
I Got Trapped Inside my mobile game and became the Legendary Spearmen

A person trapped inside a mobile game only way to get out of the game is to change the ending of the world and beat all the floors can he make it’s through

Blue_Hiatous · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


The heroes rest while it's a calm night Jung is outside on the bridge can't sleep and just staring at the stars and the moobnight while his moon earrings shine in the night. "Come out I know your there"Jung said, it was elizabeth "Woah there tiger put thoes fangs away I just came to talk" she said, hopping up on the edge of the bridge railing and walking over to him with her hands behind her back and her fingers interlocked. "Not many people can see through my stealth not even my team members, you must be very skilled"she applaud, "I had good training"he said, looking at him as she is admiring Jung, -Jung at 6'1 brown skinned with a chiseled toned body and a sand-ish, cyran color hair white blue-ish sliver-ish eyes that sparkled in the moon light his hair spiky in a way leaning back showing his clear skin and his moon light earring, Jung wore black leggings the warrior kind with a compact tight black short sleeved shirt, with some sort of cover around his neck matching his hair color with his curved sword on his back and long sword on his side, she noticed that the cover around his neck was covering his arms but it looked like he had some form of tattoos on him that she was intrigued by, no one ever seen his arms either, caught in the moment she reached for the cover surrounding his arms and moving it a little almost seeing it he gets undistracted by the moon and back up a little. "I would prefer if you didn't"he asked, snapping out of it she realized what she did and blushes a bit, "Sorry about that I didn't mean to,… anyways I heard you were a northerner I heard rumors about them would you mind telling me"she ask leaning over the bridge with him, "i don't mind, the moon's bringing back memories anyways…"he said -flash back happening,-"It was hot in the day and cold at night more than it would be anywhere else, the reason why my people were strong was because we lived in rough conditions. But we didn't mind. I was the family head of the clan and I had a older brother, his name was tonto he was 3 years older than me so he would be 23 today, we were training vigorously by the elders as the head family, we were given these tattoos as one of the villages strongest, we worshiped the two gods Humphrey, and Beth the story goes there's two wolfs a man Humphrey who was a regular wolf and Beth a female wolf who was of higher status, it was forbidden to fall in love with one of a lesser class so they snuck around. One day the dad put Humphrey in a holding cell and arranged a marriage for Beth, angry Humphrey used the power of the moon to burst out and protect and live with Beth but doing so they were no longer able to go back home in the south and settled in the north, and they had children one thing led to another humen came in, and return for praise and loyalty we praise them as two half moons and on the full moon they both come together. … They give us strength, that's why some strived to control or partner with us and some wanted to kill us but none could do it our tattoos were said to give us power unimaginable, our speed, strength, sight, smell etc. no we didn't turn into a wolf.

I left my village to go out and meet strong opponents, and while I found many I learned a lot too, I made new connections and learned languages, after 3 years I went back to the village on my birthday the day I tuned 20 and as I was about to leave the village again to meet my brother and celebrate with him before he got married to another northern clan to combine the tribes. I was taken here" flash back ended. Jung said sorry for talking your ear off "No it was a good story and sorry that happen to you"she sympathize putting her hand on his, "I kinda went through the same thing, at a young age I had abusive parents and my dad would beat me and my mom sometimes, my dad owed some guys some money so he tried to pay it off but the men said I was to beaten and they can't sell damage goods so they killed my dad took my mom and left me there, I was all alone so I ended up stealing and clawing my way to get stronger promising to never feel like that again. Years later I found the same guys who tried to sell me years ago drunk and walking down a alley, so I killed them and never looked back and the later on I joined the guild that was a year ago I turned 20 this year too"she shared, they talked for a bit and then decide to head they're separate way's but before that she said "Hey Jung" as he turns around "it would've been cool if you tuned into a wolf"she said walking away, Jung turning back with a smirk and heading towards his cabin.

Player stats

Jung skill blitz(A) the user is able to cross a great distance or even zig zag his way there at excellent speed.

Stacey skill pinpoint accuracy(p) the users accuracy is better when shooting or throwing.