
i got you till Whenever

"Why do I feel you're hiding something from me?" "Believe me baby I'm not" "Well you've been acting strange these past few weeks. I feel like we're drifting apart" "No matter what happens I'll always love you and I'll do all I can to fight for us". "And what if you don't?" "Then I believe you will". Ashley and Jeffrey shared a sweet relationship,one believed to be made in heaven but what happens when secrets he's always tried to hide causes them to drift away? Betrayal from trusted ones doesn't make the issue any better does it? Will they come back to each other or will they continue drifting away and this time for good. IG: Honcho_Lizzy❤️

LiZZY · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Natalie's POV

I was so excited when Ash told me about the new guy she was so engulfed in. She's never had a boyfriend and yes she was still a virgin, she wasn't the experimental type of person in life who always wanted to try out every thing. She preferred sitting back and learning from what happened to others.

She had a crush on this boy once and didn't want to tell him about it but I encouraged her to but it turned out not pretty much we expected.

He was cute and funny and was part of the basketball team in Junior high so he was more or less popular which happened to be one of the reasons she didn't want to acknowledge her feelings for him but she did and the guy told her the feeling was mutual.

He didn't officially ask her out but he treated her like his girlfriend and bought her gifts randomly.

She invited him over to her house with all of us there so it could seem like it was a group hangout but he never invited her over to his or try to get her involved in his life. At first she ignored it but later on she started getting uncomfortable with the attitude and talked to him about but he shrugged it off giving petty excuses.

That was where Kylie came into the picture, we used to be 4 inseparables; Ashley,I, Josephine and Kylie but she changed and in a really terrible way.

She went behind us all and tried to get involved with Ashley's supposed guy and this really broke Ashley's heart.

Kylie Simpson was never like that but I guess being rich took a later toll on her making her feel jealous when things didn't revolve around her. Her father was a well known business man in California and had companies scattered all over while we the other friends were just there.

Scott on the other hand lived with a woman he doesn't refer to as 'mum' but he lived extremely comfortable like though he was a prince of some sort but he never told us anything too deep about his family and since he didn't want to we just let him be.


Today was the last day of school week so I had 2 days to rest from the stress I'd already encountered. Yes senior high is fun and all that but still it had lots of stressful and challenging activities.

I got up from bed Immediately my alarm went off as I didn't want my mum screaming my name. I took my bath and dressed in Black shorts and a red t-shirt, wore my sneakers.

I put few of my notes and into my bag and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning mum" I said grabbing a toast from the plate before me.

"Good morning baby, you're up without me waking you. Congratulations Ashley you're really becoming mature" mum said.

"Oh c'mon mum, you know I also wake up other times without you screaming" I said laughing.

"Fineeee, whatever" mum said laughing.

I got done eating and waited for Natalie to come over so that we Scott could drive us all to school.

Kylie's POV

Dearest Ashley thought she could say such mean things to me and get away with it. Poor thing, she doesn't even know what I've got in store for her.


We all got to school and headed to our various classes but a student behind called for my attention.

"Hey Ashley!"

I looked back to see who was calling. It was a student, I've seen her in one of my history classes before so I acted nice.

"Hi" I said

"I'm sorry for halting you when you're supposed to be in class but it's just that I needed your help and I promise it won't take time" she said

"Uhh, okay then". I replied.

Turned out she had a makeup test on Maths few minutes from now and wanted me to help her with some review questions.

"I believe I'll do better than last time, thanks Ashley" she said gratefully.

"It's nothing, you're welcome and I wish you the best on your test byeee" I said going away.

I opened the door and found out the teacher was already there.

"Fuck!" I cussed under my breath

"Mind sharing with us your reason for being late to class Miss Winters?" The teacher asked.

"Uhh, sorry Miss Fredrickson but I had an assignment to submit and I lost track of time". I lied.

"She gave me an angry look but still said,:Go have a seat Ashley" and sighed.

I was about sitting when I saw someone walk in through the door.

Oh my God! How could I have forgotten about Danny! I thought to myself.

"Please sit Miss Winters!" The teacher half yelled.

I realized I'd been standing.

I was already beside my seat so I just dropped my bag on the table and sat on my seat and that was when I heard a ripping noise.

A girl looked over at me and smiled. She was one of Kylie's friends or better, minions.

I slightly sat up and felt the back of my shorts, it was torn and my butt was sore.

"Please sit over here Daniel" Miss Fredrickson said but he refused

"I always sit at the back ma'am and I feel more comfortable and listen better from there,can I please just go sit over there?" He said flashing a very pretty smile that made me forget my predicament for a moment.

Miss Fredrickson's word brought me back to reality.

"Earth to, Ashley" she said not looking quite happy.

"You'll be swapping seats with Daniel".

My jaw dropped when Miss Fredrickson said that and I tried to oppose the decision.

"But I got here before him ma'am, and I really want to sit here please" I said making a sad face.

"I think Daniel should sit there Ashley. He's always concentrating and not lost in thoughts. I wish I could say that for you today, so please sit here for today because I'd really love you to listen attentively today" she said not minding the look on my face.

Daniel walked up to me and took of his jacket exposing the V-neck Shirt he wore which clung to his body and revealed his perfect Physique.

"Uhhm, why are you handing your jacket to me?" I asked looking away shyly.

He smiled at me and then dropped it on my bag.

"You wouldn't want to show your nice shorts to everyone would you?" He replied

My jaw dropped and I looked away in embarrassment but he just smiled.

"Thank you" I muttered as I tied it around me and walked to the seat in the front row.