
I Got Reincarnated into R18 Mecha Novels as a Side Characters

I am Hiro Denzelnas. I don't know why, but one day, I suddenly remembered a memory from my past life. Based on that memory, I was a side character from the last Mecha R18 novel I read in my past life. Actually, I had no problem being an ordinary side character. But the problem was, I was the husband of the main heroine of that novel. You know what that means? I'm just a side character, but I'm the main heroine's husband. That means I'll be NTR'd by the protagonist of this novel later! Not to mention that the universe in this world is so vast that there are wars between planets, battles between Mechas and pilots, trips to distant space, alien invasions, crazy organizations, and various other dangerous things. Therefore, I have to find a way to survive all the dangerous things that will happen and prevent the protagonist from meeting my wife. For f*cksake! I just want a peaceful life.

AltairNX · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 18 - Villain

After lunch, we all gathered in the living room, Alicia was sitting doing something on her laptop, Melissa was sitting next to her reading a fashion magazine and drinking tea, while Luna was lying on the sofa reading a novel and chuckling at it. Sometimes I forget why Luna is here, I hope the Workshop is finished soon so I can get this girl to work.

And me, I was watching TV and saw the news about the attack that happened at the fuel station before, to be honest, I was a little confused about what was going on, as I recall, this Aldeirmo Organization did not move until a few months before the protagonist came to this planet.

Even then, it was because they were hired to kill someone. And now? What are they doing? I don't understand at all. Are they also doing it because they are getting paid? But who paid them? What is their real motive? To me, what they're doing now is just a diversion, their real target is somewhere else.

But well, I guess there's no point in thinking about it now, I'll take care of them after I return from that vacation to Mora planet. Right now I'm just going to focus on winning the tournament and getting the prize so I can buy better equipment.

Actually, I can ask my mom for help, but.... It feels bad if I have to use company money for my personal needs. So yeah, I'll just make my own money.

After thinking that, I changed the channel on the TV to the one that was showing the tournament matches.

"Woah That' awesome! Crusher managed to defeat his enemy in less than 5 minutes! As expected from a pilot who just returned from the battlefield."

Uwah, that noisy host again.

Right after I changed the channel, I immediately heard that noisy host's voice.

Apparently, it's the Advanced Division's match now, they really look like professionals, I mean, just look at Crusher's Mecha, it's jet black and has those horrible-looking red stripes.

His armor also looks very solid, the Dual-sword he holds in his hand also looks very expensive. His opponent who was missing an arm also looks to be using an advanced Mecha, especially his shield and firearms, he was using an SMG type firearm on his Mecha.

This is the first time I've seen someone using a Mecha firearm other than the sniper type, I also saw that there was an extra arm on the Mecha's back. I wonder how much it cost them to make their Mecha that good.



In the middle of watching that, I heard Alicia calling me, when I looked at her, she was already standing up and packing her laptop.

"We should go."

"Oh, you're right."

Come to think of it, Melissa told me I had to take her and Alicia somewhere, huh.

"Where are we going?"

"I'll tell you in the car."

Alicia simply said that before walking up to her room, her answer making me even more curious.

Melissa then came from the kitchen, still curious, I asked her.

"Melissa, where should I take you and Alicia?"

"Hmm? You don't know?"

Melissa asked me with a slightly surprised expression.

"About what?"

"Today is the memorial day for Lady Alicia's father."

"I didn't know about that."

"I thought you would know since you've known Lady Alicia for a long time now."

"I vaguely remember, uncle Gavin's death was about 15 years ago, you know?"

Gavin Middleton, he was Alicia's father and a great pilot, he even had the nickname "White Hawk" because he once brought down a Space Carrier Ship from the Golantia Empire by himself.

I only met him twice so I don't have much impression about him, all I can remember is that he was a gentle man. 15 years ago, the Lorandra Empire, UEMA Empire, and Yggdrasil Federation made a joint raid to a small planet that they suspected to be the meeting place between the Dark Legion and METAL Sect.

However, when they arrived, it was a trap, and Alicia's father was reported MIA while buying time for the other forces to retreat. Six months later, the Empire announced that he was officially dead.

And that's all I know, my father wasn't on that operation either because he was on another mission, so he didn't know much either. All my father said was that there was no way Uncle Gavin could have survived all that.

I then asked Melissa.

"So, we're going to the tomb of the heroes in the Garden District?"

"Yes, we also have to pick up Lady Julia at her mansion."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in the garage."

"Yes, we'll be right there."

I said so and walked towards the garage.

"Ah! Hiro!"


Melissa yelled at me as she walked up the stairs.

"Don't use your sedan, use the minivan."


"Lady Hermia is coming too."


Melissa walked up to her room after saying that. However, before I went out to the garage, I said to Luna who was still lying on the sofa.

"Luna, don't go anywhere and stay here, okay?"

"Fine, fine, I know. You realize I'm not a kid, right?"

Luna just waved her hand at me and said that while continuing to read the novel she was holding.

I wonder what novel she was reading until she put that focus on it?

"I'll go then, stay here."

"Um, take care."

Luna just nodded and said that without looking at me, I then turned around and walked towards the garage.

Once I got to the garage, I set up the minivan that the ladies used to go shopping yesterday, this was one of the 3 cars in my garage.

I started the engine and warmed it up while waiting for Alicia and Melissa to arrive.

About 10 minutes later, they finally arrived. Alicia was wearing the same blue A-line dress as usual and Melissa was still wearing her maid outfit.

After they got into the car, we took off.


A few minutes later, we arrived at the Middleton family mansion, it was Alicia's old house, a large mansion that had 30 rooms, and currently only 3 people lived there, aunt Julia, my mother, and the Middleton family servant named Keila.

My mom doesn't actually live here, she lives in our old house which is about 2 kilometers away, but ever since Alicia and I got married she has been staying here.

Aunt Julia and my mom were waiting for us at the gate, and I stopped the car in front of them.

"Hiro~ Come here son~"

Here we go again.

My mom said that as she opened her hand and told me to get out of the car.

"Mom, come on. Just get in the car."

"Geez, just give mom a hug."

"Later, mom. Just hurry up and get in. please."

"That's right, Hermia. Let's get in the car."


Pressured by me and aunt Julia, my mom finally got into the car while sulking like a child.

"Geez, Hermia. How many times did I say this, remember your age."

"I'm not that old, okay?"

"You're almost 40, Hermia."

"Hey! I'm not that old!"

" Mother, stop it. Don't keep teasing aunt Hermia."

Perhaps because she could no longer stand their bickering, Alicia turned around and scolded her mother.

"That's right, Alice. Tell your mother here that I'm still young."

"Hermia, wake up. You're not that young anymore."


Alicia scolded her mother again.

Honestly, I don't know how many times I've seen this ridiculous argument between them.

Because I felt sorry for Melissa who was stuck with their quarrel in the back, I said.

"Mom, aunt Julia, I'm going to start the car."

After I said that, they finally got quiet and fastened their seat belts. I started the car and drove to the tomb of the heroes not to far away from here.

About 10 minutes later, we arrived there, I parked our car near the gate, and then walked in together.

The Tomb of the Imperial Heroes

There are so many graves in this place, that''s because it''s a graveyard for military members of the empire who were killed in action. Even my father is also buried here, but his grave is located quite far from Alicia's father's grave.

On the way, aunt Julia asked me.

"How was the match, Hiro? I heard from Hermia that you lost one of your arms, though I'm sure Hermia meant your Mecha arm."

"As you can see now, aunt Julia. I'm fine."

"What about your Mecha?"

"Since all the repair costs will be covered by the Imperial government, I'm sure by tomorrow my Mecha will be back as good as new, and I'll be able to fight like normal."

"That's good then, because I also want to try going to planet Mora at least once, or maybe... am I not invited?"

Aunt Julia said that with a sly smile.

" Stop joking, aunt Julia. There's no way I'd do that."

I replied with a wry smile.

"What about Alice, you're going to take mother along with you, right? Or do you prefer to go alone with Hiro?"

" Mother."

Alicia just gave a sharp look at aunt Julia, but instead of being intimidated, aunt Julia just smiled. She then turned to me and said.

"Don't lose, okay? Auntie is counting on you, Hiro."

I just raised my thumb in reply, and aunt Julia went back to clinging onto Alicia.

She probably did that to lighten the mood, after all, Alicia was actually very sensisitive when it came to her father. Ever since we entered the graveyard, I could feel that Alicia's pace was getting slower and slower, even my mother had noticed that, which was why ever since we entered the graveyard she had been accompanying Alicia to talk. Melissa was also doing the same.

Not long after, we finally arrived at Alicia's father's grave.

The tombstone on the grave was Gavin "Hawk" Middleton. My mother and I stood not far from the grave, while Alicia, Melissa and aunt Julia went to the front of the grave to place the flowers they had brought.


"What is it, son?"

"Does Alicia come here every year?"

" From what I've heard from Julia. Yes, they come here every year. Seems like Alice still can't let go of her father, even after 15 years."

My mom was silent for a moment before speaking to me with a smile.

"That's why I was really happy when you wanted to become a pilot again, because that means you've finally let go of your father."

Ah, so that's why my mom looked so surprised and happy that time. Well, it was actually because I was remembering memories from my past life though.

In the middle of my conversation with my mother, the three of them returned, I could see Alicia's eyes turning a bit red. I then asked aunt Julia.

"Are you guys done?"

"Yes, we're done. What about you, Hiro? Do you also want to visit your father's grave?"

"No, I don't. What about you, mom?"

"No worries dear, Alice looks a little tired anyway."

"Then let's go home."

I said that, and told the ladies to walk in front of me.

There were two reasons why I didn't want to visit my father's grave, the first was, I didn't need it, for me a grave was not necessary, as long as I could remember them, it was enough. That's because in my past life, some of the people I knew died by exploding into pieces in the air.

And the second reason was because of my mother, she would probably cry again, after all, when my father died, the one who was hit the hardest wasn't me, it was my mother. So I didn't want to talk about my father in front of her as much as possible.

After that, I took my mother and Aunt Julia to their mansion, and then me, Alicia and Melissa headed home. I actually wanted to stop off somewhere, but when I saw Alicia's gloomy face, I decided not to.

Upon arriving home, we got out of the car and immediately entered the house.

"Welcome back, are you guys-"

Luna greeted us cheerfully in the living room just as we entered the house, she wanted to say something, but since she probably realized the atmosphere, she immediately shut up.

Alicia went up to her room and Melissa followed her.

Luna stood up from the sofa and walked over to me.

"Hey, what's going on with Alicia?"

"She just visited her father's grave."


Hearing my words, Luna replied with a confused expression, but after thinking for a while, she finally seems to understand. She nodded before saying.

" I guess Alicia could be like that as well, huh."

"Well, she is also a person."

The two of us both looked towards the stairs where Alicia disappeared, I guess it's fine if I go now.

"By the way, Luna."


"I'll be gone for a while, tell Alicia and Melissa that I'll be home before dinner."

I said that to Luna then quickly walked towards the exit.

"You're leaving again?"

"Yeah, you guys stay home until I get back. Things are pretty chaotic in the city right now."

"I don't understand but... Okay."

"Good, I'll go then. I'll be back before dinner."

I wanted to go to Hanz workshop to do something and buy extra weapons at my mom's company store.


-Unknown POV

I don't know what happened, all I can remember is, when I entered my car on my way home from work today I suddenly got sleepy and fell asleep. And when I woke up, I was already tied up in this place.

Because my eyes and mouth were closed, I couldn't see or speak. All I could do was hear the sound of dripping water and the sound of mosquitoes.

I was so scared, I really didn't know what was going on.


Is that a footstep sound?


I can feel the footsteps getting closer, I don't know who it is, but it could be the person who did all this to me.


Every time the footsteps got closer, I felt more and more scared.

Finally, the footsteps arrived in front of me.

What was he going to do?

"Hey, are you awake, Hermano?"

I just kept quiet.

"Don't just shut up and answer me."



It hurts! I felt a pain on my left cheek, did he slap me?

"Don't just shut up, Hermano! Answer me!"

The man said angrily.

Fearing that he would hit me again, I quickly wriggled around.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How stupid I am, I forgot that your mouth was taped up."

The person said it in a casual tone as if he was really apologizing.

Is this guy crazy? He must be doing it on purpose.

I then felt the tape on my mouth come off.

"Well, how is it? Feeling better?"

Without answering his question, I just asked him.

"You..... Who-Who are you?"

"Well, you can call me, K."

"Wha-what do you want?"

As soon as I said that, I gasped as I felt his hands on my shoulders.

"Woah, woah, calm down, Hermano. Relax, I'm not gonna kill you, so don't worry."

He said that in a relaxed tone while massaging my shoulders, as if he was trying to make me calm down. But that just made me even more scared.

"Wha-What do... what do you want?"

Frightened, I trembled even more.




That guy suddenly got angry and slapped me again.

"Sorry sorry sorry I won't do it again, please."

I quickly apologized to him and tried to pull myself together as best I could.

"Yeah, just like that, Hermano. Calm down."

I was still very scared, but I tried to make myself speak as calmly as possible.

"What do you want, sir?"

"Well... What do you think, Hermano?"

"I don't know, sir. I'm just a normal servant in the castle."

"And that's exactly why I need you, Hermano."

I then felt that my blindfold had been removed, I slowly opened my eyes. And when my eyes opened, I could see a man with a creepy face smiling like crazy in front of me.

"I need you to do something for me, Hermano."

I'm definitily gonna die.

Thanks for reading and Thanks for the Powerstone

support me on my ******* if you want


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