
Chapter 417: Employee Internal Purchase Plan

"Alright, boss, I'll take care of it right away!" 

Xie Zhulong quickly jotted down Chen Jianhai's instructions in his notebook. "About the school... Should I give Teacher Gao a call and discuss it?"

"I'll contact Teacher Gao," Chen Jianhai replied solemnly. "Didn't you mention to me earlier that you wanted to organize a campus recruitment drive?"

"In the next few days, make sure to visit Zaomen and recruit some people from the tourism university there."

"Recruit from Zaomen??" 

Xie Zhulong was momentarily stunned. 

People usually prefer to move from smaller cities to provincial capitals or from second- and third-tier cities to first-tier ones for work. These places not only offer more opportunities but also have better city development and inclusiveness. 

However, asking graduates from a more economically and culturally advanced provincial capital to work in a subordinate city's hotel seemed a bit challenging. 

After a moment's hesitation, Xie Zhulong cautiously voiced his concern: "Boss, are we not hiring local employees anymore?"

"Of course, we're still hiring local employees," Chen Jianhai affirmed. "But I'm planning to open a hotel in Zaomen later this year, and these recruits will be for that hotel."

Hearing that Chen Jianhai planned to open a hotel in Zaomen, Xie Zhulong was briefly shocked but quickly asked, "Boss, how many employees are we looking to recruit for the Zaomen hotel?"

Chen Jianhai pondered briefly, "Start with 400."

"After recruiting, get in touch with the hotel association and have them organize centralized training for these new hires."

"After all, we pay the association a good amount in membership fees every year, so it's time to speak up and make them work for us."

As Xie Zhulong swiftly jotted down Chen Jianhai's words, he became increasingly astonished. 

The boss was planning a major move in Zaomen! 

The number of employees at the Zaomen hotel alone would match the combined staff of the Lang'ai and Xiaodao hotels.

"And another thing,"

"This time when you go to Zaomen, think big."

"Besides the tourism schools in Zaomen, if there are suitable talents in other hotels, you can poach them as well."

A sharp gleam appeared in Chen Jianhai's eyes.

Previously, his hotel lacked strength and funds, making him hesitant when recruiting employees, focusing mainly on school graduates.

As for poaching talent, that was something he didn't even dare consider.

But now, with two hotels firmly established, Chen Jianhai could confidently recruit anyone beneficial to the hotel's development.

The salary, once his biggest constraint, had now become one of his most attractive advantages for drawing talent.

Looking at Chen Jianhai, Xie Zhulong couldn't help but feel that something was different about the boss. 

He couldn't pinpoint exactly what had changed, but he sensed a growing confidence and composure emanating from Chen Jianhai, though still subtle, it was noticeable.

After finalizing the details of the contract and the employee recruitment standards for Zaomen, Xie Zhulong rushed back to the HR office on the second floor, ready to lead his team in another big recruitment drive.

In the office,

Chen Jianhai sat on the sofa, lost in thought once again.

The Zaomen hotel would be right next to the Magic Century Theme Park. Although he had a system to support him, the external construction progress had to synchronize with that of the theme park.

This meant that the earliest the Zaomen hotel could open would be in September of the coming year.

Though the timeline was extended, it gave Chen Jianhai ample time to train his employees.

As the saying goes, "Before the troops move, the food and supplies must be prepared."

The basic, routine, and transactional tasks of the Zaomen hotel could be handled by the students recruited by Xie Zhulong from the campus.

However, for key personnel and management, it was safer to transfer experienced employees from the Lang'ai and Xiaodao hotels.

"Qin Mengqiu is a good talent... What a pity!" 

Chen Jianhai sighed slightly and shared the bad news with Xiaolang.

After sending the message, Chen Jianhai called Wen Zifan into the office: 

"Boss, did you need something?" 

Wen Zifan still wore her signature high heels, her smooth and glossy hair neatly tied at the back, her demeanor graceful and poised.

Since the romantic "Haijiao Mountain Park Date Incident," the small spark that had briefly kindled between them had been almost entirely extinguished by a one-way sports car ride provided by Chen Jianhai.

Regardless of what Chen Jianhai thought, Wen Zifan was currently in a phase of peaceful self-adjustment.

And with Chen Jianhai fully focused on the Zaomen hotel, he had no worldly desires.

Their emotions were, for once, perfectly aligned.

Chen Jianhai spoke up: "I want to organize an internal purchase plan for hotel employees."

"Whether from Lang'ai Hotel or Xiaodao Hotel, employees can participate and purchase rooms in the Zaomen hotel at a price below market value. They can also share in the hotel's year-end dividends."

"Think it over and see how we can make this work."

Wen Zifan frowned slightly, "Boss, the property prices in Zaomen aren't low."

"Even if our employees can afford it, there are over 400 people in the hotel right now. Will there be enough rooms in the Zaomen hotel?"

Chen Jianhai waved his hand, "Don't worry about the number of rooms. That can be decided during construction."

"As for the property prices..."

Chen Jianhai tapped his fingers on the table and pondered for a moment before saying, "Look into the current lowest property prices in Zaomen."

"If the prices are too high for our employees to afford, we can adjust the hotel's prices."

Wen Zifan nodded, "Understood, boss."


Though Qin Mengqiu had left, Chen Jianhai still assigned a clever employee from the hotel to rush to Zaomen overnight to watch the store for Xiaolang.

At night,

The Qin household was brightly lit.

Qin Li sat in his gaming chair, deeply engrossed in his game.

"I don't know where you got such a big gaming obsession lately, teaming up with that little boss every night," Mrs. Qin said, exasperated.

Qin Li replied, "It's not just the two of us anymore!"

"That little boss brought in a friend, and now we're a three-man squad every night."

"Three-man squad?" Mrs. Qin curiously walked over.

But as she watched, Mrs. Qin's expression turned odd.

"They're both playing terribly!"

If they channeled even a bit of the speed they use to type insults into their gameplay, they wouldn't be dying so miserably.

Qin Li, excited, said, "You don't understand the joy of carrying others! After my accounts reached the top tier in the national server, there's no challenge left. Playing with them brings back the passion I once had for never giving up."

Mrs. Qin rolled her eyes, "And what about the times when you lose? Doesn't it mess with your mindset?"

"Of course it does, but when they start cursing teammates or opponents in the chat, I don't get upset anymore... Damn!!" Qin Li cursed suddenly as he spoke.

"What happened? Did they lose the argument?" Mrs. Qin rolled her eyes again.

"No, they got reported too many times and got banned from the game..." Qin Li sighed helplessly.