

He was a royalty but he got thrown away because of skill he has

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3 Chs


Ooooohh i have an adventurers guild card i can now hunt monster ah im an F rank adventurer

Ohhhh ms receptionist still shocked of what happened earlier

Ms receptionist: F rankers...can only harvest me...dical plants or help the citizens please follow the rules

Alexander: ummn what rank can fight any monster??

Ms receptionist: you can start killing monster at E rank, and D rank, B rank, you can go to raids and A rank, adventurer can go to dragon raids

Alexander: Woww how about S rank adventurer and Ss rank adventurer

Ms receptionist: S rank adventurer are the highest rank of tthe adventurers guild but Ss rank adventurer are what we call Heroes.

Alexander: Ohhh are there any SSS rank adventurers.

Ms receptionist: There is but it was just a myth, SSS rank adventurers are pared to any gods that is what we called demi human.

Ohhh it can pared to gods its so awesome!!! One day i can be a SSS rank adventurer but now i am just a lowly F rank adventurer i need to rank fast to kill monsters.

Alexander roam around and find any medical herbs while he was roaming on the fores he see an earth dragon [earth dragons are have no wings but still as big of the legendary dragons still there strength is like a normal dragon but their defense is like a mid dragon level].

Ohhh shit that dragon is too big shit i roam too much in the forest but i want to eat that dragon to gain his skills.

Shit the level of that dragon is level 350 but i need kill that guy before it got too close on the town.

Alexander find an opportunity to surprise attack the earth dragon.

Use skill [Form Hide]

I have no presence now i can attack the earth dragon but i need to know what it's weekness use skill [Mind Accellerate]

Ohhh the weakness of that earth dragon is is on the chest he has no protection on his chest.

Use skill [Super speed]

Alexander attacked the earth dragon but it has a lot of protection he couldn't find an opening to kill the earth dragon.

The earth dragon started to attack him.

The earth dragon use [Fire breath] on him.

Alexander dodge it but he still got a damaged.

Alexander: ughh shit i got burn that fire breath is too strong i need to heal my self before attacking that guy.

Alexander keep running to heal himself .

Shit i need more potion i only have one potion left.

Use skill [Super speed]


I lost him....i...i need to rest before i got caought again shit that guy is too big for a normal dragon.

Monster growled!!!!!!!!

Shit that guy is still following me i need to run fast- ah i have not enough mana i need to attack him before it got too close in the town

Alexander attack the dragon and followed him

Alexander is running but he tripped out of the vines. The earth dragon use fire breath on him again

Alexander:Shit i will die!!!


[Fire breath]

Alexander see another dragon on his back but it was helping him out the dragon is full of bruises and full of blood but its helping him

Alexander:Wow that dragon is like one the legendary dragons

The dragon helping him out, used fire breath on the earth dragon.

The earth dragon run because of the unknown dragom

The unknown dragon left Alexander

Alexander shocked what he sees

Alexander: i need to find that dragon and thank her but i need to get stronger and make my revenge on that earth dragon.

Alexander followed the blood mark that left of the unknown dragon.


Level: 124

Str: 357

Def: 302

Vit: 372

Agi: 370

Int: 503


"Immunity to any illness"Gluttony" "Strike" "Body strengthening" "Fast thinking""Fast learning" "Super speed" "Enhanced vision" "Body armor" "Heartless" " Mind accellerate" "Claw" "Poison breath" "Danger detection" "Form hide"



To be continued.

you know im not satisfied what happens here there is too much skill but he cannot use it all lol but i will make sure that he becomes op HAHAHAHAHA

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