
I got isekai'd as a Yuki onna

"After my death, I got isekai'd in a world of devils, angels and monsters lol.. Oh, and apparently I have ice powers which are totally useless in combat since I died again. Luckily, I'm alive thanks to a redhead with big tits making me her slave." I do not own this cover so don't sue me.

FallenSnow64 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Rescuing the girl... and ptsd triggers

[Issei POV]

"... So this is the situation", I said, scratching the back of my head with a nervous smile.

I'm in sitting on one of the sofas in my house. Asia is next to me. My parents sit on the sofa opposite form us.

And I'm having the talk about letting Asia stay at our place. It's so nerve wrecking, honestly...

If my parents looked shocked at the beginning, now they were looking quite thoughtful.

I hoped it was going to be a positive answer...

They turned to Asia, with a weird glint in their eyes.

"A-Asia-san... was it?"

Dad was first to recover from his shock, and stammered on his words.

"Yes, Mr. Hyoudou"

"W-wouldn't other family be better as a homestay?"

"Ise-san did me a real favor. He helped me so much when I first came here, when I was all alone... Even if I could go somewhere else, I'd still want to stay here."

Asia... I felt emotional at this girl's words. It was the nicest thing somebody ever said about me.

"I see... I wouldn't have anything against it, but... our son is basically the reincarnation of lust!"

He said that and Mom was frantically agreeing too...

He might be right, but it pissed me off. I'll never be good enough for you, guys, will I?...

"Hey, don't talk about your own son like that! Besides, I'm willing to bet all my allowance that you were the same at my age. I'd be rich, godamnit..."

Are? I blurted the last part without thinking. It's not like me to say these things...

"Ise, that's no way to talk to your father!"

He said that to me.

"I can say the same thing. That's no way to talk about your son!"

"I'm only stating facts!"

I've heard a giggle next to me. It was Asia's. She looked like she was about to laugh.

"Such a lively family, hehe~"

I've scratched the back of my head awkwardly. I looked at Dad to notice he was doing the same thing. Don't copy me, old man!

"Still... I never thought Issei would bring a girl over."

Mom said, as if she couldn't believe it. Yeah, I know...

"How about we let her stay? We've got an extra room. And if our son tries anything, we'll ground him."

She finished that with a drop of sweat dripping off her forehead. Oi, there's no way I'll do something like that!

And ground me? I'm not a baby!

Asia bowed to my parents respectfully.

"Thank you for letting me stay. I'll be in your care"

I could see my parents crying tears of joy for some weird and unknown reason.

(scene break)

It was a couple of days since Asia moved in with us.

We were currently at the mall. Asia was buying herself some new clothes.

And I was waiting outside.

She came out from the curtains, wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans. It actually suited her well.

"D-does it look good on me?"

She was fidgeting nervously, waiting for my feedback.

"Y-yes, Asia looks super good in this!"

W-what is this awkward situation?

She was beaming at me as soon as I said that, with a slightly flushed face. I felt the heat going up my cheeks as well.

Can this be called a date? I've never been to one so I don't know...

Asia bought a lot of outfits. She couldn't go around on the streets dressed like a nun after all.

We paid for everything and left the mall. We decided to take a detour to a nearby park. We were just sitting on the bench, enjoying the peace and quiet for a while, making random chatter there and there.

I suddenly had a thought.

"Hey, Asia... wanna go to school?"

She tilted her head as if she didn't understand my question.

"Go to school?"

"Yeah. Buchou is friends with the Student Council President. I'm sure she can do something about it."

Asia flashed me a bright smile.

"Going to the same school as Ise-san... I'd love that."

As if realizing something, she started humming in thought.

"Ne, Ise-san... what kind of person is this club president you're always speaking about?"

"Oh? Buchou? Well... she's very strict about training... and contracts... but she cares about her servants. I'd say she's a good person."

"I see..."

Was it just me or was Asia jealous?

"Why're you asking?"

"A-ah... w-well, I was just curious."

I blinked a few times.

"Is that it?..."


God, this is so awkward.

I noticed our faces were just inches apart. If I leaned enough, I would have my first k-k-kiss...

We made eye contact. In that moment, I feel sucked in by her green eyes and I unconsciously leaned forward. I looked down at her lips. They were open and inviting.

She closed her eyes. Two inches apart. At this rate, our lips will meet at any moment...

"Well, aren't you two having fun?"

A voice interrupted us right before anything happened.

When I look towards the direction of where the voice came from, I become speechless.

That's because the person I am familiar with is standing there.

A slender girl with silky black hair.

The girl who killed me was standing there.

"It's you...?"

She laughs of amusement when she hears my trembling voice.

"Heh. You survived. And as a Devil? Seriously, that is the worst."

Her voice isn't the cute voice she had when she asked me out. If anything, she sounds more like a bewitching adult.


Asia called her by that name. I never got her name since I was killed right after I turned her down.

"...What does a Fallen Angel like you want?"

She sneered when I said that to her.

"I don't want a filthy low-class Devil like you talking to me."

She stared at me as if she was looking at something very disgusting.

"That girl. Asia, is our personal belonging. Can I have her back? Asia, you know it's useless to run away?"

"...No. I don't want to return to that Church. I don't want to return to the people who kill other people..."

Asia replied back with disgust.

What happened? What happened inside that Church?

"Please don't say that, Asia. Your Sacred Gear is essential for our plan. So please come back with me? I also took the time to look for you. Don't make trouble for me."

Raynare approached us. Asia hid behind me. Her body was shaking with fear.

I took a step forward to protect her.

"Wait. Can't you see she doesn't want to? Raynare-san, what are you going to do with her after taking her back?"

"Low-class Devil, don't call me by my name. My name will get filthy. What's between us doesn't have anything to do with you. If you don't go back to your master's place quickly, you will die, you know?"

Raynare gathered light in her hand.

Is it the spear?

I was killed once because of it.

I needed to make the first move!

"S-Sacred Gear!"

When I shouted towards the sky loudly, lights covered my left arm and formed into a red gauntlet.

Yeah! It's a success!

Looks like secretly practicing on how to make my Sacred Gear appear without making the posture paid off! Seeing my Sacred Gear, Raynare showed a shocked expression for a moment and then started to laugh.

"I was told that your Sacred Gear was a dangerous one before from the higher-ups, but it looks like they were totally wrong!"

The Fallen Angel started to laugh as if she found it amusing.

What? What's so funny?

"Your Sacred Gear is one of the common ones. It's called the [Twice Critical]. It doubles the power of the possessor for a temporally time, but having you double your power is not a threat to me. Truly, a fitting object for a low-class Devil like you."

The ability that doubles the possessor's power? Is that the power of my Sacred Gear?

And she said it's one of the common...

But that's good enough for now.

I needed to shake Raynare off somehow, and run away with Asia!

I grabbed her hand and we started running, but she flied above us.

"Didn't I tell you it's useless to run away?"


A nasty sound. Something stabbed stomach.

The spear of light. She threw it at me, again.

I fell down.

This is bad. Light is poisonous. It's poisonous for a Devil. And I was hit in my stomach. This is—

I prepared myself for the intense pain which will be followed by certain death, but I couldn't feel any pain at all.

That's because a green light was enveloping around my body.

When I looked, Asia was healing my wound. She was putting her hand on my stomach and healing my wound for me.

The spear of light gradually got smaller, and it eventually disappeared.

I didn't feel even the slightest pain. Instead, all I could feel was Asia's warmth.

"Asia. If you don't want that Devil to be killed, come with me. Your Sacred Gear is essential for our plan. Your power, the [Twilight Healing, is a rare Sacred Gear unlike the Sacred Gear of the Devil over there. If you don't come with me, I will have to kill that Devil."

Raynare gave a cruel order.

I'm the hostage!? Like hell I am!

"S-Shut up! I can defeat you—"

"Yes, I understand."

Without hearing me, Asia accepted the Fallen Angel's order.


"Ise-san. Thank you for being my friend. The time we spend together... it was really fun."

She made a big smile. My stomach has completely healed.

After she confirmed it, she walked towards Raynare.

"Good girl, Asia. That's it. Problem solved. With today's ritual, you will be freed from your suffering."

Raynare put on a lecherous smile.

Also, what ritual? I have a really bad feeling about this.

I shouted towards Asia.

"Asia! Wait!"

"I'm sorry, Ise-san... I love you"

I promised to protect Asia.

"I-I have to protect Asia!"

She turned around, but she was still smiling at me.

I became fascinated with her smile for a moment.


She said her farewell.

Raynare covered Asia with her black wings.

"Low-class Devil, looks like you were saved because of this girl. If you get in my way again, I will definitely kill you. Goodbye, Ise-kun."

The Fallen Angel who sneered at me flew up high while holding Asia.

They disappeared into the sky.

The only thing left was me and the shopping bags.

—I couldn't do anything.

"I will protect Asia". What a laugh.

I got on my knees and started punching the ground.

I bit my teeth hard and I cried out in frustration.

Damn it. Damn it.



I cried out the name of my friend towards the sky.

There was no reply.


For the first time in my life, I cursed myself for being weak.

In my desperation, a thought came to me. It was my only chance.

I had to ask Buchou for help. I got off the ground and started running towards the clubroom.



A loud slap echoed throughout the clubroom.

It was Hyoudou's cheek, getting slapped by the Prez. Fantastic. I really try to see this woman in a more positive light, but her actions are what makes me fail. Every single time.

And another thing I suspected was confirmed for me. As long as we're in this woman's possession, we're forced to abide by her rules without any consideration on how we feel about it. Maybe not as much our senpais as us, cause all three of them seem to have some degree of free will. So, if you're a new piece, you get this kind of treatment? Isn't this girl the queen of overreaction?

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? No is no. I can't allow you to save that Sister.", she shouted angrily, back at Hyoudou.

Now, I get the Prez had no qualms of letting a nun die for the simple fact that she was hold hostage of an opposing side, as to not trigger a faction incident.

But I personally felt that Argento-chan's presence in Hyoudou's life would get him as far away from being Prez's little puppet as possible.

I could tell Prez gaining a puppet like that could be chaotic.

Besides, we're retorting to violence now? If that doesn't depict her as borderline abusive, I don't know what would.

"Then I will go by myself. I'm worried about the ritual thing. The Fallen Angels are doing something from behind the scenes. There's no guarantee of Asia's safety."

So he said. I guess he has more of a spine than I gave him credit for. He's literally talking back to her.

Not gonna lie, it's not something I ever saw him doing.

"Are you really that stupid? You will definitely be killed if you go. You won't be able to come back to life anymore. Do you understand?"

Now she sounded legit pissed. Was it cause she actually cared about her precious little pieces or was it more like she didn't wanna lose any tool she could use?

"Your actions will affect not only me but also the other members! You are a Devil of the Gremory group! You need to be aware of that!"

"Then let me out of this group. I'll go there as an individual."

"I can't do that! Why don't you understand?"

Ok, this is actually getting serious. I didn't think Hyoudou had it in him to go against his precious master, but look at him.

I'm proud, kid. I might even cry.

"That girl was originally from God's side. She is a person that we cannot ever coexist with. Even if she went with the Fallen Angels, it doesn't change the fact that she is still the enemy of us Devils."

"Asia isn't our enemy!"

I decided to interject. Even though I was proud of the kid, I still thought he needed some support.

"Oh come on. This nun girl was thrown away by the Church like a rag doll. Cause she healed a Devil, if what Hyoudou said is true. There's no way she's a threat to any of us."

I actually let out a lil laugh too. I didn't mean to, but this shit was actually pretty funny. I tried to stop myself before it turned into a full blown laughter.

"Even if she isn't, she has nothing to do with us.", she said and she turned to Hyoudou as if that remark was enough to rebuke me. "Ise, you have to forget about her."

Hyoudou seemed indignant to the "suggestion". He made an incredulous face?

"Are you seriously asking me to forget about a friend I made before I even became a Devil?"

See, Prez, that's what having common sense is like... Besides, you said it's your territory, you could just complain about the Fallens moving around without giving a fuck when it comes down to it but no. You just have to chicken out as if this petty stuff is enough to start a war.

Then again, wars have started for lesser reasons. Is what you thought I'd say but no, these are just pretenses for rival nations to go at each other's throats. Look at all the conflicts between the Great Powers prior to WW1 for reference.

Perhaps it's the same situation here... but still, the world isn't just a small town in Japan for fuck sake.

"Ise... why can you just understand that getting involved with that would start a conflict?"

Hyoudou looked like he was about to retort, but just as he opened his mouth, Senpai came from out of nowhere and whispered something in Prez's ear. Things are starting to get a little interesting...

And judging by their expression, it seems like it's something serious. They probably have stuff to do elsewhere so it might be an opening for Hyoudou to go alo-... who am I kidding, he'll get himself killed.

Prez looks at Hyoudou, and then quickly glances at the rest of us.

"I've got an urgent thing to do now. Akeno and I will go out for a bit."

Hyoudou froze.

"B-Buchou! I haven't finished talking—"

Prez, who had gotten up from her desk, walked towards Hyoudou and placed her index finger on his lips.

"Ise, there are a couple of things I need to tell you. First one. You think that a [Pawn] is a weak piece, right? Am I right?"

Oh. How random. But yeah, it's not hard to tell the pervert has some self esteem issues.

I wonder if they compare to mine in any way.

He nodded quietly.

"That's a big misunderstanding. [Pawn] has a special ability that no other pieces have. That ability is the [Promotion]."

Promotion? So, a pawn can really turn into a more useful piece? As far as I recall, the rules of chess stated that such promotion was only possible if the pawn reached the last square in the enemy half of the chessboard. I sucked at chess. Though my dad was good at it.

To the point where he played the bot in that pc chess game. Man, how funny it was that he criticized my brother for getting angry at games but he was all cussing when the bot beat him. Ah, fun times.

Ahem. So that restriction was lifted by the lack of a chessboard? So Hyoudou basically became the overpowered protagonist? How very smart, Author-san.

"Just like the actual chess game, [ Pawn ] can change into other classes if they reach the opponent's base. They are able to promote to any other piece besides the [King] piece. Ise, when you step foot in the location I acknowledge as "Enemy's base", you are able to change into any piece besides the [King]."

Enemy's base? Is this thing related to that chess based Rating game stuff? So you needed to reach the enemy half to promote after all.

"Since it hasn't been that long since you became a Devil, there are restrictions, so it's probably still impossible for you to be promoted to the ultimate piece, a [Queen]. But you could change to other classes. If you wish strongly for [Promotion] within your heart, then there will be a change in your ability."

Why is she telling him this? Could she actually be indirectly giving her consent by advising him how to-... wait, there's no way... right? I mean, it's Prez we're talking about.

"Also one more thing. It's about the Sacred Gear. When you use your Sacred Gear, just remember this."

She stroke his cheek with her hand. Careful there, guys tend to misunderstand if you're being body touchy.

"—Desire. Sacred Gear is driven with the power of desire. And it also determines the power for it as well. Even though you are a Devil, your will to desire hasn't been lost. The stronger you desire, the stronger your Sacred Gear will respond to you."

The power of desire will activate the Sacred Gear... Interesting. So my lack of desire is the reason I didn't activate mine? Or did I ever even have it? They did mention something about... yknow what, fuck it.

"There's one last thing you should never forget, Ise. Even a [Pawn] can take down the [King]. This is basic in chess. This truth also applies for the Devils' chess pieces. You can become stronger."

After saying that, she teleports to some other place through the magic-circle along with Senpai.

The only ones left are me, Hyoudou, Kiba, and Toujou-chan.

Hyoudou took a deep breath, then readied himself to make his way towards the door. I obviously knew what he was going to do, but I decided to play around a lil.

"Where are you going?"

He turned to me with an incredulous expression, his eyes seemed to ask me why was I asking him such a dumb question.

"Isn't it obvious? To save Asia."

"I'm all rooting for hero boys saving their girlfriends, but... You're probably not gonna save her like you are now. If anything... you'll die."

I said that but my mind flashed back to when I fought that stray to save Midorikawa. It was almost an identical situation. The only difference was how Hyoudou had extra motivation since they were friends for a while.

Without weird misunderstandings, I'd probably have the same reaction if Suzuka had a situation like that. She's like the first friend I made in this world. Not counting the online ones.

"...You will get killed. Even if you have the Sacred Gear, and even if you use [Promotion, you can't take down a group of Exorcists and Fallen Angels by yourself."

And so pretty boy decided to just insert himself in the conversation like that. He had a point though. As much as Hyoudou would hate to admit it.

"Even so, I'm going. Even if I die, I will set Asia free."

Yeah, that's what I thought too. Even if I die, I'll at least kill Trash. No high school gal will have to be raped again.

"Good determination, that's what I would like to say but it's still reckless."

"Then what am I supposed to do!"

He shouted that, apparently at his wits end.

"I'm going too."

Well, that could be a solution. An experienced swordsman like Kiba to back the rookie and he'll have a better chance.

"I don't know much about Asia-san, but you are my comrade. Even though Buchou said that, there's a part of me that respects your decision. Also, I personally don't like Fallen Angels and priests. I detest them."

He said that with such a disgusted face and voice that I had to wonder, was this the big trauma that was hunting him?

"Remember what Buchou said? "When you step foot in the location I acknowledge as "Enemy's base", you are able to change into any piece besides the [King]". So isn't she indirectly telling us that "I acknowledge that the Church is the location where the enemy of Rias Gremory is"?

No way. She actually let him go there.

It must have been one of her schemes or something. Like, I refuse to believe she did it without an ulterior motive. It's not like Prez. Not at all.

"Buchou indirectly approved you to go. Of course, I think she also means that I should support you as well. Buchou may have some kind of plan. If not, she would have stopped you by locking you up somewhere."

Don't tell me I'm in a world where the basement meme is taken literally... Great.

Also, it seems like Prez is a dominatrix. How surprising. Wait, Senpai is probably the bigger dominatrix between the two of them. Great. Just great.

I suppose there isn't much of a choice for me.

"I'll go too, I guess..."


"Yeah, that's me. Don't ask me for a reason, I don't know what I'm even doing."

Then, a small girl approached Hyoudou. Oh. So, it's full party then.

"... I'm going as well."

"Wha-, Koneko-chan?"

"... I feel uneasy for only having you three go."

Awww, that's so sweet. Or would be if ya actually gave a damn about either me or Hyoudou.

"I'm touched! Right now, I'm so deeply touched, Koneko-chan!"

I facepalmed. You would simp for anyone as long as they have a pussy between their legs, huh? I wonder how hooking up with a trap would be like for you. I'D PAY TO SEE THAT... but I have low money.

Maybe I'd pay the debt progressively. Maybe.

"H-Huh? But I'm going as well…?"

Kiba puts on a sad smile. Don't feel too down about a simp.

"Remind me why am I even helping this idiot.."

I couldn't help but mutter that. It was so irritating, having simpletons play favorites. It happened to me for as much as I can remember.

And I'm used to it. But it's still irritating. I don't think I'll ever get over it.

I turned to Toujou-chan as the pervert seemed to ignore my remark.

"Still, that was pretty sweet of you, 'Ko-ne-ko-chan' "

Loli cat's brain seemed to have stopped working for a second there, then she turned to me, her face just a bit red. Are? She can blush? This Ice Quee-... Fuck. I screwed myself.

"...Senpai is an idiot."

That reaction was just a little tsundere-ish. I thought she was more of a kuudere tbh. I suppose this lil shorty has some sides to her. Kinda like layers.

Ignoring us, Hyoudou suddenly started shouting out of nowhere.

"Then let's go for a rescue mission with the three of us! Wait for us, Asia!"

Wow, you're sure getting excited about this even though your girlfriend is in danger... Like, smh.


Hyoudou and his band of merry friends marched towards the church to save the Princess from the enemies. They were currently standing at a safe distance.

The sky was already dark, and it was already time for the street lamps to be on.

The hero of our tale, Hyoudou Issei, could be seen impatiently contemplating going on a suicide mission by rushing ahead. Like the good heroes of the old who go there, kick some ass, save the gi-... and Hyoudou doesn't have neither their power nor their charisma.

Suicide mission confirmed. Just wait for us to make a plan, jeez...

"I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this"

So said our hero. It seems his restlessness was rather a result of this bad feeling?

"From this presence, it's certain that there is a Fallen Angel inside".

Yeah, Kiba, I think it's obvious since we're basically rushing to the territory where they've taken refugee in the first place.

Do you guys enjoy meaningless chatter that much?

"Here, look at this map."

Kiba spread out the map of the building on the road.

The map of the Church. Isn't he kind of resourceful? How did he even get this? Are there cheat codes in this world or something?

"Well, it's basic when you are going into the enemy's territory."

The good looking guy makes a smile. I would have believed it's real if it didn't look so phony. He gave off an aura like he was edging to fight them, more so than even Hyoudou.

Whatever this guy got against priests or crows, it must run pretty deep. God save us all... ouch.

Meanwhile, Hyoudou looked like he was admonishing himself. Probably for being too naive.

These are actually my comrades... I never thought I'd say this but Toujou-chan seemed so much a more pleasant company. She's actually the most sane person in this whole group... the others, me included, are pretty messed up. Prez is a spoiled rich girl, Senpai is into bdsm, Kiba is the pretty boy with hidden darkness stereotype, Hyoudou is on his way to jail for sexual harassment and I'm too broken to even count as emo or edgy anymore. Shock gang. Budget version.

This is kinda dangerous... I wonder if I can count on cat girl to kill me if I enter my simp retarded mode again.

"Besides the sanctuary, there is also a dormitory. The sanctuary looks suspicious."

I was snapped of my reverie by Kiba pointing at the sanctuary.

"So we can ignore the dormitory then?"

"Most likely. Most "Stray Exorcist" groups usually make some alteration to the sanctuary. They usually perform suspicious rituals under the sanctuary."


Hyoudou and Kiba's exchange was headed into quite an interesting direction, not gonna lie. Handsome boy's face was stricken by a bitter smile.

"It's the place they used to respect as a holy place, and by doing something that rejects God there, it makes them satisfied because it's an insult to God. Because they loved God, because they were rejected by God, they purposely cast evil spells under the sanctuary as a representation for their hatred."

"Who wasn't ever betray by God..."

Like, really, who wasn't. You try to be good and all you get from the world is endless trouble. Where is God when you ask him why is this happening to you?

Everyone turned to me upon hearing my quiet muttering, and Kiba actually giggled.

"I know right.."

I'm constantly stepping on land mines without realizing it. It's one of my greatest talents... I guess.

"The sanctuary is located right behind the entrance. I think we can go straight in. The problem is to find the door to the basement once we get in the sanctuary, and also if we can defeat the assassins waiting for us."

Right... of course they would hire fucking assassins. It's as if they were expecting an attack.

We looked at each other in front of the Church while the moonlight lit our face, and then we nodded to each other. It's show time. Let's see if hero boy and his merry band of friends can save a poor nun.

Wow. Even in my thoughts the word "friends" sounded repulsive.

We passed through the entrance and went straight for the sanctuary. The crows had to have noticed our intrusion by this point. It was a matter of time before they did anything.

Ok, personally, I'm dying for a rematch with ... what was his name again? Dohna...something?

'You're aware you'd have to kill, right?'

A voice echoed in my head... a voice which sounded like my own. Is my subconscious trying to doom me or someth-...

Fuck. I'm just running away from reality st this point..

A face flashes before my eyes. Yes, I could see it very clear, as if his eyes never closed. Trash. His eyes full of hatred staring into my very-...

Hahahaha... Fuck this... You have no right to haunt me. You sick fuck.

I tried snapping out of it. Yeah, it's just my mind messing with me. Nothing new. Nothing unusual.. haha.

I was somehow back down to earth by the time we opened the door and stepped inside the sanctuary.

There is an altar and long chairs. It looks like an ordinary sanctuary. One lit by candle lights and interior lamps. Amazing! The Middle ages called! And guess what... they want their architecture back haha.

The statue of the person on the cross had it's head destroyed. Ah, they must hate our Lord and savior with a passion. I wonder how are they going to react if I ask em if they have a minute to talk about Jesus! So exciting, my brain trembles.

Suddenly, a clap echoed through the sanctuary. Someone who looked like a priest showed up from behind the pillar.

Ah, it's that edgy piece of shit. Lmao. Kill yourself. Do the world a favor. Do yourself a favor.

"Meeting! It's a reunion! So emotional!"

That's what the lunatic, Freed Selzeen, said with a smile befitting of a cartoon villain. It's like watching HIM from Power Puff Girls take human form. Or at least how his smile would look on a human being...

Wait, can this piece of dogshit even be called a human being?

"Well, I never met the same Devil twice before! You know, since I'm super strong, I cut Devils into pieces when I first meet them! Once I see them, I cut them up on the spot! I then kiss the corpse and say goodbye! That's how I used to live! But since you guys ruined my style, I'm so lost! That's no good~. It's not good to interfere with my lifestyle~! That's why~! You guys piss me off! I hope you guys will die! Actually die! You trashy Deeeeeeeeeeeevils!"

After showing joy and sadness, he throws a fit of rage now. That's some bipolar shit. Chill bro. Like seriously. You need to.

Maybe a hole through your brain would silence that pathetic whining... I'm getting really excited! It's suicidal too!

Just as I thought that, a blade of light appeared in his right hand. Out of nowhere. He also had a gun with him. I've always been uncomfortable with light but now it can actually kill me... hahaha. The fuck is this development?

"You guys came to rescue Asia-tan, right? Hahaha! Devil-samas are big hearted for coming to rescue a bitch like that who would even heal Devils! Well, just being entranced to a Devil should make that Sister die!"

So they are gonna kill her after all... how unexpected.

"Hey! Where is Asia!?"

"Well, there is a hidden stairs under that altar. From there you can go to the place where they are doing the ritual."

Lol, this guy gave absolutely no fucks, spilling out their exact purpose. You must not even care if your employers suceed or not. It all comes down to surviving yourself, doesn't it?

"Sacred Gear!"

Hyoudou shouted that, a red gauntlet appearing on his left arm.

Kiba draw his sword from the sheath while Toujou-chan—

Was lifting up pews that are several times bigger than her. That's kinda hot...

"...Get smashed."

Loli chan threw the pews at the Priest... Now that's more like it. Rock with it, gurl.

"Wow! Oh yeah!"

The Priest did a small dance and cut the chair in half with his blade of light. The chair that is cut in half hits the ground. Toujou-chan... you're kinda useless. I got pumped up for nothing. Disappointing.

I was tempted to join the mix, but before I could, I noticed a sound of slashing swords. It seems Kiba disappeared from behind me and, in a flash, he was right next to the priest, challenging him to a duel. I'm counting on you, pretty boi. Blow his brains out!

"Hmmm! Hmmm! Such a pain! Why are you guys so noisy!? I'm super very bad! I'm sorry for talking in a death language! Forgive me after you die!"

This has become a contest of dodging. Fuckwit dodging Kiba's slashes while pretty boi was dodging his bullets. Wow, this is so much like my fight with Trash but... on a different level of power.

"You're pretty strong"

"Ahaha! You too! A [Knight, huh!? Not even a single blind spot! This is great! Yes yes, this is what I'm talking about. Lately, I haven't had an awesome battle like this! I was about to cry because of it! Hmmm! Hmmm! I'm going to kill you!"

"Then maybe I should also fight seriously for a bit then."

Kiba is going to fight seriously? So you were holding back till now? Really?

"Eat this."

I knew what this low pitched voice entailed. Looks like this is his battle. Good luck. You're gonna need it, apparently.

Just as I thought that, some black stuff came out of Kiba's sword. It started to cover the whole sword. Darkness. The darkness covers the sword. Magnificent. I'm kind of jealous.

The darkness sword that is clashing against the Priest's blade of light starts to expand and is devouring the blade of light.

"Wha, what the hell is this!?"

It seems fuckwit here has lost his confidence. Great. You were starting to sound too cocky. I HATE COCKY PEOPLE HAHA!

"—[Holy-Eraser, a darkness sword that devours light."

"Y-You are also a Sacred Gear possessor!

Oh. Another reincarnated human, then. That makes all three of-... wait, I was only half-human. Damn.

Fuckshit's light sword was getting absorbed by Kiba's overpowered dark blade. Hahahaha. This is the best!

It's still 4 vs. 1 so fuck you. I'm getting pumped up! I send some spears of ice his way. He dodged. Yeah right. Seems like I'm just as useless as Toujou-chan. Now he can taunt me like I taunted Dohnasomething for not fighting close range combat.

"A snowman? Hahaha, just when I thought I saw it all. But this doesn't work on me. Fight me in close range, will ya?"

Damn. Jinxed myself.

However, while I was keeping fuckwit busy...

"Sacred Gear! Activate!"


A sound comes out from the jewel of Hyoudou's Sacred Gear. So he can boost his power, huh?...

I get it now. Keep the shitty priest occupied. Hyoudou is the trump card. I formed two spears of ice and sent them the priest's way.

"I'm keeping on telling you! You are annoying!"

He points his gun at me. Bullets of light. I dodge. See, Kiba, I can engage in a dodging contest too. It's not that hard.

"Promotion, [Rook]!"

And the trump card activated.

"-! Promotion!? A [Pawn]!?"

The Priest seemed to be in shock, diverting his attention to Hyoudou instead. Bad move.

I fired an ice sword, aiming for his shoulder. It connected. A small wound, but there was blood flowing from it.

"How dare you?!"

He started firing bullets at me. I dodged. Hahaha, catching sick fucks off guard like this... It's bliss. I saw Hyoudou closing in to the priest who was too focused on me to notice him.

And bang. Hyoudou's fist hit Fuckwit's face. The priest stumbled backwards. Blood was gushing out of his mouth.

"Ridiculous attack strength."

Hyoudou laughed while breathing hard.

"That's for hitting Asia that time. I feel relieved that I hit you once."

The Priest was on the ground, but he got up slowly and spit his blood onto the ground. His right cheek was swollen..

"...Hmm... Oh man, not only I get distracted by a snowman and punched by a trashy Devil, but he's saying some weird crap to me...—Don't fuck with me."

Looks like he's lost it. Sanity slip much? Wait, was he ever sane to begin with?

"Don't fuck with me! You shiiiiiit! A mere Devil shouldn't act cocky with meeeeee! I'll kill you! Definitely! I'll definitely kill you! I'm going to cut you into pieces, you shiiiiit!"

He got his second sword in his hands, but all four of us started surrounding him. If we're quick enough, we can cut his way of escape and...

"Wow, wow. Is this what you call a crisis? Hmm, for me, getting killed by a Devil is a no-no, so I feel like retreating. It's a shame that I can't exorcise you guys, but I also don't want to die!"

The Priest took out something round and smashes it on to the floor. Instantly, our eyes were blinded with a shining light.

Ahahahaha, so that means to run for your life like literally, huh? Lol, self preservation is a great instinct.

When my vision cleared, Fuckwit was nowhere to be seen.

His voice came from somewhere though.

"Hey. The grunt Devil over there…Ise-kun, was it? To tell you the truth, I have fallen in love with you. So I will definitely kill you. Definitely, okay? I won't forgive a shitty Devil who punched me and gave me a lecture, okay? Then, bye-bye."

Hurt ego is such a sweet thing when it comes from such a small man that it was funny as shit.

With the runaway priest on the lookout, we made our way down the altar's hidden stairs.


The four of us walked down the staircase under the altar. It was strangely illuminated, so I supposed they had electricity here as well. Even though churches aren't generally electricity illuminated. Well, this is a basement...

After the stairs, there was a single passage. Sometimes there were doors on both sides of the wall.

Toujou-chan pointed to the far end by saying, "Possibly at the end of this passage… I can smell that person…".

So Argento-chan was there. Hyoudou looked quite refreshed. You'll get to save the girl, won't you?

When we went further in, a big door appeared in front of us.

"Is that it?"

"Possibly. I'm sure there are groups of Exorcists and Fallen Angels inside. Are you ready?"

Toujou-chan and Hyoudou nodded at Kiba. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay. Then we'll open the door—"

And the door opened by itself.

While the door made an irritating noise, the inside of the ritual place became visible.

"Welcome. Devils."

The Fallen Angel bitch who killed Hyoudou spoke from the end of the room.

Aaaand... she wasn't alone! Great! Just fucking great! The room was full of priests. They all had swords of light in their hands.

Argento-chan was attached to a cross in the corner of the Room, the crow standing right in front of her. Hyoudou must have seen the same sight, since the next moment he literally screamed, breaking my eardrums.


Nun girl noticed his voice and turned to look at him.


"Yeah! I've come to save you!"

Hyoudou smiled at her, while a tear ran down her eye.

"It's a touching reunion, but it's too late. The ritual is about to finish now."

Oh, is that so? You seem like a bad bitch. Not to mention that costume looks literally like a bdsm outfit. It's also barely covering your nipples and pussy, so you look like a hooker.

Basically that kind of girl I hate. I made an ice spear from my hand and sent it her direction. It was a surprise attack, so it hit her hand as it started bleeding.

For a moment, the whore was shocked.

"GO!", I yelled at Hyoudou, who ran towards Argento-chan.

"That was a dirty trick you low class devil pulled out there. But I won't let you interfere with this ritual. I will take this girl's Sacred Gear and prove myself to Azazel-sama and Shemhazai-sama. I will be loved!"

Are we in a cartoon or something? Cause this seems so cartoon cliché...

I launched a couple more spears. The perv had to take his girlfriend away while this bitch was dodging my attacks.

The priests already started to move towards us, but Kiba and Toujou were keeping them from reaching me. Well, this is your chance, hero boy...

As the bitch dodged my spears, Hyoudou was already there and... he punched the chains so hard they broke and caught Argento-chan in his arms.

"Hang in there, Asia... Once we'll get out of here, I'll make it up to you"

"Ise-san... I knew you would come... I'm so happy."

Hyoudou tried to run, but a priest was blocking his path. The big bad boss was currently hold on standby courtesy of me, but if I shifted my attention to the priest, Hyoudou would probably be chased by this bitch.

Damn. I launched a spear towards the priest.. it pierced his chest. His body dropped on the floor. Blood all around him... he was.. dead.

Hahaha. I've killed. Again.

"Hyoudou-kun. Run. We'll hold them back", shouted Kiba.

"Kiba! Koneko-chan!"

"You go ahead! We will handle here!"

"...Please go quickly."


"Just go!"

They were certainly having a conversation, but I couldn't hear it.

"It's funny to think you'll be getting away", the bitch's voice. She started chasing after Hyoudou.

But I couldn't register anything that was happening. All I knew is that I've... again...

Before I knew it, a couple of priests were surrounding me. Their swords of light glowing in the dim lighted basement. I looked around. Kiba and Toujou were fighting their own opponents...

Looks like I'm done... Serves me right. I actually killed a human bei-...


I saw it clearly in my head. A 9mm Glock 17. It materialized in my hands. It was made of ice.

I pulled the trigger as one of the priests swung his sword at me. Headshot. His body dropped down to the floor.

I jumped past them. At a safe distance. They're closing in!

I started shooting aimlessly. One. Two. Three. Head, legs, chest. The bullets of ice were piercing through them! One by one THEY WERE FALLING ON THE GROUND, CRASHED BY MY BULLETS.



I fell to my knees in the pool of blood that was surrounding me.

I've killed many people here... I... Even if they were the opposing side.

I must have looked like shit, cause that's how I felt back then. I felt tears pouring down my eyes.

I looked down at my lap. So many bloodstains. Lmao. Now I'll have to wash this uniform.

It felt like I disconnected myself from the world for a minute. Pitch black darkness was surrounding me. I could hear some voices in the distance but that was about it...

So Nietzsche was right. When you stare at the abyss, the abyss really stares back at you...

There was no turning back. I became the very thing I hated.

I was ready to give in to the pitch black darkness and disappear forever... that kind of fate is only fitting for someone like me...


I could hear a familiar voice. It was that girl's voice. My vision returned.

When I looked up, she was starting at me. Kiba, Prez, Senpai were standing a bit away to my right, with Hyoudou and Argento to my left.

"What happened?..."