
I Guess I'm A God Now

Drate was 1 of a kind. He was just a different breed. Everything about his life was either over the top or really underwhelming. This is proven even more when he is chosen as a candidate for god. The recently deceased God of Earth had sacrificed himself for the good of every living organism on Earth. Now that Drate has the fate of the Earth on his shoulders, can he fill the massive shoes that God left behind?

TheFlamingOverlord · Fantasia
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1 Chs

I Guess I'm A God Now - Chapter 1 - Sucks To Be Sucked

Fire. Fire was the earliest thing he could remember. When Drate was three years old, he remembered himself being dragged out of a burning building. Smoke clouded the sky above him, as he was carried by a firefighter to an ambulance that had pulled up outside his burning house. Both of his parents had died in that fire, not that he could remember them. He still had a scar that ran across his upper right arm, across his bicep.

Drate had porcelain skin, black eyes with black hair to match. He stood at 6ft, which was pretty tall for a recently turned 18 male. His choice of clothing was quite dull as well. He only wore a white shirt, grey hoodie and blue jeans. A few months ago he would still have been considered an orphan since he wasn't an adult. But that was old news. Drate had moved out of his foster family's house and moved into an apartment closer to the university he wanted to go to.

There were a lot of special things about his foster family. It consisted of his foster father who was a neurosurgeon, his foster mother who was a candidate for president, as well as a little girl they adopted 5 years after him. She was adopted 3 months after her birth and when she grew to six years old, she was recorded to have an IQ of 245. After the accident involving the death of his biological parents, Drate was put through the adoption system for 2 years until he landed in the care of his foster family. Drate was really close with his family despite the lack of blood ties. Especially his sister, to him, she was delicate, super smart and something he wanted to protect from everything harmful.

Other than the horrible sequence of events that lead to him being put in the adoption system at the age of 3, Drate lived a fun and content life. Loving foster parents, amazing sister, many friends and he even gained loads of knowledge from his family. Although he did want to know who his parents were and what they were like, his life was almost perfect and he didn't want to lose this.

After moving into an apartment that was closer to Callerfare University. He invited a few friends over to help him unpack and to celebrate getting into Callerfare.

"I can't believe all of us actually got into Callerfare," Reffin laughed joyfully as he was moving a couch into place.

"Well you know how lucky Eric is, he probably used some of that amazing luck to get us all in," Drate joked, trying to push a television stand despite the obvious struggle.

"Not that again," Eric grumbled, untangling a few wires for a microwave.

"What, the bit about you seducing luck demons?" Reffin said, with a patronising tone, as he moved on to bring a table next to the couch.

"Yes, that bit. You two are just jealous that I'm luckier than the both of you combined," Eric huffed.

"Yes, we are jealous. With your luck, I would have won the lottery and got a harem by now," Reffin sighed. "Just thinking about those soft mounds of heaven and the flower of femininity," Reffin said slowly fading into his fantasies.

"You could at least try to hide the fact you are a closet pervert," Drate chuckled, then started inspecting his new apartment.

"And risk the God of all harems not rewarding me for spreading his ways, that would be like asking me to stop breathing. Impossible," Reffin retorted, bringing his hand to his forehead in mock hurt.

This got a slight laugh from both Drate and Eric.

"Oh shit, is that the time already?" Drate mumbled, looking at a clock on the wall that read 5:30. " I got to get a few things from the shops before they close."

"Don't worry bro, it's fine," Eric replied.

"Yea, see you at Callerfare tomorrow then," Reffin responded.

After Reffin and Eric left Drate's new abode with Reffin telling Eric about the porn he watched the night prior, Drate ran to the store to pick up a few necessities for university. Drate had decided to study Architecture at Callerfare. As someone who had pyrophobia and trauma from a young age, he wanted to study something that had nothing to do with fire. Though he could have picked many other things, Architecture stood out to him. Architecture seemed like something relaxing and a rarity. Overall it checked all of his boxes.

During his small shopping spree, he had picked up 3 pencils, 1 ruler, 1 rubber, 3 stacks of A4 and A3 paper. Drate had everything else so he wasted no time and began his journey home. Unfortunately, there had been an accident on his path home and the road was now blocked off. With no other choice, Drate had to go the long way home.

The long way home involved going through a park, then around a few shops through a tunnel and up a hill. The walk around the shops and through the tunnel was serene and peaceful but that feeling stopped when he came to the hill. From the base of the hill, where he stood. He could see a blue light coming from the top.

Thinking it was a new street lamp or someone using a torch, Drate walked up the hill. What he saw made him do a spit take. How that was possible with only air in his mouth, only God knew.

Standing in a crater that Drate knew wasn't there before, a swirly portal-looking thing illuminated the surroundings in a fierce blue light.

"Holy shit, did I hit my head?"Drate cursed in disbelief.

"Did I get food poisoning, ARGGHHH I knew I should have asked if Reffin was good at making salad before I agreed to eat it," Drate said in continued bafflement.

Part of Drate wanted to get closer to the anomaly in front of him, just to confirm he was crazy and nothing was there. But on the off chance he wasn't delusional, he didn't want to get sent to places unknown from stepping too close.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the arguably worst-case scenario. The portal began sucking in the air around it. At first, Drate was confused about the sudden shift in the atmosphere. But when he started losing his grip on the floor and slowly began getting sucked toward the portal, he realised that he was either screwed or screwed.

"Wow, this sucks," he groaned.

Falling to the floor, Drate tried to claw at grass or weeds to hopefully find something to anchor himself. The grass seemed to wave goodbye in the wind as they danced around his grasp.

"Fuck," he sighed, as he was sucked into the portal.

They say not to play with fire, but the fire is just lonely, treat it with respect and it will be your greatest ally.

TheFlamingOverlordcreators' thoughts