
Chapter 7

Miss... what, what was that?

I don't know. I just expected it to break apart.

If your break apart means burning into ashes then I should call doctor.

No, it's just surprising that this happened.

I will tell master right away.


*knock knock*

You can come in.

Greetings master, I am here to tell you a very surprising and maybe scary thing.

Hmm, go ahead.

So, the miss is pretty powerful.

And how do you know?

Because a while ago she wanted to show me how strong she is by breaking a wooden plank but after she hit it a black and white mist surrounded it with little flashes around and then it burned out and there were no ashes left.

That is really strange because same thing happened to Conrad Blanc's son Ethan.

Yes and also young lord Blanc will take care of her at academy.

Hmmm, I think the school will become a super dangerous place for other nobles to be at when she is around. Since the day she woke up, she was a little different - colder but her willpower grew up.

I think so too, her power is very strong when you compare her to others ladies.


So what did my father say?

He says that you are going to be attending the academy but you have to be careful to not set the school on fire.


The school starts in three days so let's go shopping for the new school year!


Reminder - do not try to set fire on the street okay? >:|

Roger that! =D