
I Gave Birth To The Male Lead's Child

Having died in a plane crash, Camille believed she was lucky to have gained a second chance at life when she woke up in a different body. So her surprise was great when she soon realized that the world she was now in seemed awfully familiar to the novel she had read a long time in the past. She could not remember much about it but was absolutely confident of one fact. “The male lead did not have any children!” She growled while looking at the bulging belly that was beginning to get noticeable. The novel she had read was about a cold and stern male lead who did not experience love at first sight but slid down the slope called love in a gradual and well-preserved manner. Even the woman he had eventually fallen in love with was someone comparable to him in all ways. They shared similar traits of being the best and not settling for less which was something that Camille had liked about the novel. However, there wasn’t much to read about two perfect individuals falling in love with each other. Hence she had absentmindedly completed the book before throwing it in the back of her mind, thus forgetting about it until now. But who would have thought that she would end up inside that very novel she had disliked for its characters being too perfect? Not only was she inside that novel but the body she possessed was a nameless passerby who would soon be giving birth to the male lead’s child. Yet Camille was confident that there had been no mention of the male lead having children with anyone throughout the novel! At the same time, the vivid memories of the night the original owner of this body had spent with the male lead were also irrefutable. Therefore, considering all sides of the story, there was only one path she could choose in this situation. “I will stay away from the male lead and let him have his slow-burn romance with the female lead!” She declared what she would do and was determined to see this mission through to the end. However, the man who kept approaching her made it seem that her mission was in jeopardy before it could even begin. __ Camille: I might lose my life if I get too close to the male lead… Male lead: When did I ever say that!? __ This novel has pregnancy, adorable babies, child care, and a whole lot of fluff~

ObsidianOrbs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Another Workaholic

Camille nodded her head after hearing the old man's explanations which also disclosed why she had no memories of this maid.

The previous owner of this body rarely returned to visit her family and even on such occasions, she would leave after spending a few hours with them.

Therefore, it was obvious that she did not know every single servant who worked in this mansion.

Not to mention that according to the information the butler had just shared, Kira was hired in the past year which was also the time when the original Camille had least visited the Lin family mansion.

Hence this could be considered to be their first encounter with each other.

The maid standing before her had short brown hair which reached down to her shoulders.

She wore the same uniform as the other maids but had a stern aura around her which Camille attributed to the heavy pair of glasses that she was wearing right now.

"Please allow me to serve you." Kira, the recently introduced maid, bowed her head when she noticed the Miss keenly observing her.

Her gentle voice was a stark contrast to the strict aura she gave out, making Camille ponder which was the true her.

However, now that Kira was appointed as her maid, she would have all the time in the world to discover the truth behind those stern eyes.

Therefore, she only smiled while asking Kira to raise her head once again.

"I'll be in your care then." She added, accepting the glass of water that the maid had initially called out to her for.

The warm water which Kira offered helped ease the discomfort she had felt after her earlier round of morning sickness which she learned was of the worst degree.

"I will have the chef prepare something soothing." The maid announced after accepting the empty glass from her new Master.

As soon as she had entered the bathroom and noticed the pale face of the Miss, Kira had deciphered what must have happened before they had arrived.

Hence she did not inquire further but rather chose to focus on what needed to be done now.

Camille was glad that her embarrassing state of sitting on the bathroom floor wasn't brought up so she nodded her head when she heard what her personal maid had said.

The old butler who was watching their interaction from the sidelines was pleased with Kira's attitude which made him applaud his decision for picking her as the Miss's new maid.

His initial reaction was to inform his Master of this news and gain his praises.

However, he halted in his thoughts when he recalled that he could not share this information with his Master.

'At least not until he returns.' Butler Quan added as he had promised Young Master Christopher that he would keep this news a secret until the Lin couple returned from their vacation.

Therefore, he had to quell his enthusiasm which could lead to his Master's vacation being cut short.

On the other hand, Kira and Camille were discussing certain topics which did not require his presence.

Hence, the old man signaled Kira to take good care of the Miss before bidding farewell as there were a lot of other matters that needed his attention.

With the Butler gone, Kira was free to speak and hence began inquiring about her pregnant Master's current condition.

As per the memories she had received, Camille gave her a brief explanation about how this body was doing before she had possessed it.

Following this, she gave a detailed narration of how she had felt ever since she arrived in this world and continued until she reached the end of the morning sickness she had experienced today.

Though Kira found the difference in the narrations to be odd, she did not focus too much on it as she had grasped the issues present.

"Miss needs to focus on your health now." She advised the young lady whose appearance was pale and whose fingers were cold to the touch.

While not many in the mansion spoke about this young miss, Kira had heard bits and pieces about her sporadically.

Putting all of that information together, it was easy for her to figure out that the Miss was a workaholic who chose to spend most of her time at work rather than staying at home.

Kira had also heard the Madam of the Lin family complaining to her husband that the Miss had rejected the suggestion for a spa day as she was busy at work.

Therefore, she knew that her deduction of the Miss being too focussed on work than her health was the right one.

However, now that she was put in charge of her health, Kira would do her best to ensure that she and her child were healthy at all times.

The glint of determination that flashed across her eyes made Camille who was observing her let out a soft chuckle as she had found another person who seemed to care about her and her health immensely.

Recalling the other person who was excessively worried about her, she wondered where he was right now.

"Will Brother be joining me for breakfast?" She inquired and saw Kira giving her a blank and slightly hesitant look.

"I shall ask the butler about it." Kira answered as she was unaware of the Young Master's schedule and thus could not promise the Miss anything.

Camille nodded in response and did not make things difficult for her.

She then announced that she would rest for a while longer before freshening up for breakfast.

Kira accepted readily as the weak appearance of the Miss was troubling so she helped her lay in bed before leaving to inform the chef of what needed to be prepared for breakfast today.

Laying in bed, Camille stared at the ceiling as the thoughts which had been interrupted by the appearance of Butler Quan and Kira returned to her mind.