
I got reincarnated as the Dragon of Death: (IGRAAS, Overload, WIGRAAS)

DarkDragon2261_GC · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Death and Rebirth

In the middle of nowhere in the Rocky Mountains, there was a girl of the age of 16 lying in the snow, bleeding out to death due to an animal attack. She didn't know what to attack her. The only thing she knew was that her friends and family used her as bait to get away from whatever attacked her.

"Never one I knew just left me here for dead. Why... why did they use me as a sacrifice so they can get away? Do they seriously don't care about me? I am just nothing to them."

"If I am going to die here. I wish in my next life, I would be something like an elemental dragon or vampire. Or maybe both. Or something this that can't be plagued by death."

[Searching for suitable race ... race not found creating new race ... race created Vampiric Dragon]

[Species Skills: Dragon's Wrath, Dragon's Pride, Draconic Strength, Vampiric Speed, Vampire Drain, Elemental Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Elemental Resistance, Darkness Resistance, Death Resistance, Blood Fire, Death Fire, Immortal Body and Soul, Heat and cold immunity, Devour]

[Because you are the first of your species of dragon, you have been given the unique skill Vampiric Dragon Eyes]

"I also wish that this pain would just go away. It would just heal itself up like it was not even there."

[Skills Pain Resistance and Regeneration acquired]

"I just see myself as a newborn in my new life if that never happens. But if it did happen, I would love to have a strong mother, like one of those demon kings from books and TV shows I read and watched. But the only thing I wish for is to be part of a family that cares about me."

Then everything goes black.

[Searching for parameters of user's origin point … origin point found.]

[User is granted the unique skills Blood Origins do to being born from a royal vampire.]

[User is also granted the unique skill Child of Lust due to being born from the holder of the sin skill Lust]

[User is also granted the unique skill Child of a True Demon Lord. The user is also given the demon load seed]

[Starting soul migration and reincarnation in 3 … 2 … 1 …]


 ==== New World - Holy Empire Ruberios - Scared Mountain - Inner Sanctuary - Demon Lord's Bedroom ====

Location: Western Holy Church Headquarters – Holy Empire Ruberios / Night Garden

POV: Luminous Valentine

I am currently lying on a lavish bed in a darkroom, waiting to give birth to a child that I am pregnant with. When looking back on how I got pregnant. I was doing some of my experiments with my Blood Resurrect Skill to see what would happen if I used my holy and dark magic simultaneously on a dead mother. The goal was to see if I could create a new life with the corpse of the deceased monster. But in the end, I was able to create a new life, but the dead mother was not brought back to life. Instead, the life I brought to life was the baby that I was pregnant with.

Putting my hand on my belly, I look around the room at all my subordinates who are here with me while I give birth to my child. Next to me on the left side of the bed are Louis and Roy Valentin, my most loyal subordinates and followers. Also in the room were the Clerics of the Seven Luminaries. Also, all members of my vampire and demon lord court.

Then Roy spoke up. "Lady Luminous, are you sure that you want to still go through this."

I look at Roy like he is a moron.

"Roy, didn't I already tell you that I'm going to give birth to this child, and nothing or no one is going to change my mind? Do you understand Roy?" I said in a cold voice.

 Roy then looks disappointed in his actions.

"Please forgive me for my outburst, Lady Luminous."

"Fine, don't it again. Also, that goes for all of you. Do I make myself clear?"

All of them say in unison, "Yes, Lady Luminous."

"Good, now all of you get out. It is time for me to give birth to this child, and Roy calls for my maids to come and help me with my childbirth."

"Yes, Lady Luminous, I will send them the right way."

Then, my subordinates left the room while four maids entered to help me with the childbirth.

The first maid then spoke up to me. "Are you ready, my lady?"

Then I nodded and said, "Yes, I am ready. I am ready to meet my child."

Then one of the maids goes to my right side of me and grabs my right hand. At the same time, another of the maids goes to the left side of me and holds my left hand.

Then the maid that spoke to me. She stood in front of me to get the baby when it came out, and next to her was the last maid with a bucket of hot water to clean the baby with after it was born.

Then I started to push.

==== 3 excruciating hours later ====

The child was born. The child was being held in the maid's arms.

"Lady Luminous is a girl. You gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Lady Luminous."

Then, two maids started cleaning the baby girl's body; after they finished, they froze in places, looking at the clean baby girl's body.

Seeing the expressions on my maids' faces, I started getting concerned and thought to myself. 'Is there something wrong with my child.' 

Then I said in a low and concerned voice. "What is wrong? Is there so thing wrong with my child!"

The maid holding my child looked at me with a smile, but there was a glint of fear in her eyes. She opened and closed her mouth, trying to find the right words to say.

"L ... Lady Lum ... Luminous I ... I think that ... that you should look for your ... yourself, my lady." She said in a trembling voice while handing me my daughter.

Then I grabbed my newborn daughter from my maid's hands, and I held my daughter in my arms. I looked over my daughter's body. She had the same silver hair as me. Her skin was ghostly white ash color. It was sometimes regular for a vampire child to have ghostly white ash skin. What shocked me was that my daughter had some dragon and elven-like features on her body. She had shiny silver dragon scales that covered her entire body except for her belly, face, and chest, where her beautiful ashy-pale white skin could be seen. Also, a few scales around her exposed ashen skin had a tent of red or black. She also had a dragon tail covered with her shiny silver scales. Looking closer at her tail, I can see a fluffy silver mane coming from the back of her neck, going down her back, along her spine, and down to her tail, where it continues along the upper part of her tail, where it ends close to the tip of her tail.

Then I put my hand on her head and felt two bumps. I assume that these two bumps where her horns will grow when she gets older. I also found two tiny dragon-like wings on her back. The wings looked like a type of bat wing, but the outline skeleton of the wings was covered in her silver scales. The patagium of the wings were different colors from front to back. The front side of the patagium of the wings that faced my daughter's body, if she wrapped her wings around her, was black colored, and the patagium had some glowing red veins showing. The part of the patagium of the wings that faced outweirds was a silver color like her scales, hair, and mane, but was also covered in silver fur like her mane.

Then I looked back at her face and saw her open her eyes for the first time. Her eyes were the same color as mine. Her left eye was blue, and her right eye was red like mine, but the difference between our eyes was our pupils. My pupils were round, and her pupils were the shape of a diamond, but they were thin and made them look like slit pupils that a cat sometimes has.

Then, my eyes wander to her ears. Her ears were pointy like an elf's, but not as long as an elf hears; they were extended as a half-elf's ears.

After examining my daughter's baby's body, I realized that my daughter was some elven vampire and dragon hybrid. I started to worry how my subordinates would react to her being part dragon because of the reaction the maid showed not that long ago toward seeing my daughter's body after she cleaned her body. I know the reason she acted that way was due to the Storm Dragon Veldora. A few centuries ago, Vaeldora destroyed my old capital and killed many of my subordinates during his rampage. This caused me and my subordinates to hold great anger and hostility toward Veldora and all the other Great True Dragons.

Then I thought to myself, 'If I ever see that annoying fucking lizard again! I am going to punch his stupid-looking face in!'

I look back down as my daughter closes her eyes and smiles at me.

By that small action, all my anger just went away. Then I chucked softly while watching the smile on my daughter's cute baby face.

"Fufufu… looks like I have only to make an exception for you, my little dragon," I say teasingly to my daughter while a smile appears on my face.

Then I looked at all the mains in my room.

"Please, fetch Roy and Louis for me a once and tell them to come here immediately."

"Yes, Lady Luminous, we will fetch them immediately."

Then, the maids left the room to fetch Roy and Louis.

==== MC Pov ====

When I open my eyes for the first time after only seeing darkness for a long time, the first thing I see is a woman with silver hair. Her eyes were different colors; her left eye was blue, and her right was red. She had pale white skin, and she looked like she was around the age of 15 to 19 years of age. I was able to tell that this woman was my mother.

I saw my mother start to get very angry about something. Then I closed my eyes and tried to smile at her. Then I open my eyes again to see my mother chuckling to herself.

Then I heard the first thing my mother said to me. "Fufufu... looks like I have only to make an exception for you, my little dragon."

When she said that to me, I was confused. 'What does she mean by looks like I have only to make an exception for you, and what does she mean by a little dragon.' Then, that thought quickly left my mind when I saw my mother smile at me. Then, something caught my attention when my mother smiled at me. The thing that caught my attention was my mother's teeth. She had regular-looking teeth, but she also had vampire fangs.

'My mother is a vampire. I am also a vampire?' This and many other thoughts and questions ran through my mind. Then, I stopped thinking about all these thoughts and questions when my mother looked away from me and at something else. I tried to see what my mother was looking at, but I could not see anything while holding me in her arms.

Then I heard my mother say, "Please, fetch Roy and Louis for me a once and tell them to come here immediately." Like she was speaking to someone.

Then I heard a female voice respond, "Yes, Lady Luminous, we will fetch them immediately."

Then I heard footsteps of four people leaving and the door closing behind them.

Then I looked at my mother and thought, 'So my mother's name is Luminous, or is that your last name? I don't know. But what I can tell is that those people who just left were some servants and that my mother has to be some royal or noble vampire who is high in vampire society.

==== Time Skip - 30 minutes ====

While still being held in my mother's arms. I heard the door open and the footsteps of two people entering the room. When the footsteps approached, I saw two men resembling humans standing before my mother. They both looked like twines, and I could tell that they both were vampires, but they were dressed weirdly; one was dressed up like one of the vampires I saw from old movies I saw in my past life. The other man was dressed up like a priest; he looked like one of those old popes from Rome, but just younger. 

'So, I assume these two must be Roy and Lunis.'

Then I saw both of them bowed to my mother.

Then I heard them both say in unison, "Lady Luminous, you summon for us."

I looked back at my mother and saw that he had a severe expression on her face.

Then she held me up in her arms and said to them. "I would like to introduce my daughter to the both of you."

Then she embraced me in her arms again.

"Also, I called you here because we have a problem; my daughter is part dragon. So, I need you two to figure out how to get everyone else to accept her. I know I can order everyone to do so, and they will do as I say, but I don't want that. I want both of you and the rest of my subordinates to see her as my daughter and not another dragon. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lady Luminous, we will figure out a way to get others to accept her." said the man I assumed was Roy.

"Also, Lady Luminous, did you give her a name yet?" said who I assumed was Lunis, who spoke write after Roy.

Then I saw my mother look down at me in her arms. Then she looks outside at the night sky. She looked at the full moon and said, "Her name is Luna, Luna Valentine, daughter of demon lord Luminous Valentine. Who is my cute little dragon."

Then I started to glow.

==== Luminous Valentine Pov ====

When I gave my daughter a name, she started to glow like everyone else I gave a name to, but when she glowed, she took 75% of my magic. When this happened, it shocked me that I lost so much magic just by naming my newborn daughter.

My daughter Luna did evolve, but she still looked the same as before; the only differences are that she looks like a 1-year-old now, her dragon horns are starting to show, and there are now a few red and black scales with silver scales on her tail. Also, her silver hair and silver main have some red highlights.

Then I looked at Roy and said, "We also need to push our planes into effect to hide Luna's excises from the other demon load. I don't want the other demon load to find out about her and use her as my weakness to get at me. So, when she gets a little older, I will teach her about magic and how to use her skills effectively against her enemies. So, Roy, I will need your help to keep an eye on her OK."

"Yes, Lady Luminous." Then Roy and Lunis left the room with me and Luna.

I hug my daughter Luna and tell her, "I got big plans for you, and I can't wait to see you grow up, my dear little Luna."