
Chapter 430: I Wish I Were a Woman

Chen Jianhai looked worriedly at the buff.

No matter how you look at it, spending money for fun is always better than spending money for suffering.

Anyway, the system's offerings are quite good, so he might as well make do with them.

He didn't know what the Magic Century Theme Park looked like now…


Chen Jianhai spoke with a hint of expectation. "Can you expand the view and let me see the surroundings of the hotel?"



The system's familiar and cold voice rang out without hesitation.

Chen Jianhai's expression darkened instantly.

Damn it, you even upgraded?

You can't even show me the surroundings, and you have the nerve to call yourself a platinum-level system?

You're worthless!

"Get out of here!" Chen Jianhai snapped back.

He closed the system panel.

"Dear viewers, the location behind me is the Magic Century Theme Park."

"With the three-month internal pressure test nearing its end, the Zao Men Magic Century Theme Park announced today that it will officially begin its trial run on the 1st of next month."

"During the trial run, the Zao Men Magic Century Theme Park, the Zao Men Magic Century Fantasy Avenue, and the Colorful Holiday Resort Hotel will only be open to invited guests. The invited guests include some partners of the resort area, as well as some fans selected during the formal market promotion activities."

"During the trial run, the invited guests will experience some of the attractions, entertainment facilities, performances, and catering services in the theme park on designated days."

"It is reported that the park will complete its trial run at the end of this month and will be officially open to everyone as soon as possible."

"Let's look forward to the arrival of the broomstick!"

Saying this,

the picture switched,

and one could see the iconic logo of the Magic Century Theme Park: a huge brown-handled broom standing upright on a stand, basking in the sun.

Over the past few days, Chen Jianhai had obtained all information about the Zao Men Magic Century Theme Park through TV news.


to ensure confidentiality, the TV coverage did not show much of the interior of the Magic Century Theme Park; it mostly featured scenes like the main entrance.

As for his own Cream Road Magic Hotel, it didn't even have a chance to be featured.

Every time the camera was about to capture his Magic Hotel, the video feed would decisively cut away, not giving him even a second.

"Today's trial run… Could we go and play first??"

Chen Jianhai's eyes lit up.

Knowing oneself and the enemy ensures victory in a hundred battles!

Everyone is building magic hotels, and he genuinely wanted to stay in their hotel for a night to see what other people's magic hotels were like.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianhai immediately dialed Su Jie's phone number.

"Boss Chen, what can I do for you?" Su Jie's voice came from the phone.

Chen Jianhai quickly spoke, "Brother! I wouldn't dare give you orders; I just have a small favor to ask~~~~"

Su Jie: "Don't mention it! I've known you for so long, and you've never asked for something small!"

Chen Jianhai quickly flattered, "Brother Su, it really is a small matter for you~~!"

"I just saw on TV that the news reported that the Magic Century Resort will start its trial operation on the 1st of next month."

"Could you help me get a few internal test slots?"

Usually, it's very difficult to get internal test slots.

The people who can participate in internal tests are either internal staff or commercial partners holding vouchers to enter and play in order to obtain comprehensive and reliable test results.

The park also opens up online reservations for internal test slots, and if one is able to successfully reserve a slot, they can enter for free.

Employees can also bring their friends in.

Unfortunately, Boss Chen didn't know any of their employees, and he was too lazy to try to reserve an internal test slot online.

Since Su Jie would soon become the Secretary-General of the Zao Men Hotel Industry Association, it was possible that the Magic Century Resort might give Su Jie an internal purchase voucher.

Getting him three internal test qualifications should be a piece of cake!


After hearing Chen Jianhai's words, Su Jie only hesitated slightly and then spoke directly:

"How many do you need?"

"Three are enough!" Chen Jianhai quickly replied.

Su Jie: "I'll do my best. I'll contact you when I get the slots."

Su Jie's efficiency was very fast.

That night, Su Jie got back to Chen Jianhai.

Not only did he get him five test slots for the park, but these five slots also included a free overnight stay at the Colorful Holiday Resort Hotel.

Chen Jianhai: "Brother Su, you didn't give me and your girlfriend's slots as well, did you?"

Su Jie: "…If you don't want them, you can return them to me."

Chen Jianhai: "No way! Brother Su, I hate that I'm not a woman; otherwise, I'd definitely marry you! ❤️😘"

Su Jie: "Blocked. 🤮🤮🤮 Goodbye."


Chen Jianhai grinned and sent Su Jie a "kiss."

Just as he was about to share the good news with Xu Bo and Xiao Lang and take them to the Magic Century Resort for a good time,

the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Come in." Chen Jianhai said.

The door opened, and Minister Xie, who had been working hard for the hotel, walked in.

During this time, since Chen Jianhai assigned new tasks and had Minister Xie go to other hotels to recruit staff, Minister Xie's work had become more high-end,

Over the past six months, he had focused on recruiting high-level staff from other hotels.

Although there was some progress, the results were not ideal.

At least in his view, these assistants seemed to be lacking, but he couldn't quite pinpoint what was missing.

"Boss, these are the candidates who have shown interest in the position and whose personal qualities and work conditions are relatively good."

"Please have a look."

Minister Xie handed the file to Chen Jianhai, his eyes constantly providing information and reports on the pages Chen Jianhai was flipping through.

Chen Jianhai skimmed through it, a hint of unintended emotion flashing in his eyes.

The hotel assistants in the list were mostly from five-star hotels, with similar education and work experience.

There were even a few who were alumni.

If Chen Jianhai had seen this list before, he would have been excited, with each one being a precious gem he didn't want to let go.

But unfortunately,

Now he was the owner of a platinum-level five-star hotel, and he couldn't quite look favorably upon these five-star hotel assistants.

Closing the folder,

Chen Jianhai looked up at Minister Xie, his pupils suddenly shrinking.


"You've grown quite a few white hairs in the past six months!"

Minister Xie instinctively touched his temples and said, "Really? I didn't notice."

Chen Jianhai looked at his HR Director with some sympathy and said, "You've worked hard for the hotel these past six months."

"Here's the deal, put the hotel assistant matters on hold for now."

"After the Zao Men Hotel opens, I'll take some of the Lang Ai and Xiao Dao employees with me."

"Besides the old employees, pick out some smart and well-behaved new recruits from this year. Prepare a list and detailed information for each person."

"Next month, the Zao Men Magic Century Resort will have its soft opening. Come with me then and have a good time."

Looking at Minister Xie's almost beaming smile as he left,

Chen Jianhai's eyes revealed a hint of thought.

Shouldn't he arrange more employee-exclusive recreational facilities in the hotel so that even when they're busy, employees have a place to relax and de-stress?

The main job of hotel employees is to provide good service.

But constantly smiling is also a tough job.

If there were a place like an amusement park where employees could play and relax to their heart's content, it would probably be beneficial for their growth and mood regulation.

But that was just a thought.

Su Jie gave him five tickets in total.

Besides himself, Xu Bo, Xiao Lang, and Minister Xie, there was still one ticket left… Who should it go to?

Give it to Fan Ge… might be too inconvenient?

A girl going out with four men… it doesn't seem very convenient.

Rui Jiaya is in Xiao Island. If he went with him, Xiao Island would need someone to keep an eye on it…

After some thought, Chen Jianhai decided to let Lin Su Yang come along for the fun.

He would first take Lin Su Yang to check things out,

and later, when his Zao Men Hotel opens, he could make more targeted advertisements for his hotel!

Time flew by.

Chen Jianhai, Xu Bo, Xiao Lang, Minister Xie, and Lin Su Yang boarded the high-speed train to Zao Men, all excited.

"This is the first time I'm participating in such an internal test event since I was a child!!"

"Brother Hai, do you think we should write a guide or travelogue online after the visit?"

Xiao Lang's face was full of excitement, and he even pulled up a travelogue template on his phone.

Chen Jianhai rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"If you had been as diligent with finding templates for Chinese and English essays during school, maybe you would have been able to inherit the family business after graduation?"

Xiao Lang was startled and gasped in fright.


"If I had used templates back then, I might be drifting in some

 city now, working overtime for a boss."

Chen Jianhai was left dumbfounded.

"Shut up, don't teach the kid bad habits!"

Perhaps because of the lively atmosphere, the two-hour train ride passed quickly.

Before Chen Jianhai had even settled into his seat, they had arrived.

After getting off the train, the group headed straight to Xiao Lang's barbecue restaurant, enjoyed a hearty barbecue meal, and then went directly to the Magic Resort.

As the only officially certified hotel of the Magic Resort,

The Colorful Holiday Resort Hotel is uniquely located within the park, and guests can enjoy the privilege of entering the park one hour earlier.

Since Su Jie's internal test voucher included an overnight stay at the Colorful Holiday Resort Hotel,

The group decided to check in a night early so they could fully enjoy the park the next day.

To support the Magic Century Resort's internal test event, customers holding internal test vouchers could take the subway to the park for free.

Naturally, Chen Jianhai and his group were happy to take advantage of this free offer.

Perhaps because it was already past 6 PM and the Magic World Resort was located far from the city center,

the subway was very empty and comfortable to ride.

Each carriage was decorated with various Magic World promotional posters.

Besides the promotional posters, each subway train had a "Magic Theme Carriage."

The carriage Chen Jianhai and his group were in was the "Exclusive Magic White Dragon Carriage."

The entire carriage was designed to look like it was made of pressed and wrinkled materials, with white dragon scales intricately carved on the windows, wrapping around the entire train like a snake,

On the glass doors of the carriage entrance,

a huge and fierce 3D white dragon was gripping the glass doors with its front claws, glaring angrily at the passengers inside.

The image of the white dragon was very realistic and three-dimensional,

and to enhance the sense of realism, there were spiderweb-like cracks where the dragon's claws touched the glass.

It seemed as if the glass would shatter any moment, and the white dragon would burst in and devour everyone inside the train!

"The White Dragon is the little white horse from Journey to the West, right? How did it end up in the Magic World?"

Xiao Lang, while pulling out his phone to take a photo with the white dragon, curiously asked.

"Aren't dragons in the Magic World supposed to breathe fire?"

Chen Jianhai looked helplessly at his good brother, "Little white horse… Why don't you say this dragon is the one that was skinned by Nezha?"

Xu Bo rolled his eyes and said, "Ao Bing."

Chen Jianhai: "Yes! That's Ao Bing."

Xiao Lang was confused, "Is Ao Bing also white??"

Chen Jianhai hesitated, "I haven't seen Ao Bing, but in the animation, he's white."

With that, Chen Jianhai turned to Lin Su Yang with curiosity, "Do you know if there are any white dragon legends abroad?"

Lin Su Yang, hearing Chen Jianhai's question, instantly perked up!

Is the boss testing my theoretical knowledge!!!! 

As the head of the Publicity Department at South City Tourism Vocational School and Lang Ai Hotel, such matters are well within his expertise!

Lin Su Yang spoke up: "Actually, there are white dragon legends abroad, and the white dragon holds a significant status and meaning."

"It is said that during the time of the great magician Merlin, the new king wanted to build a tower, but for some reason, the tower kept collapsing every time it was built."

"Someone said that to resolve this, they needed to find a child without a father as a sacrifice to start the construction smoothly."

"So the new king sent people everywhere to find a child without a father, and the sacrifice that was returned was the great magician Merlin."

"Legend has it that Merlin was a half-blood born of a demon and a human woman, with strong magical abilities and eyes that could see through illusions."

"He used his magic to foresee all the actions of the new king and told him: the sacrifice is a falsehood."

"The real reason the tower couldn't be built was because there were two dragons fighting underneath."

"One was the red dragon symbolizing the new king; the other was the white dragon."

"And the red dragon was destined to be killed by the white dragon."

"Later, the new king was indeed burned to death in the castle, and the white dragon who did it was King Arthur."
