
testing ch 18

As the next day arrive all I did was lying on the couch watching movie

"Sigh..... This is boring, I want some action already"

As I lay on the couch a sudden Idea Pops up

"Oh, how about I do some experiment about my cursed energy manipulation, hmmm alright then it settled let's practice my cursed energy manipulation"

As I stand up, I then turn off the TV and quickly headed to the place where I fought my shikigami's, as I survey the area checking if there's any people and as soon as I get the green flag, I then grabbed 2 curse spirit inside my pocket, and started to modify it, I first start pouring it with great amount of cursed energy, as I pour some cursed energy to it, the curse spirit started to get bigger and it's body started developed some spikes, while the other one started to develop a huge muscle and a hard armor around it almost like an exoskeleton

"Ohh, so this is what they look like, and they seems to have a very prominent features such as spike and a huge body, alright then I guess this is a succes now for the second part combat abilities, let's see if they can hold out fighting my shikigami, BAKU, GRIFFIN"

As I spoke there name my shadow then enlarge and inside it came out my two shikigami

"Now then"

As I said this I then jump back to the fight at full view, after that I then start the fight


As I give the command the first one to move is the griffin knowing how fast it is, but as soon as the griffin took flight Baku then follow with 5 sommuns assisting the griffin, as the scene unfolds my gaze full to the two curse spirit

"Hmm are they not fighting, does they think there still weak?"

As if my thoughts were proven wrong one of the curse spirit then launched itself to the griffin, but because of how fast the griffin it was able to dodge the incoming curse spirit and as soon as the griffin dodge it, it then grabbed the curse spirit and swung it to the sky, making the fight an aerial one, on the other hand baku's sommun started attacking the other curse spirit but due to how hard the curse spirit is it could not damage it

"Wow it's really hard I wonder if I can cut it with my solid strike cleaver, but anyway that curse spirit really won't budge huh"

As I looked at the curse spirit, I then noticed a subtle movement

"Ohh, is it finally moving, let see what you're capable of"

As the other curse spirit keep receiving the attack it then started to move a little and in an instant it disappears and reappear behind Baku, which caught me by surprise

"Wow I didn't it was fast, at first I thought that it would have be stronger but slow, I guess I was proving wrong once again"

As the curse spirit reappear behind Baku it then tried to punch Baku, but to it surprise, a katana suddenly materialize out of nowhere and tried to cut the curse spirit, but to Baku baku's expectation the curse spirit didn't back away but instead continue it's attack, and in response the samurai then attack as well, as they were fighting, out of nowhere a curse spirit fell to the ground, and as the dust settles down, the curse spirit that the griffin fought is laying on the ground with a missing arm leg and a huge chunk of its body, and as I look at the griffin I can see some deep wound on it

"I guess the griffin didn't came out unscathed, well that's to be expected since it's opponent has spikes afterall so fighting it will only hurt you and the opponent, fighting that kind of curse spirit is akin to a double edge sword, then what about Baku"

As I scan my surroundings finding the curse spirit and Baku, I was surprised by what I saw, I saw Baku with 50 sommuns as it's side

"Hahahaha does Baku finally to get serious, let's how far can the curse spirit last"

And out of nowhere the curse spirit then disappear and reappear behind Baku, but this time the curse spirit was greeted by a sommun who is wielding a giant scythe, but because of the curse spirit insane speed it was able to dodge the incoming attack, as the curse spirit tried to back away creating space between them, another sommun started to attack the curse spirit and as if giving some kinds of sign every one of the sommun started to swarm the curse spirit and in less than 5 minutes all that is remain of the curse spirit is, it's upper torso with a missing arms and legs

"Hahahaha, I guess my experiment is a succes, now then, BAKU, GRIFFIN go back"

As I said this words my shadow then enlarge swallowing my two shikigami

"Alright now then you two"

As I put my gaze on to the two curse spirit, I then reach out my hand and absorbed them, I then sommun them once again but this time there's only one that came out, and this curse spirit has the same feature as the two earlier

"Looks like it was a success by merging them both I can create a more powerful curse spirit, from now on I should make special grade curse spirits that could rival any curse spirit in the anime, and everytime they would die I just simply have to absord them and create another curse spirit out of them"

A/N hey guys sorry if I was late posting the new chapter since we had a practical swimming this morning and as soon as I get back home I quickly fall asleep making me forget to post the new chapter sorry about that guys hahahah