
I Gained Skills in Real Life

Tom Alford's life takes an unexpected turn when, after a lively college party, he finds himself confronted by a surreal, game-like system which grant him skills by finishing a quest. With skills like Appraisal and Body Modification, Tom finished strange quests that reveal surprising truths about his collegemates and challenge his perceptions. From uncovering hidden personalities to transforming his appearance, Tom's journey is filled with humor, unexpected twists, and thrilling adventures. ** You guys know me. Join a fun adventure. Discord: https://discord.gg/4E4qgYrCrZ

MarudameOssan · Urbano
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26 Chs

Chapter 20 – Finishing Up [2]

He smiled.

Tom stretched his arms and neck. He took a deep breath before starting the next video.

"My voice is good enough to be an idol. My singing skill is the problem. My face is... well, now better than average. I just need to sing better, right?"

He nodded and pressed the record button.

"Hello. My name is Tom Alford."

He introduced himself again and then started to sing. He had practiced for a week, and it paid off. Tom sang well. His voice was pleasant to hear, and he was able to reach all the notes without any problems.

"Ohh! This is great!"

Tom was happy with the results. He couldn't wait to see what Sarah and his friend, Sam, would think when they saw his videos.

After the recording finished, he checked it. He nodded in satisfaction.

"It's good. Now, I just need to send it."

He sent the dancing and singing videos to the audition's email and sighed in relief.

"I've done everything I can. Now then... James' turn. I should change my appearance in toilet, just in case."

He got up from the bench and walked towards the public toilet in the park. There were not many people here. Graffiti could be seen on the walls. It was dirty, but it would do.

Opening his <Body Modification> skill, he used the second slot and changed into James. He took out the clothes he had prepared for this occasion from his <Pocket Space> and wore them. Having this skill was the best thing that happened to him.

It was a simple oversized white shirt and black pants. Nothing fancy. Just something that looked like a normal person would wear. He also wore the glasses and gloves the Arlets gave him and smiled at the reflection.

Tom looked left, right, up, and down, appreciating his appearance.

"Man~ I am really handso-"


Suddenly, he heard a woman moaning.

"Aaah~ Aaah~"

He turned his head and looked at the source of the noise. It came from one of the toilet stalls.

The door was slightly open, revealing a couple inside.

The man was fucking the woman against the wall. They were too busy to notice him.

"Aaah~ Aaah~"

"F-Fuck! You're so tight! I'm going to cum!"

"Aaah~ Cum inside me! Fill me up! Mess this cumdump's ass up!"


The man groaned and thrust his hips harder. His body tensed up before he released his load inside her ass.

Tom watched with wide eyes. He recognized the woman.

'Isn't that Senior Karina? So the rumor is true.'

She was the same senior who was said to get gangbanged by those rugby players and one who helped him to find a girl with 'pure' personality in <Appraisal > quest. Tom didn't expect to see her here, of all places. He didn't know if this was a coincidence or not.

'Let's get the hell out of here and pretend I didn't see.'

He decided to leave and walked to the exit.

Watching people had a daylight fucking session in a public toilet wasn't his hobby. It was Friday afternoon, after all. The park was pretty empty, save for the two lovebirds.

"Aah~ Aaah~"

Tom heard Karina moaning again and shook his head.

'Amy and Mary sounded cuter. Heh. Bitch.' He scoffed and walked away.

Unlike Tom's Dance, James' dance was slow. He chose one that showed his face and appearance the most. He planned to pass this audition by relying on his face.


Based on what he researched to finish the quest, most people joining the idol audition only had average singing and dancing skill. As long as they were handsome or pretty, they would sell!

In addition, there were so many idol groups out there that focused on the image of the members, not their skills. They had attractive personalities that made them stand out in the industry.

Not that he would like to join an idol group, though. After finishing his quest, he planned to stop and surrender the contest.

It wasn't something he would use forever, anyway. He began to work with his real appearance and make his face more handsome.

Summer vacation was near. He would use that as an image change moment and debut as a new man. As for his James appearance... He planned to slowly reveal it to the twins. If they couldn't accept it, then he would give up on them.

'I hope they accept me for who I am. The chance is slim, though. But I will try, gradually.'

With that in mind, he recorded his video and sent it to the email.

"Alright! Four of them are done! Now, I just need to wait for the result."

He smiled to himself and walked towards the subway station. He hadn't changed yet.


"Ah, James!"

"Over here!"

Amy and Mary shouted at him. He was walking in the station's lobby. They were standing in the middle of a crowd and waving their hands.

Tom walked over to them and smiled.

"Hello. How have you been? Sorry I couldn't contact you girls. I was so caught up preparing for the audition. Though it's over now and I sent my videos, so I think we can go out tonight."

He said to the twins. The two of them looked at each other and nodded.

"We're fine. Thank you for asking."

"More importantly, you sent a video to the audition? Can we watch it? Please?"

"Yeah, we want to see it!"

The twins asked excitedly. Tom scratched his chin and laughed.

"I am embarrassed, but alright. Let's go to karaoke first and listen to it. Then we can go eat dinner later."


The two of them cheered. They grabbed his arms and dragged him to a karaoke bar.

Unlike the one he used with Sam and Sarah, the karaoke they went to this time was a bit fancy with a bar inside. They rented a room, and Tom played his singing video.

The twins looked at him in awe. They complimented him.

"You sound so good!"

"And you actually wore the glasses we gift you. It looks so good on you!"

They were very happy with his performance. Tom felt a little bit embarrassed.

"Thank you for the compliments. I was embarrassed at first, but I think it turned out pretty good. I hope I can pass the qualifier."

The twins nodded.

"We're sure you will pass, James. You're so handsome and your voice is so good! How could anyone not fall for you?" Amy said.

"Yeah, right? James is the best. He's our man!" Mary said.

The twins looked at each other and smiled. They sat beside him and hugged his arms.

"Hey, can you sing live? I want to hear it." Mary asked.

"Me too! Please, James. We're your girlfriends. We have the right to hear our boyfriend's singing." Amy said.