
I Have A System From Great Demon Asmodeus

[ HAREM/MATURE CONTENT ] [ NO NTR NO NETORI ] The Great Demon Asmodeus gave a system to a man who had no bright future. The man, who had felt hopeless and was about to end his life, returned to live with passion and enthusiasm. Yeah.. and 'that' kinda enthusiasm too •_- . Mike the man who have System from Great Demon Asmodeus only have one mission from the System, "Live as long as he can and get stronger". Mike doesn't know that as the man who was gifted by demon, he should fight against Owner Of Heaven's Blessing, who sent to kill anyone who take the gift from demon. ___ - Cover By AI

Lil_Asmodeus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Beauty From The Beast

Mike's heart raced as he gripped the hilt of his Wakizashi, standing amidst the oppressive darkness of the jungle. Every breath was thick with tension, and the eerie sounds of the forest only heightened his anxiety. This place, isolated and shrouded in mystery, felt alive with danger. And Mike knew he was no longer alone.

A low, guttural growl rumbled from the depths of the jungle. His body tensed as the ground beneath him seemed to tremble with each step the unseen creature took. The thick air became even more stifling, a foul stench of decay reaching Mike's nostrils as something massive stalked closer.

"System," Mike whispered, eyes darting across the trees. "What's out there?"

[ DING ]

[ Cursed Beast detected. A creature afflicted by ancient, dark magic. Its true form lies hidden beneath a curse. This beast is impervious to normal attacks. Only through breaking the curse can Master reveal its true weakness. ]

"Great, another complication." Mike's brow furrowed. "You just love throwing these at me, don't you?"

The beast stepped into the moonlight, its form monstrous and terrifying. Towering over him, it had fur as dark as night, twisted horns that jutted from its head, and eyes glowing with a malevolent red light. Its claws were sharp, dripping with some cursed energy that made the air around them sizzle. This was no ordinary beast; it exuded a malice that was otherworldly.

The cursed beast bared its teeth in a snarl and lunged at Mike, its speed shocking for something of its size. Mike barely had time to roll to the side as the creature's claws ripped through the space where he had stood. He swung his Wakizashi, but the blade barely made a mark on the beast's thick hide, shimmering as though protected by an invisible shield.

"Crap," Mike muttered, scrambling to his feet. "How do I break this damn curse?"

[ DING ]

[ Master must channel Hellfire energy combined with his will to pierce the veil of the curse. Only then can the creature's true form be revealed. ]

"Why do I have to do everything the hard way?" Mike grumbled, focusing inward to summon his power. His hands began to glow with a dark crimson energy, and the Wakizashi in his hand ignited with Hellfire. Flames flickered along the blade, casting an eerie light over the jungle.

The beast roared again, and this time it charged with even greater ferocity. Mike stood his ground, eyes locked on the creature as he prepared for the attack. As the beast lunged at him, claws extended, Mike slashed downward with his Hellfire-imbued Wakizashi. The blade connected, and instead of bouncing off, it cut through the dark aura that surrounded the beast.

A brilliant flash of light erupted from the strike, illuminating the entire jungle. The cursed beast let out an ear-piercing scream as its form began to shift and convulse. Mike stepped back, shielding his eyes from the bright light. When it faded, he blinked in disbelief.

Where the monstrous creature once stood was now a beautiful young woman. Her body was adorned in delicate armor, and her long hair shimmered in the moonlight like strands of silver. She lay unconscious on the forest floor, her breathing shallow but steady.

Mike stared, dumbfounded. "What... the hell?"

[ DING ]

[ The curse has been broken. The Cursed Beast was, in fact, a woman afflicted by ancient magic. Congratulations, Master. You have not only defeated the beast but saved the cursed soul within. ]

Mike cautiously approached the woman, his Wakizashi still glowing faintly with Hellfire energy. He knelt beside her, checking her pulse. She was alive. Relief washed over him as he sheathed his sword.

"So, this whole time, you were trapped in that thing?" Mike muttered, more to himself than to her. He still couldn't fully comprehend what had just happened.

The woman's eyes fluttered open, revealing soft, sky-blue irises. She gazed up at Mike, disoriented but calm.

"Who... who are you?" she whispered weakly.

Mike hesitated. "I'm... Mike. Are you okay?"

She blinked a few times, slowly sitting up with Mike's help. Her hands trembled as she touched her face, then looked at her reflection in a nearby pool of water. Tears welled in her eyes.

"I'm... free," she whispered. "After all these years..."

Mike scratched the back of his head awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "Yeah... I guess I helped with that."

The woman turned to him, her eyes filled with gratitude. "You saved me from the curse. Thank you..."

Mike shrugged, trying to play it cool, though the whole situation felt surreal. "Yeah, no problem. It's what I do, I guess."

She smiled softly, still weak but regaining her strength by the minute. "My name is Seraphina. I was cursed long ago by dark magic, turned into that monstrous form you saw. I don't know how long it's been... but now, because of you, I can finally live again."

Mike stood up, glancing around the dark jungle. "Well, Seraphina, I guess that makes two of us who are trying to figure out how to live again."

She looked up at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

He chuckled. "Let's just say I'm a bit of a work in progress. A former loser turned vigilante. Sounds weird, right?"

Seraphina frowned. "Vig... Virgin?"

"She's wrong and right at same time, damn it," Mike muttered in his mind.

Mike explained what a vigilante mean is to that beautiful woman.

"Oh.. that's good thing right?" Said Seraphina.

Mike nodded, offering her a hand to help her stand. As she took it, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of connection with her. Maybe it was the fact that they both had dark pasts, or maybe it was just the relief of surviving a crazy situation. Either way, he felt... lighter, like the burdens of his old life were beginning to fall away.

"Come on," Mike said. "Let's get out of this jungle. I have a feeling we'll have a lot to talk about."

Seraphina nodded, her strength returning as she stood beside him. Together, they walked through the darkened forest, leaving behind the shadows of the past and stepping into an uncertain but hopeful future.

Boing.... Boing...


Mike couldn't help but glance at Seraphina's chest.