
The husband's heaven has set off to the forest pond!

The time to go to The Forest Pond has arrived.

Because Kyoya and his party worked hard to get one of the fox tribe's spots, his trip to the elven territories would be yet again with foxes. The difference will be that Kyoya won't be alone with his party, but a lot of more people will take part in this trip.

This made Kyoya be wary towards everyone, even the foxes themselves as the person leading him wouldn't be the patriarch himself.

Instead, it would be one of the future high foxes with high potential in her body.

Her current strength was around 60-70 floor, so Kyoya was feeling like he had gotten a good companion since the foxes shouldn't be against him.

But if that person was somewhat controlled by the trickster gods' believers, then Kyoya would surely curse the world! 

Too many strong individuals barred his way lately.

"The husband! We are ready!"

"Alright! Let's meet up with others and set off."