

Anthology stands for a collection of stories. so this is me just writing what comes to my mind I might explore the same world different locations or different worlds all together. I hope you like it Ps. I am new to this so forgive my mistakes

JAMES_256 · Ficção Científica
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1 Chs



Titan City, Police station 7:00pm, Year 2090

As the madness of the day dies down, the misfits and trouble makers are seen being lined up in the waiting area. Police officers are going about their usual thing filing reports, taking witness statements etc.

Meanwhile in a interrogation room, two detectives male and female are recording a confession of a witness whose testimony is going to bring about a lot of chaos in Titan City.

Shocked by the sudden revelations coming to light, the detectives in question try hard to keep their emotions in check since one would assume that promotions and recognition await them at the end of the road.

Male detective: why are you giving us all this information all of sudden and don't give me the crap of a change of heart?

The witness in question looks up at the detective with a I don't give shit attitude.

Witness: pay no need to my motives and focus more on the big reward you are about to get for busting one of the biggest crime bosses since the start of the new era. Besides with your slow way of thinking, I bet it took you 3 years to realise your wife was cheating on you.

The witness lets out a small laugh and the male detective is about to bust into a fit of rage when the female detective interrupted and said

Female detective: Take a breath, go get me a cup of coffee and inform the chief of what we have.

Unwilling to leave, the detective first makes eye contact with the witness for a brief moment and then he leaves the room.

The female detective on the other hand opens the file with name Matthew Reed and with the attachment of a photo. She looks at the Matthew and realises that he is quite handsome with his broad shoulders, though he is sitting down one could tell he is a tall guy and his blue eyes which compliments his brown skin. He is not bad for a guy who is 32 years old she thought. Out of curiosity she decides to ask.

Female detective: how did you know that his wife was cheating on him.

Matthew Reed: Because am the one who slept with her and also there were like three other dudes. I really hope I didn't get an STD from that affair.

A little shocked by the bizarre answer, the detective decides to move on with the statement.

Detective: Let's review this one last time, is your name Matthew Reed.

Matthew: Yes

Detective: Are u confessing that you work for the crime boss known as John Wilson

Matthew: Yes and also formerly worked for.

Detective: Do u also confess that the allegations about John Wilson which are drug trafficking, arms dealing, bribing of government officials and ordering of assassinations to be true.

Matthew: Yes

Detective: What is your association to John Wilson?

Matthew: I was one of his enforcers and one could also say his former lackey. I mostly did the wet work like taking out his rivals and enemies.

Detective: And lastly why should I believe all of what you are saying to be true.

Matthew looked at his watch and the small light dot on it turned green and the cameras in the room went off and the door to the room locked in. The detective looked to the door when she heard the click sound and then back at Matthew fully alert for anything to happen. He smiled for a bit then he said

Matthew: In 48 hours, you are going to receive an email on your personal computer don't speak to any other officer about this and trust only those that are not on list am about to give. The email that i will send shows all the corrupt government officials that have dealt with John and all the transactions carried out and also lots of uncomfortable videos and audios.... If you don't believe me your partner is going to walk in here claiming that he failed to reach the chief and that we should move me to a secure location which is code for bullet to the head of the snitch.

Matthew looks at his watch and the green light dot turns to red and in that exact moment the door click sound is heard and the other detective walks in the room with a cup of coffee and he hands it to the other detective...He then moves to the other side of the room and stands right behind Matthew

Male detective: Hey, Ruth I failed to reach the chief, he most likely turned off his phone.

Matthew gives Ruth a knowing look and a I told so kind of face.

Male detective: I propose we have the officers move him to a secure location for his own sake.

Matthew: My sake is all good, you should focus more on saving your marriage.

The detective lose it and he gets ready to hit Matthew with his fist when Ruth interrupts

Ruth: That's enough Raymond...let's keep him in holding until otherwise.

Raymond: He is a snitch and u know they always get stitches.

Matthew: Man you guys have a poor record for taking care of your witness huh..

Ruth: Enough I am moving him and that is final

As Raymond reaches for Matthew's shoulder, Matthew pushes the chair back to throw Raymond out of balance and he breaks the effortlessly handcuffs grabs Raymond by the back of his head smashes it on the table knocking the detective out.

He looks to Ruth and sees she is pointing a gun to his head. Since she is relatively close to Matthew, he is able to quickly disarm Ruth and point the gun back at her.

Ruth: if you want me to trust you, now is the time to prove it. Come willingly with me and you will be protected.

Matthew: Check your phone right now.

Ruth slowly reaches her pocket, unlocks her phone sees that she has a file appearing on the screen labelled "told you so"

Matthew: That contains the name of the police officers working with Wilson so tread lately and.... I am going to knock you out now.

Ruth: Wait not my...

Matthew hits Ruth with her own gun right on the face and he may or may not feel bad for hitting her. I don't know at the moment he had mixed feelings about this.

He proceeds to exit the room and heads straight for the elevator. He appears at the underground parking a lot and he looks for a garbage bin, walks to it and reaches out to pick a plastic bag. He looks around the area and then opens it to find a Glock pistol and a small box with a earpiece.He loads the gun, hides it within his jacket and puts on the ear piece.

Matthew: Oracle, are you getting my signal.

Oracle: (a nice lady's voice is heard) Dude what the f***..... why would you hit the nice lady detective. I felt her a pain from here, man you savage.

Matthew: Can we not right now, I am trapping and freaked out right now. ( speaking sarcastically)

Oracle: Bitch please... Mr Crime boss man has already got word of your snitching. I estimate you have 30 minutes

Matthew: Roger that... is my car secure.

Oracle: It's good... you may proceed.

Matthew starts heading to his car when all of a sudden it explodes with the impact pushing him backwards.

Oracle: Haha no Shit... they actually put a bomb in your car that is so cliché.

Matthew: Girl when I get out of this.. I am going to whoop your ass so hard it is going to turn fake.

Oracle: I bet that is way of saying that you are thirsty.

Matthew ignores her last comment and quickly gets up and disappears from the explosion site. As he is walking on the street with the sound of sirens drawing people's attention he hijacks a car leaves the area.

Elsewhere .....

In a penthouse suite with the view of the of the city. Stands a middle aged man who is quite pissed, he is non other then John Wilson.

Wilson: Who can tell me how a minor goon can figure out all my operations and secrets! I better get a good answer right now.(Dude holding back his anger)

subordinate: Boss, all we know is that he joined us a couple months ago and he was a nobody looking for work. We ran background checks and everything came out clean.....

Wilson(sighs): Never mind that.... I want to know how he get all that intel , what could he achieved by going to a police station where I have many guys working for me, why not the Federal Investigation Unit.

Wilson is a bit nervous for he faces an enemy who knows more about him yet he knows nothing about him. The only advantage he holds now is that his location is unknown to many people.

Wilson: So he wants to draw me out into the open.... issue a kill order for a million credits and an extra for any intel for who he works for.

Subordinate: Boss am sure the dirty bomb did the job.

Wilson: I doubt it. For someone skilled in infiltration, a bomb is to good to be true. The order stands until I see a dead body.

In an abandon warehouse.

With computer monitors showing police active all around the city and News channel talking about the recent explosion at the police station. Matthew is currently cleaning up his sniper rifle when suddenly an audio comes from the computer.

Oracle: Hey the kill order is out as predicted..... are u sure about this plan, I think it's a lot extreme and unnecessary.

Matthew: Wilson is not your ordinary crime boss with a bad temper, he is strategic, always reads his opponents moves...so my plan involves a lot of chaos and mayhem.... Besides no great mind understands confusion.

Oracle: Even so be careful.. I heard that guy is on the index with a top 50 ranking.

Matthew: For someone who didn't warn me about a bomb! It is funny for you to be worried about me. (Laughter)

Oracle: I have my moments.

Matthew: I bet you do. Send the detective the evidence package after am done, this fight is a bit personal for me.

Oracle: Well that explains why we can't just get done with everything right now.

Matthew: Why is the fun in not causing a lot of hell for that bastard.

Oracle: You get caught the agency won't back you up.

Matthew: Understood. Next step will begin in three hours.

Oracle: Roger that.

The computer screen goes off and Matthew proceeds to a dark room. He turns on the light which reveals an arsenal of weapons, a wide body muscle car and custom body armour.

Chapter 2 Wednesday....