
I Got Reincarnated into R18 Mecha Novels as a Side Characters

I am Hiro Denzelnas. I don't know why, but one day, I suddenly remembered a memory from my past life. Based on that memory, I was a side character from the last Mecha R18 novel I read in my past life. Actually, I had no problem being an ordinary side character. But the problem was, I was the husband of the main heroine of that novel. You know what that means? I'm just a side character, but I'm the main heroine's husband. That means I'll be NTR'd by the protagonist of this novel later! Not to mention that the universe in this world is so vast that there are wars between planets, battles between Mechas and pilots, trips to distant space, alien invasions, crazy organizations, and various other dangerous things. Therefore, I have to find a way to survive all the dangerous things that will happen and prevent the protagonist from meeting my wife. For f*cksake! I just want a peaceful life.

AltairNX · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 22

"Well, that was intense."

After I passed through the arena entrance for the staff, I made a quick stop to let Miss Moshinsky catch her breath.

"You alright, Miss Moshinsky?"

I asked her while looking around.

"No... Not really."

She answered me while catching her breath repeatedly and stroking her chest.

After she calmed herself down, she asked me.

"What exactly happened, Sir Denzelnas?"

"I'm wondering about that either. But I'm sure about one thing, we need to get out of here now."

Actually, I was almost 100% sure that it was Aldiermo who attacked us today, but since I didn't have any proof yet, I decided not to say it.

After making sure Miss Moshinsky had calmed herself down, I decided to make my move, in any case, staying in this place was not a good thing.

"Miss Moshinsky, i need you to listen to me."

Sensing the seriousness of my tone, Miss Moshinsky looked at me and nodded.

"Did you ever fight a person before?"

"Only during practice and in this tournament."

"Do you ever kill one?"

Hearing my question, Miss Moshinsky just shook her head in response.

In other words, she was inexperienced, huh.

I then looked at her and said seriously.

"Alright, Miss Moshinsky. This might sound cold and unreasonable, but you have two choices. First, you can part with me and do whatever you want. Or, you can follow me, but I need you to trust me and do as I say. It's your call."

Hearing my words, she thought for a while and then nodded firmly.

"I will come with you, Sir Denzelnas."

Looks like her composure has returned, as expected from the best rookie pilot of the Lorandra Empire, she regained her composure quickly.

"Good, now follow me and stay close."

I quickly approached the wall and walked carefully, after all, I had no idea where those bastards were right now.

If possible, I should make it to the waiting room without running into them, anyway, I can't face them without a weapon and a non-functional pilot suit.

Halfway there, I heard Miss Moshinsky's voice from behind me.

"Where are we heading, Sir Denzelnas?"

"My waiting room, I have another pilot suit in there, I just hope the EMP blast earlier didn't cause any damage to it."

"And.... after that?"

"I'll find out what's going on in this place after taking you to a safe place."


I answered Miss Moshinsky's question by placing my forefinger on my lips to signal her to be quiet, that's because I saw something at the fork in the hallway ahead of us.

"Miss Moshinsky, Wait here and watch our six."

I said that to Miss Moshinsky, and walked towards the fork carefully. When I got close enough, I was able to confirm that what I saw was a corpse.

I then crouched down and took a closer look at the corpse.

From his clothes, it looked like he was a staff member. The wounds on his body didn't look like they were made by gunshots or laser guns, they looked like they were made by the claws of a beast.

And if I remember correctly, Aldiermo only used one beast as their weapon, and that was the Rakhtor, they looked like lizards with mouths full of teeth like wolves, and they were as big as cows.

I then looked towards the passage to my right, and I could see that there were a few more corpses there, seems like they were heading that way, and that was the direction I needed to go.

Dammit! This place really feels like a place from a horror movie now.

Now that I'm absolutely sure that Aldiermo was the one who attacked this place, and about their goal, I'll find out soon.

I then stood up and immediately signaled Miss Moshinsky to follow me.

While passing by the corpses lying on the floor of the hallway we passed, I heard Miss Moshinsky's call from behind me.

"Umm.... Sir Denzelnas."

I then said to her without turning around and continued walking.

"Nothing we can do for them, they're gone."

"... What's happening to them? That's not a gun shot, isn't it?"

"It wasn't. If I was right, it was probably the Rakhtor."


Seriously, this girl really has a lot of questions.

I then turned around and said.

"Miss Moshinsky, please. You can start asking questions later after we are safe, for now, we just need to-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I saw a shadow from a hallway we passed.

Oh shit.

I then held Miss Moshinsky's wrist and said.

"Miss Moshinsky, we need to run."

"Uh, why?"

She asked me with a confused expression.

"Just run, and whatever happens, don't look back."

After saying that, I pulled Miss Moshinsky who was still confused and started running.

Damn, even though my waiting room was already close.

Thankfully Miss Moshinsky's physical condition was pretty good, although she couldn't match my full speed, with this kind of speed, I think we could reach the waiting room safely.

"Miss Moshinsky, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Anyway, why are we running, Sir Denzelnas?"

"The Rakhtor has found us."

"How? They haven't seen us yet, right?"

"They have a sharp sense of smell that's much better than tracking dogs."

"They're that good!?"

I could hear that Miss Moshinsky's tone was starting to sound panicked.

"Yep, so we should head to the waiting room to get my pilot suit, in my current state, I won't be able to face them."

After saying that, I then turned around briefly to look back.

Although I couldn't see it, but I could hear the sound of its footsteps.

We really have been found.

"Sir Denzelnas, how do they look like?"

"What? The Rakhtor?"



Before I could answer her question, we heard a roar from behind us, and we turned around reflexively.

Behind us, I could see a Rakhtor roaring and running towards us.

I then said to Miss Moshinsky while pointing at the Rakhtor.

"Like that."

After saying that, I then accelerated my running speed while pulling Miss Moshinsky who had a terrified expression on her face and covered her mouth with one hand.

Little by little, I could feel that the Rakhtor chasing us was getting closer. But fortunately, after turning the corner in front of me, I would reach my waiting room soon.

I then turned at the corner and finally, not far from there, I could see my waiting room, I immediately opened the door and pulled Miss Moshinsky inside before the Rakhtor reached us and closed the door.

I let out a sigh of relief and said.

"Phew, that was close. That really felt like being in the J*rassic Park movie."

"I.... don't understand.... what you're saying at all, Sir Denzelnas."

Miss Moshinsky answered me while trying hard to catch her breath.

Oh shit, I just remembered that the lock on this door must have been damaged by the EMP blast earlier.

"Miss Moshinsky, help me put this sofa in front of the door."

We then pushed the sofa in the room and placed it in front of the entrance.

I then whispered to Miss Moshinsky.

"Miss Moshinsky, can you hold the door for a moment?"

"Ah, all right."

"And don't make too much noise, the Rakhtor didn't see us come in here. I need time to put on my pilot suit."

I then walked towards the lockers in the room, and opened my suitcase inside.

When I saw that the status screen on the suitcase said "Safe", I let out a sigh of relief.

I then took off the pilot suit I was still wearing before putting on my new pilot suit.

However, in the middle of putting on my pilot suit, I heard a banging sound from the door. When I looked at Miss Moshinsky, she nodded to confirm that my guess was correct.


I then immediately hurried up putting on my pilot suit.

However, before I could put on my helmet, I heard Miss Moshinsky say.

"Sir Denzelnas, I won't be able to hold out much longer."

Hearing that, I turned to her, but before I could answer.


Rokhtar who was behind the door broke in so hard that Miss Moshinsky was thrown towards me.

Seeing that, I caught Miss Moshinsky before she hit the wall.

"Are you alright, Miss Moshinsky?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

After confirming her condition, I sat her down on the floor before I looked at Rokhtar at the door.


The Rokhtar had something that looked like a camera beside its head, perhaps that was what Aldiermo's members used to control them.

The Rakhtor then started running towards me, seeing that, I immediately put on my helmet and took a defensive position, I couldn't dodge because if I did Miss Moshinsky would be the one hit by the Rokhtar.

Since I had my helmet on and my pilot suit took a while to activate, I couldn't see anything and could only wait for the Rakhtor's attack to hit me.

Only a moment later, I felt something like a hard punch hit my left shoulder and it sent me flying to the right until I hit the wall.

Looks like the Rakhtor hit me with its tail.

Ow, that hurt like hell.

Right after that, my pilot suit activated and my vision returned.

I could see Miss Moshinsky slowly retreating as the Rakhtor attempted to bite her.

Seeing that, I launched my grappling hook at the Rakhtor's back leg.


The Rakhtor roared angrily as my grappling hook pierced its leg, I smiled at its reaction then pulled the Rakhtor towards me. Although he tried to resist, it was useless because the pull of my grapling gook and in addition to my pull was too strong.

When he was close enough to me, I released my grapling hook before grabbing his leg and slamming him against the wall where I was knocked down by the blow from his tail a while ago.


"And that's how I felt earlier, you son of a bitch!"

After saying that, I wasted no time in waiting for him to recover and stabbed his head with my expandable blade.

I then retracted my expendable blade back into its terminal before looking at Miss Moshinsky.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, thanks to you."

Miss Moshinsky then stood up and walked towards me, she then stopped beside me while looking at Rakhtor's corpse in front of us and said.

"That was quite easy, even though we had a hard time running away from him. Is that a combat type pilot suit?"

"Yep, to be honest I was also quite surprised by how easy this was. Let's get out of here, I'll get you out of here and take you to a safe place, Miss Moshinsky."

I then turned around and walked towards the entrance of my waiting room to take Miss Moshinsky to a safe place, before I went to what was probably the main destination of these terrorists.

However, as I was checking the situation outside my waiting room, Miss Moshinsky stopped me.

"Sir Denzelnas."

"What's wrong?"

I then turned around and looked at Miss Moshinsky who seems to want to say something to me, but she seems hesitant to say it.

"Miss Moshinsky, if you have something to say just say it."

Hearing my words, she nodded and then looked at me before saying.

"Can I ask you to help me find my sister?"

"Your sister is here? Why did you just say it now?"

"Because if I had said it earlier, I think I would have just asked for something impossible. But, now, I don't think it's impossible anymore."

She paused for a moment before bowing and continued.

"Please, I've actually been really worried about my sister's situation."

I see, the reason why she was so anxious earlier was because of this, huh.

I was a bit confused about how to answer her request, to be honest, if I complied with her request, it would ruin my plans, but....

"Where's your sister?"

"VIP Room No.4, she's with one of her friends there."

Hmm.... Well, I guess it doesn't matter. It's pretty close to my destination anyway.

"Very well, Miss Moshinsky. Then let's not waste any more time, let's hurry up."

Hearing my words, Miss Moshinsky smiled with relief and bowed once more before saying "Thank you."

After that, the two of us walked cautiously towards the upper floor where the VIP room was located.


A few minutes later, Miss Moshinsky and I had arrived at the floor where the VIP room was located via the fire escape, but right before I exited, I noticed that there were four people guarding the entrance to the fire escape.

I used my thermal vision to see them in detail, the four of them were walking back and forth in front of the entrance, they were also heavily armed and even wearing tactical vests.

It looks like they were sent to guard this place.

I told Miss Moshinsky to wait, before I decided to go out myself and tackle the guards.

I waited for one of them to walk right in front of the door before dashing towards the door and tackling the guard to the wall with the help of the thrusters on my waist.


I slammed him into the wall and made sure he didn't die, before turning my attention towards the other three.

The three of them aimed their weapons at me, but before they fired, I had already fired my Grapling Hook at the leg of the one on my left, before pulling him out and throwing him towards the two on my right.

After that, I quickly ran towards the three of them and killed them with my expendable blade.

After making sure they were dead, I then turned around and walked towards the person I had slammed into the wall earlier, he was trying to crawl to get his weapon and walkie talkie that had fallen when I tackled him against the wall.

I stepped on his hand, then kicked his weapon and destroyed his walkie talkie.

I then squatted in front of him and said.

"Hey, look at me, mate."

He kept his bowed head and stared at the floor.

"I said look at me."

He still bowed his head.

He's a stubborn one.


I sighed before standing up, and stepped on that person's ankle to break it.


I then squatted in front of him again and said.

"Listen here, mate. I don't have time for breaking all of your bones one by one before you start talking, okay? i usually enjoy it but.... This time, I can't do that. So why don't you just do me a favor and answer my question. And I promise, I won't hurt you. Got it?"

Hearing my words, that person slowly raised his head and looked at me.

Seeing that, I nodded and said.


He was pretty easy, I think I had to break a few more of his bones before he finally gave up.

"Alright, first question. How many of you are there?"


"Really? Where are they all then?"

"Outside, most of them are keeping the police from entering, and the rest are guarding the hostages we took from the people in the VIP room."

The people in the VIP room, huh. That means Miss Moshinsky's sister is also there.

"Where are they? The hostages."

"VIP Room no.10"

"How many guards are there?"

"I don't know, I think about 8 to 10 people."

If it's only that many, I think I can handle it myself.

"Last question, what is your primary objective?"

When I asked that, the person was silent. As I stood up and moved to break his other ankle he quickly said.

"Iraliyel Jorandylus!"


To make sure I hadn't heard wrong, I asked him again.

"Iraliyel Jorandylus, she's our primary objective, I'm not sure why our boss wants her, but we were all told to capture that girl alive. Can I go now?"

"Yeah, you can go to hell now."

After I said that, I immediately stepped on that person's neck and broke it.

Hearing what he said made my mood even worse.

Bollocks, looks like my guess was right.

They were not here for the Imperial Family, but for that girl Iraliyel Jorandylus. Now I understand why her character in the novel and her current character are so different, it's all because of this incident, she also got her trauma from here.
