
I Hate Boredom [QT] (bl)

Ruan Yu is a beautiful man, he resembles a flower on a full bloom, bemoaning its imminent withering. THIS IS BL‼️ Ruan Yu is domineering , he resembles a cat, haughty and regal. He have one extremely bad inclination tho, he loves the drama. He hated boredom so much that he will create drama. Zhong Ye is a handsome man, he resembles a star with its brightness and beauty. Zhong Ye is a cunning man, he resembles a wolf eyeing its prey. He have one extremely bad inclination tho, he loves wicked peopl. He hates boredom so much he surrounded himself with bad people to entertain him. ________________ RY: Im breaking up with you! Im done! ZY: Baby Im sorry, I will buy you another cone okay? RY: No! You just dont love me anymore! You even spilled my Ice cream everywhere! ZY: Honey Im so sorry okay *kiss* Im so sorry *kiss* Ill buy you another okay? I love you *kiss* I want to vomit, this aint dog food this is dog shit.

gods_daddy · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Ruan Yu

Ruan Yu is a quiet man, or so many people thought, because despite his beauty that gives people heart ache, he is a very bad man.

"Heh." He snorted as he look at his destroyed body. He walked around curiously examining his body and how and where it was destroyed after landing such a fall.

After praising his own ability to paint the floor with his blood so beautifully, he looked at the person looking down at him from the rooftop, admiring how her body shook in fear and her tears stained her face as well as the relief in her eyes. Everything, he found everything interesting. However after watching for a while, he found that the novelty is slowly fading. Only then did he take his time to look at himself.

He's dead, so how does he have the time to appreciate this now? While he stood in wonder with pursed lips, a cold childish voice answered his musings. "In respect for Sir's wish, we allowed Sir to view the aftermath of his play."

Raising his eyebrows he asked "Who?" He then turned around and saw a glowing white bunny. His eyes widened at the sight, "How adorable!" He screamed.

The bunny's tails twitched at the praise. "Thank you Sir-" The bunny's words were cut off as Ruan Yu picked him up on his armpits and stared at him with bright eyes. "You're more adorable closer!" Cheered Ruan Yu as a wide smile painted his face.

"Ehem, I know Sir has some confusion regarding the situation, please allow me to explin." The bunny continued as its ears reddened. Ruan Yu then carried the bunny in his arms like its a baby. "Go on."

"I am a system, made to accompany and help Sirs recruited from different worlds accomplish missions. Usually we choose our employees from recently comatosed people with no chance of waking up and promise them revival once they finished their missions, but the Sir is different… On behalf of our company- Rebirth of the Cannon Fodder, we offer you an indefinite employment with the same treatment as a regular employee."

Ruan Yu looked at the bunny in his arm and chuckled. "The cannon fodder in books?" He asked. "Yes sir"

"So I will be rebirthed in the body of a cannon fodder. Hmm… tell me about the company benefits"

"You will be transferred in the body of a cannon fodder and strive to destroy the world plot and fulfill the original body's goal. As for the company benefits, usually temporary workers or previous hosts are only allowed in the system space for a short amount of time and are given a dorm to stay in. Regular employees however will get to stay in the system space much longer, and are given a small abode inside. Host can also determine how long he wants to keep working in our company as long as he fulfilled 30 or more mission and will be eligible for our retirement program."

Ruan Yu eyed the rabbit, "why do you help those cannon fodders?" He asked smilingly.

"Those people aren't cannon fodders per se but are people in that world that are opressed or felt a grievance beyond mortal range. Every world has some people who feels that they're so misfortunate but those people's grievances are within the normal amount their world can bear, these people's grief however, are so heavy that it's damaging their worlds. Hence our company is one of the many that strives to help those people and maintain the worlds." Th bunny explained.

"Well, Ive done that woman great disservice, so why not her?"

"Well with the death of you Sir, Madame's grievance fell back within the normal."

"Well how about me? Haven't I been wronged all this time? Shouldn't I be the one you're helping?"

The bunny was stunned. "Well Sir… is unique." It eyed Ruan Yu as it fumbled on its words. "Usually when an individual experiences a life like yours, their grievance will be above normal, thats why the world is monitoring you, but upon inspection, we found that Sir is… different hence the decision to employ you permanently."

Ruan Yu looked at the bunny and laughed, and with a wide grin he said "Ill do it then."

Ruan Yu was sitting in a class. He looked around the room with interest while playing with his pen. "Bun bun where Am I?" he whispered.

"The host is in the body of Lin Jie. Ill transfer the information to the Host now." A white bunny appeared on the teacher's desk and spoke in his head.

Lin Jie is a soft person, Comparable to that soft wind on a cold night or that star small star who shines bright but not blinding. One night as he walked home, he spotted something in the bush on the way home. He looked curiously and found an unconscious person and as ge was about to call an ambulance, a hand reached out to him and stopped him, that person is the cause of his downfall, Wei Yu.

Wei Yu begged him not to call an ambulance but out of pity, he took him home and told his parents that Wei Yu is his friend who will be staying for the night. Wei Yu asked Lin Jie ehat he's doing it for and Lin Jie answered that he 'needed help'. Wei Yu studies at the same school and is an orphan, at that time he just got fired from his job and was hungry as his salary was stretched thin. Lin Jie, this kid then offered him a job to be his tutor. Wei Yu became another kid of the Lin family from another family, he was part of them yet he nevered tried to make use of their kindness and so the family loved him more, he became Lin Jie's best friend and brother.

Wei Yu is an outstanding man, he was smart and his appearance got even more outstanding as he grew up. Lin Jie fell for him. Lin Jie knew that this feeling is not something you should have for a brother and so he kept it a secret.

Then Wei Yu met a woman. She was pretty and came from a huge family and soon got together with Wei Yu. That woman, upon finding out Lin Jies feelings, tried to use it to drive a rift into the two's relationship. Wei Yu was disgusted and stayed far away, however that woman was vicious and hated how close Wei Yu to the family and so she used her power to crush their meager business. The Lin Mother and Father loved that small business and was indignant, they tried to fight back the girl and enlighten Wei Yu of the girls colours but the girl was mad, she ended up pushing Mother Lin down a flight of stairs when she was confronted, upon that sight, Father Lin was heart broken and had a cardiac arrest.

With the loss of his parents, Lin Jie was devastated, he tried reaching out to Wei Yu as he believed that while Wei Yu hated his thoughts for him, Wei Yu at least loved his parents, their parents, but he was wrong, when he contacted Wei Yu he accidentally heared a conversation in which Wei Yu was conversing with the girl about her causing the death of the husband and wife and Lin Jie was utterly devastated. He left the place and ran into incoming traffic.

"That's quite… dramatic." Ruan Yu said in his head as he raised his eyebrow at the bunny.

"Well this is the Host's first world so it a relatively easy one. While the story seemed simple, Lin Jie is a pure hearted man, a once in a thousand years. He was saddened by his parents death and disappointed at his dear's betrayal, with him being such a pure hearted person, his grief was quite high reaching dangerous but not alarming, still the World will be destroyed if its allowed to fester." Explained the bunny as it slowly shied away fron the gaze of its host. It always feels that it will be crushed if it did not.


The bell rang and the class ended, after bidding goodbye to the owner's friends, Ruan Yu went on his way. While he was walking however, he heared a the bush in the side walk rustle and when he approached it, he saw a handsome but emaciated face. Wei Yu.