
Curse spirit ch 8

After our conversation with will, we then went to his hotel, and when I got off his car I was mesmerized by his hotel, and one thing I found that was out of place is a big gathering of cursed energy in the pool

'hmm, I'm assuming that the curse spirit are inside the pool'

"Wow this place is beautiful"

"I know right I take great pride on my hotel, that's why when the curse tool that Kyle gave me, sense a curse spirit I quickly went to him and ask him to exorcise it"

As we were talking about the hotel a man with a black suit greets us at the entrance

"Welcome back sir"

" Ahh Yes hello jame"

"Ichiro this is James an assistant manager of my hotel, and James this is ichiro, this is the kid that Kyle had taken under his wings"

"Hello, ichiro, it's nice to meet"

"Hello, sir jame it's nice to meet you too"

After our Short greetings we then went inside the hotel and Will then started talking about the history of his hotel, although a bit boring but I sometimes nod from time to time

"So ichiro I heard from Kyle that you are excellent in fighting from hand to hand combat and even handling weapons"

"No I'm not, Kyle is just exaggerating, haha"

"Don't be so modest, I know Kyle since we were kids so I know that Kyle doesn't lie when he said that you are excellent"

After our little chat we arrived at his office and James bid his farewell, leaving the two of us, when we enter the room I quickly saw my weapon

"Sorry that we have send you and your weapon separately as it would only draws attention to you"

"It's alright, it would be weird seeing a child carrying a huge sword on his back after all"

"Indeed it is, so shall we start"

After will said this I then grab my solid strike cleaver and quickly follow Will, after a minute or so we arrive in front of a giant swimming pool

"Well I let you handle it as I can't see them so good luck Ichiro"


when Will was walking in the hallway he suddenly remember that he's cursed tool can only sense if there is a curse spirit and not how strong a curse spirit is, he suddenly went back to ichiro and tell him about his cursed tool but ultimately dismissed it, as he saw that ichiro didn't have much reaction to the curse spirit,so he thought that it must've been a weak one,

'as i was walking on the side of the pool a curse spirit suddenly attack me, Which i easily evade since i already know the location of every curse spirit in the vicinity and due to my training with Kyle and with help of the book, my body as well as my reflex has greatly improved, when the curse spirit land it quickly, looked at me'

With a failed attempt the curse spirit then prepared itself to attack once again, and in contrast to the curse spirit incoming attack, I slightly bend my knees and point the tip of my solid strike cleaver at it and prepare myself as well, and in an instant the curse spirit and my self became a blur

' wow, this curse spirit is strong it knows that he will be at disadvantage if he were to get close to me so its keeping it's distance while fighting me, it seems the other curse spirit doesn't have any intention to fight, but I'll put my guard up just in case, but the question is how will I kill this curse spirit, if i absord him he will notice it immediately and retreat back but if I keep attacking him I will get tired and he will surely use it as opportunity to attack me, damn it what should I do'

As I was thinking what move should I do, I then see a long claw heading it's way to me, i parried it but to my surprise the force behind it made my arm numb a bit, I then kick the curse spirit in the abdomen and quickly retreat back,

'damn it I didn't think he would put too much Force behind his attack just now, it caught me by surprise, was he holding back all this time? Why? to test me?

' when I look at the curse spirit it was grinning at me as if his victory is certain, I see so he is playing with me, in his eyes I'm nothing but a toy and a food, but there is something that doesn't add up, Will said that the curse spirit is just wandering around his hotel, but when I enter the pool it quickly attack me, what's going on, is Will lying to me. no it can't be he doesn't have any reason to lie about it, so what is the reason, why this curse spirit is attacking me and not the people that staying in the hotel'

As I was thinking about the reason why this curse spirit is only attacking me and not the people I then suddenly heard the curse spirit laughing

'now, he's laughing huh, I see well I'll think about those things later and Just fucos on this curse spirit for now'

as I inhale a deep breath and exhale it, I clear my mind and prepare my self to attacked

(A/N sorry I'm bad describing how the fight went