
Chapter 428: Qiao Ni’s Little Classroom


Chen Jianhai satisfiedly closed the system page.

With the venue issue resolved and the system renovation in progress, the Xia Ri Mo Mo Cafe could officially open for business soon.

"However, while Xia Ri Mo Mo has a wide variety of drinks, the desserts in the cafe still need to be provided by the hotel."

Thinking of this, Chen Jianhai dialed the bakery.

The phone rang several times before it was finally answered, and Baking's voice came through the receiver.

"Hello, boss?"

Chen Jianhai began, "The Xiaodao Hotel has opened a new cafe. The coffee and drinks have been decided, but we haven't settled on the desserts yet."

"I'll send you the style and drink menu of the cafe to your phone later."

"Over the next few days, work with Qiaokeli and the others to develop some exclusive desserts for the cafe."

"Got it, boss!"


At the Langai Hotel's Pastry Room

"Is it a new task from the boss?" Qiaokeli asked curiously.

Baking nodded and said, "The boss has opened a new cafe on Xiaodao and wants us to develop a series of pastries for it."

"Any ideas?"

"This is easy," Qiaokeli began listing items confidently, "For example: cheesecake, chocolate crispy rolls, cream chestnut cake, hazelnut milk cake, tiramisu, white chocolate cake, red velvet, Black Forest cake, various fruit mille-feuille cakes, cream Swiss rolls... and many other small desserts."

"These desserts are all very suitable for a cafe."

She had studied desserts abroad and was extremely familiar with the types of cakes typically found in cafes.

Just hearing the names, she could recall the recipes, ingredients, and production processes for these desserts in her mind.

"These all sound great!" Baking said, listening while opening the images Chen Jianhai had sent on his phone.

For them, making desserts wasn't difficult; the challenge was creating desserts that matched the cafe's style and theme.

"Wow! This cafe looks so beautiful!" Qiaokeli's eyes lit up as she saw the pictures.

The concept of Xia Ri Mo Mo was just like its name—light, airy, and full of fresh charm, giving off a natural and serene vibe at first glance.

Plus, the cafe on Xiaodao was near the sea, with gentle sea breezes and the rustling of tree leaves, creating a picturesque atmosphere that made one want to nestle in for the whole day.

"How about we go all out with a full set?" Qiaokeli bit her lip lightly, an excited and daring light flashing in her dark eyes as she looked at the concept images Chen Jianhai sent.

Baking was stunned, "What do you mean by a full set?"

Qiaokeli explained seriously, "Since the boss has already instructed us, why not develop a menu where different desserts and foods are delivered to the cafe each day, from Monday to Sunday?"

"Not just desserts, but we can also offer cakes, bread, sandwiches, muffins, scones, and even BOSS lunches."

"For the BOSS lunches, we can prepare items like tuna grain salad, noodle sets, ham rolls with dried mango, nuts, biscuits, organic chestnuts, and Sachima snacks."

"This way, we can expand the cafe experience to cover multiple times of the day. Customers at Xia Ri Mo Mo can enjoy coffee with dessert in the morning, light meals at noon, and snacks in the afternoon, perfectly catering to their needs throughout the day."

"You're really thinking of a full set!" Baking murmured after a long pause.

Goodness... according to Qiaokeli's idea, this cafe would practically turn into a small Western restaurant!

Initially, he had only considered how to create desserts that matched his expertise, but Qiaokeli had expanded it into so much more.

Baking hesitated slightly, "Your idea is good, but aside from desserts, those light meals and snacks would require the hotel's Western restaurant to cooperate."

Qiaokeli suggested, "Why don't you ask Qiao Ni-ge?"

"He's the head chef and is also on the island. If he thinks it's feasible, then the boss won't have any issues."

Baking nodded, "Alright!"



"Go ahead with your plan, and I'll arrange what's needed from the Western restaurant."

As Xu Bo hung up the phone, Feng Di asked uncertainly, "Qiao Ni-ge, isn't this a bit much? After all, it's just a cafe. Some desserts should be enough."

As a long-struggling cafe owner facing bankruptcy, although his business hadn't been doing well, his ideas were still straightforward.

Coffee is coffee.

People come to a cafe to sit, enjoy some dessert, and lift their spirits a little. That's all there is to it.

If they start adding noodles, baked rice, and light meals, his cafe would be no different from a small Western restaurant by the roadside.

Xu Bo patted Feng Di on the shoulder and advised, "Brother, you need to think long-term!"

"There are some things we can choose not to do, but we can't afford not to have them."

"These desserts and light meals are all handled by the hotel, with guaranteed quality and taste. This will only enhance your cafe; why push it away?"

Feng Di frowned, "But I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it!"

"This cafe only has two of us in total. We'll have to make coffee and prepare these light meals… unless you give me a couple more helpers."

Xu Bo's face fell instantly upon hearing this.

"What are you saying! It's already hard enough to assign one person to you, and you want more?"

"I might as well move the whole kitchen over for you!"

Previously, Feng Di had been working alone. But when the Xia Ri Mo Mo brand officially moved into the mall, Feng Di asked Chen Jianhai to assign him two helpers.

Thanks to Chen Jianhai's words, Xu Bo reluctantly selected a relatively smart employee from the Xiaodao restaurant to assist Feng Di.

During the renovation of Xia Ri Mo Mo, Feng Di took the time to teach this helper the basics of making coffee and latte art, so they wouldn't be overwhelmed when the shop opened.

"Honestly, what's your plan for the cafe?" Xu Bo asked.

Feng Di nodded, "Hai-ge told me he wants to turn Xia Ri Mo Mo into a chain brand, so reputation and marketing are important."

"My idea is to launch some drinks specifically for tourists in the future, to help spread the name of Xia Ri Mo Mo."

Xu Bo listened carefully, then frowned slightly and said, "That's a good idea, but I have to ask, with a nationally recognized coffee brand like Yue Xinyuan already in the mall, why would anyone choose your unknown cafe for promotion?"

"Why would people skip the established coffee shops and choose yours?"

This question immediately silenced Feng Di.

Xu Bo's words felt like a knife, piercing through his protective layer.

Before, his cafe was the only one on the island, and still, no one wanted to come.

Now, with a mall on the island and well-known brands like Yue Xinyuan, why would people choose his cafe?

"I don't know…" Feng Di shook his head, feeling frustrated and dejected.

Seeing his downcast expression, Xu Bo said, "I've been observing your business model and sales approach these past few days."

"Your coffee may not taste great, but I think your business strategy might be even more off."

Feng Di's eyes widened, staring intently at Xu Bo.

Although he had always been with Chen Jianhai and Xiao Lang, and both had helped him a lot, none had analyzed why he failed.

One bought him the latest and best coffee machines and equipment, while the other worked day and night with him to make money from barbecues, but no one explained why his business was failing.

"What do you mean?" Feng Di asked eagerly.

Xu Bo pondered for a moment before saying, "Although both are coffee shops, opening one in a first-tier city is different from opening one in a third- or fourth-tier city."

"Every shop has a transition period, a nurturing period, and a period of gradually cultivating a customer base who regularly drinks coffee."

"In third- or fourth-tier areas, especially on a small island like this, your first and most important customers are the island's native residents."

"Tourist word-of-mouth and promotion are important, but seeing returns from this group takes too long. You might not see any results before your shop fails again."

"So, capturing the local market and integrating the cafe into the local lifestyle, making it 'approachable,' should be our first priority."

When Xu Bo said "approachable," he tapped the table for emphasis.

Feng Di looked a bit bewildered, as if he understood but wasn't entirely clear on the specifics.

"How can we make it 'approachable'?" Feng Di asked sincerely.

Xu Bo focused and explained, "There are many ways to do that."

"First, the island's lifestyle is very community-oriented, with tight-knit relationships. This 'familiarity' is a natural advantage in attracting and retaining the local market."

"Every day, when you open or close the cafe, or when you take a break, you should let everyone know in your social circle or the island's community group. Even if business isn't booming, at least people will recognize you."

"Next, find your core customer base."

"In a small, close-knit place like this, instead of offering a wide variety of fancy coffee options, it's better to focus on one standout product. Use this product as a breakthrough to quickly capture the market."

"It's best if, when people think of Xia Ri Mo Mo Cafe, they immediately think of your signature drink. This strong association can significantly help