
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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39 Chs


Your an idiot but your a hero Zyron 3.0! I performed a military salute and I raise the non existent rifle in the skies. I created a small exploding force in my fingers and shot 5 rounds of it at the skies.

"Truly, what your clone did was heroic Zyron-sama."

I was immersed at my clones heroic actions that I forgot Diabolo was with me. Yikes! OK this is were my cool side do its job.

"We should give honor and respect to every allies who did a heroic achievements for our sake. "

"Understood, your noble words will reached everyone Zyron-sama! "

Diabolo bowed and then disappeared. Wait! What the!?

*sigh*. I guess it's fine. And it's true though! Zyron 3.0, I promise I will pass your legacy to my children. Euuggh! My heart shattered at my own words. Now I was reminded of Willie. What a truly unfortunate day.

Oh well. 'AZTRA, show me Diabolo's stats.' I haven't seen his, Wisp-kun, Aneos's, Mierra's, Diana's, and Nadira's stats.


Oh! That will do. 'Yes!'



Name: Diabolo

Race: Celestial demon

Class: God

Job: none

Title:(Emperor of death)(King of darkness)(Ancient Celestial demon)

Soul weapon: Emperor of death's talon: Devon

Energy: 10,025,860 (Cosmic)+12,450,399 (Celestial )+30,702,902 (Darkness) +25,921,350 (Soul fire)

Spells: Talon of death, Eye of terror, Darkness Familiar lord, Darkness slash, Death stance, Soul usurper, Corrupting field, Celestial step.

Skills: Soul fire spell book, Emperor of death's stance, Death harvester, Soul harvester, Lord of Darkness, Chosen Ex, Soul fire manipulator, Dark traveler,

Resistances: Natural elements nullification, Soul attack resistance, light element resistance,

System points: 100



Name: Aneos


Race: Celestial giant

Class: God

Job: none

Title: (Virtue holder)(Wisdom warrior)(Solar battle mage)

Soul weapon: Legendary solar battle gloves: Sol

Energy: 3,890,721 (Cosmic energy)+ 6,811,905 (Celestial flare)

Spells:Prominence whip, Solar punches, Flare burst, Flare dash, Solar ray, Celestial steps, Solar abomination, Conviction, Battle maniac.

Skills: Solar battle mage, Ruler of truth and justice, Chosen Ex, Flare king. Battle genius.

Resistances: Natural element resistance .

System points:100



Name: Mierra

Lvl: 1

Race: Celestial angel

Class: Goddess

Job: none

Title: (Heavenly Ruler)(Angelic Queen)(Protector)

Soul weapon: Celestial Holy shield Baros, Celestial Holy sword Eros

Energy: 9,210,656 (Cosmic)+9,509,765 (Celestial)+47,709,005 (Holy)

Spell: Holy steps, Unbreakable, Angelic trinity swords, Holy barrier, Celestial insight, Celestial step, Celestial will, Holy ray, Holy field.

Skills: Heavenly Ruler's presence, Armagedon, Holy warrior's footwork, Celestial warrior, Chosen Ex, Battle queen.

Resistances: Natural element nullification, Darkness resistance, Soul attack resistance.

System points; 100



Name: Diana

Lvl. 1

Race: Celestial spirit

Class: Goddess

Job: none

Title: (Goddess of dream and moonlight)(Ruler of the earth guardians)(Spirit queen)

Soul weapon: none

energy:1,203,101 ( Cosmic)+4,900,354 (Celestial)

Spell: Mark of the Moon, Moonlight Blessing, Celestial Pool, Eternal Sleep, Eternal Containment, Guardian Summoning, High Spirit Summoning.

Skill: Ruler of the Moon, Spirit Ruler, Chosen Ex, Ruler of dream and Moonlight, Moonlight God.

Resistances: Natural element resistance.

System points:100



Name: Nadira Calaminus

Lvl: 1

Race: Celestial dragon

Class: Goddess

Job: none

Title: (Holy Celestial Dragon)(Queen of light)(Queen of wind)(Queen of fire)(Dragon Queen)(Wise Queen)

Soul weapon: none

Energy: 4,899,023 (Cosmic )+15,709,333 (Celestial )+45,330,800 (Holy)

Spells: Binding chains of light, fire tornado, Winds of haste Field, Scorching flame field, Celestial flame crown, Celestial step, Purifying cage of Scorching light.

Skills:Holy light spell book, Holy wind spell book, Holy fire spell book, Holy sage, Chosen Ex, Dragonic Aura.

Resistances: Natural element resistance, Darkness element resistance, Soul attack resistance.

System points: 100



Name: Wisp

Lvl: 1

Race: Celestial spirit

Class: God

Job: none

Title:( Virtue King)(Holy king)(Heavenly ruler)

Soul weapon: Hammer of divine judgement: Mikhail

Energy: 1,540,709 (Cosmic energy)+4,458,650 (Celestial )+49,809,554 ( Holy)

Spells: Holy smash, Conviction, Holy ray, Celestial step, Holy stance, Celestial insight, Holy field, Holy shackles.

Skills: Hammer of judgement Mikhail, Armagedon, Heavenly Ruler's presence, Holy Aura, Perseverance, Holy footwork, Chosen Ex, Holy spell book.

Resistances: Natural element nullification, Darkness resistance, Soul attack resistance.

System points: 100


Wait, aren't you a little too strong Diabolo? This last four was stronger than I expected.

From what I see, Diabolo is the strongest among them in terms of over all Energy because he has four! And each is absurdly many! His Spells and skills too are so dangerous and scary!

I think the next three are overflowing with holiness! And since when did Wisp-kun had a hammer?

But still Diabolo. Soul fire and darkness huh? Darkness is a lower version of the dark energy but it rivals the holy element. And soul fire. Sounds cool!

Oh it's now about me! And my Spells and skills! I created so many Spells and skills in just 30 minutes! I actually I used thought acceleration so it took me one and a half a day for me but who cares! No one knows anyway.

First are the op nuclear steps! Spell. It will leave trails of my foot prints that will explode! Not like a nuclear explosion strength but the name is just too cool to be not used! I can always adjust the output and strength anytime anyways.

Next are Cosmic whip skill! It's basically my soul weapon like those in the system. I based it on Aleisandra but the one I created is more flexible, powerful and easy to use. They're like living whip! So I won't miss to much when wacking enemy.

I had created many skills and spells but most of it was for the small threats. I only have few for their boss but I made sure it's powerful.

First is my God form. I have refined it and add some effects and other stuff. I'm in human form right now and. And as usual, black messy hair, soft brown color and fit build. I was slim and skinny before but because of AZTRA's help, I was able to look tougher without exercising.

My first God form which is not really a God form. I just let a lot of cosmic energy to flow in my body and as they condense, it becomes visible to the point where I'm like what I was when I evolved.

But now!' AZTRA, God form activate!




----Diabolo's point of view-----

"Yes my Lord, all of them have been assembled. All of the soul was transported on the river."

Viegras informed me in a timid voice.

She's a a primordial spiritual demon, the very first demon I've created here in my realm.

She wears a black dress detailed and designed by golds. Her two horns protruding from her forehead benting it's way to point back on her crown was adorned by golden skulls. As a holder of the mortal sin: Greed, she sure live by that title.

I've prepared my own soldiers to join the upcoming war. They only numbered over hundred millions but their quality can cope up with the lack of numbers.

I've heard that Wisp, Mierra And Agriedo will deploy their angels too. My precious demons need to shine too. And I'm sure that their efficiency will please Zyron-sama.

My eyes widened as a great shock wave reach even my realm whose separated from the reality. The only one who can do such phenomenon are Celestial's and above.

I closed my eyes for a bit and then a smile appears in my lips as I sense what's happening in Zyron-sama's realm.

"Prepare yourself, looks like we will head out early. I envy his majesty's wisdom and cleverness."

I announced which then performed a wave of bows from my subordinates.

I created a portal and then appeared in Zyron-sama's realm. As I kneeled on the floor, few portals continously appears beside me which was caused by me.

I knew I'm not the only one who sensed our majesty so I help them out. We need to welcome our God with his new breakthrough on his powers.

"We congratulate you Zyron-sama for your breakthrough. "

We said in unison. Which made Zyron-sama to turn his front to us. Majestic! Truly Majestic!

His build was now improved making him look more intimidating along with his presence and appearance. A Cosmic( I'll refer the color appearance of rainbow color that moves constantly like flowing water as Cosmic too.) crown was hovering above his majesty scalp and following his every movements as if it was part of his body.

His once black hair was now just made up of a strand of very thin hair containing condensed Cosmic energy making his hair appears to be white hair shining in gold and moving hazily.

His majesty's clothe was like a yukata. A traditional clothe of a certain country on earth. But he didn't wear the sleeves of the clothes exposing his toned upper body with a hole in the center of his chest. (Imagine spirit blossom yasou for the clothes and Ichigo's chest as a reference )

You can see the other side through his body. But mysteriously, no organ can be seen but just black. Inside of it was a small white orb containing enormous amount of condensed cosmic energy.

His pair of eyes is glimmering in Violet and two white orb struggling to make contact as his pupils.

On his back was a majestic white floating crest also containing a large amount of unknown energy I have never seen. His majesty is so powerful. To be able to create new things in just a span of five days.

I can proudly say that I am serving the most powerful and most intellectual Cosmic God.