwavering, causing Seraphine to anticipate what might come next.

"We need to convene and discuss the entire incident with the Emperor and the Crowned Prince. Seraphine, Marquis Adrain, and Damian will come with me," Iris declared, her tone firm as she outlined the situation.

However, Mariana, concerned for Adrain's well-being so soon after his recovery, mustered an objection, only to be met with a chilling glare from Iris. The gaze was enough to quell any further protest. Mariana understood she should remain silent.

"Can you rise, Marquis Adrain?" Iris turned her attention to the still-recovering Adrain, lying in bed. Despite his lingering fatigue, Adrain recognized the weight of Iris's presence. He knew better than to defy her wishes.

"Yes, I can..," Adrain replied, acknowledging both Iris's authority and his own sense of duty. Though renowned as a skilled swordmaster, Adrain sensed a powerful aura emanating from Iris—wrought from her experiences and wisdom.

"Prepare yourselves. I'll be waiting outside with Seraphine and Damian." Iris concluded, swiftly casting her dimensional magic to transport Seraphine and Damian to her alternate realm. Seraphine found herself in a familiar room, the one where Seraphine and Iris had first met in the imperial capital. This time, however, the table was bare, void of any tea or pastries.

"Why the rush, Miss Iris?" Damian inquired, his hand against his head as he struggled to shake off the dizziness from the sudden transportation.

"This is quite urgent since I believe we should discuss the aftermath of the battle," Iris responded, her demeanor as serious as ever.

"Could you enlighten us about what transpired after we lost consciousness?" Seraphine posed the question that had been on their minds.

"As you are aware, Count Gable perished, along with his subordinates, silenced by a spell to conceal the events," Iris divulged.

"And the estate? His family?" Damian's curiosity pressed on, given his awareness of Count Gable's kin.

Iris paused, then answered, "They met the same fate. It appears the Blood Demon Art was employed, mirroring the tactics of other Chaos members. The mansion and all its contents were incinerated, leaving us with scarce information."

The gravity of the situation settled upon the trio like a heavy shroud, shadows of the recent turmoil still looming large.

"What... I remember his children were still very young... This is utterly appalling," Damian expressed, his disbelief palpable at the news he had just received.

Although the innocence of Count Gable's family could not be established with certainty, the absence of any trace of demonic energy in his wife and child, as Iris had discovered, leaned toward their likely innocence. It was indeed a tragic turn of events.

The atmosphere grew somber, catching Seraphine off guard. She hadn't expected Count Gable's actions to extend to such extremes in order to safeguard the secrets of the Chaos Order.

"Nonetheless, there's something we managed to salvage from the remains of the mansion," Iris continued, her explanation piquing the curiosity of both Seraphine and Damian.

"Firstly, we ascertained that Count Gable held a position as one of the elder members of the Chaos Order. However, disconcertingly, he was the lowest-ranking elder among them," Iris explained.

"Weakest? He nearly killed my father and all of us. Are there others who are even more powerful?" Damian's incredulity echoed through the room, struggling to reconcile the notion of Count Gable being the weakest among them.

"I shared the same astonishment. Oddly enough, every piece of information, every detail and name pertaining to the higher-ranking elders has been obliterated. Only Count Gable's name remains, and his rank is noted as seventh," Iris elaborated.

"So, there are seven individuals even more formidable than the Count Gable we faced?" Seraphine sought to clarify.

"Yes, and this tally doesn't even encompass the figure referred to as the 'master,' whom they mention. My suspicion leads me to believe that this 'master' could very well be the second anomaly that infiltrated this world, introducing various martial arts to the Chaos Order," Iris expounded, her voice tinged with analytical thought.

"This is truly concerning," Seraphine uttered, a veil of disbelief shrouding her words as she grappled with the gravity of Iris's revelations. The reimagined structure of the Chaos Order seemed to have departed dramatically from the original storyline. It appeared now as an entity of far greater influence and might than had been portrayed in the original narrative.

In the prior rendition, the Chaos Order's power was confined to aiding the primary antagonist, Damian, in his dark ambitions of resurrecting the heavenly demon by employing Damian as a vessel. In stark contrast, the current scenario painted an enigmatic picture of their motives and objectives, casting uncertainty over whether their fundamental goals had undergone any transformation.

"In addition to these revelations, I've also come across other pivotal information," Iris ventured cautiously, her words laced with uncertainty. The documents from which this information stemmed were severely damaged, making the veracity of the content uncertain.

Seraphine and Damian exchanged a glance, their mutual agreement silently conveyed. They nodded in unison, signaling their shared interest in learning what additional insight Iris had gleaned from her findings.

writing till 2am is no joke ngl

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