


Jessica walked up to the gate and pressed the bell.

She waited for a while till the security man opened up the gate for her to walk in. /"Good evening ma’am/", he said to her and she smiled.

/"Good evening. How are you doing?/" /"I’m fine, thank you/", he said to her.

/"That’s great. Enjoy the rest of your night/", she said to him and she walked away. She walked into the house and she heard the voices of two people laughing.

It was Richard and a lady’s voice.

/"What’s going on?/" She said to herself and she walked into the living room.

When she walked in, she saw Miss Jen and Richard talking and having a good laugh.

/"Hey/", she said to him and he was surprised to see her. /"You’re back?/" He said to her.


/"What’s she doing here at this time of the night?/" Miss Jen asked, glaring at her. /"I should be asking you the same question/", she said, glaring at her.