
I Fucking Hate NTR

Warning-The first chapter will have a little bit of NTR but I'm sure you will enjoy the revenge after. and there is also some gore.

Shonpufi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

[2]Holy Fuck, it's the big G!

"So I died?"


"By slipping and shooting my head open by accident?"

"Pretty much"

With a sigh I looked at the entity before me.

Not long after I blew my brains out by accident I somehow woke up in this blinding white room.

The man In front of me was none other than Morgan Freeman. Or atleast that's what I think god supposedly looks like.

He has that my mortal brain can't comprehend his true form so it knock it down it's form into something it can actually understand.

I also asked him if he was Jesus, god or just god, god. And he said that he was the second option.

Alton gu he did tell me that he was friend with biblical god and that he actually got my prayer for the second amendment.

Well look at that, heh.

"Done with your monologue?" Asked Morgan Freeman.

"Yeah I'm done, so what now?. I'm sure your not in charge of hell and heaven right?, that should be biblical God's job since he is in charge of my world" I asked.

Apparently he is some god that's higher In the latter than biblical god since he takes care of stuff in the multiverse or some bullshit along those lines.

"Ah well yes about that. Recently I've gotten bored and I thought that it would be fun to watch a human from earth prime in a fictional world. So I looked through all the poor souls that died recently and bam here you are" explained Morgan freeman.


"What?, something wrong?" He asked with a. Raised eyebrow.

"Nothing, so how will things go?" I asked as I moved in from his stupid reason.

"Ah yes" snapping his fingers 5 wheels appeared.

"The first wheel will give you a character template, the second wheel will give you random skill that will be B-Rank or bellow, the third wheel will give you a second skill which will be A-Rank or above, the fourth wheel will be a pet, the fifth will be a special item. Of course you will also get a system but the only way to earn things are through missions or hidden accomplishments" he explained.

"Isn't it...to much?" I asked.

It's not like I'm complaining but usually they give you three weeks according to fanfics I've read.

"Meh, the more wheels the more problems you will make. The more problems you make the more entertaining it will be" he said with a shrug.

I could feel my lips twitch in annoyance, wish I had my shotgun infact but I can't really complain about anything since I'm getting free superpowers and a new life.

I could see his lips rise in a mocking smirk"Alright young one spin the wheel" he said.

I nodded and spined the first wheel.

*Taka taka taka taka taka*

As the clicking noises from the wheel slowed down, the arrow at the very top stoped the wheel landing on-.

"Estarossa/Mael?" I was confused

I mean, I know who they are but why both names?.

"Yup, since they are the same people I thought I would throw you a bone and give them both to you" he said with a smile.


Clapig my hand togheter I yelled "All hail the multiverse God!" I exclaimed as Morgan Freeman puffed his chest with arrogance.

Am I sucking up to him?


Am I going to have the commandment of love and the grace of sunshine?


I couldn't care less at this point, having two overpowered skills just because he felt like it is a blessing.

And that blessings was given to me by the one and only, multiverse God!.

"Alright. Alright, enough of that. Spin the next wheel".

I nodded and I spun it.

As it stoped it seemed to have landed on

"Custom Noble Phantasm?"

"Indeed, you will have a noble phantasm made from one of your previous life's most important moment". He explained.

Most important moment huh, I don't really have or did anything special besides...

I can see were this is going.

My noble phantasm is definitely going to be a fucking shotgun.

With a sigh I spun the next wheel.

*Taka taka tuk*

[Congratulations you have obtained S-Rank skill- Stand: The World]

Woohoo yeah baby!

Daddy can stop time now!

"The world, a fine ability. You really are lucky Eric"

"I really wouldn't call myself lucky" I told him.

I then pulled the fourth wheel until it landed on-

[Congratulations you have obtained Elder Dragon Egg-Alatreon]

Oh dam, I didn't play monster hunter much my past life but I do know about the leader dragons.

Looked them up in the wiki since they all looked cool.

Alatreon can basically control fire, lightning, ice, water, and dragon elements. Sometimes the power is so concentrated in the dragons body that they begin to glow a color depending on the elements they are going to use.

Altough their controll over the elements they use is very unstable, causing great destruction in their surroundings. Maybe the Alatreon will gain better control over them if we train together.

Anyways next wheel.

[Congratulations on obtaining Zanpakutō: Katen Kyokotsu]

ooh that a good one, although it's bankai is a bit self destructive it's still good as a last resort.

And it's shikai ability is also great, the thing can make games come to reality like for example.

'you can't touch any lines on the floor'

And if you do touch it, a great consequence will happen like lossing a limb or a great unlucky calamity will happen to you.

It's specifically 'child games' but who know, maybe the thing will evolve into games that are a bit more mature.

After all, it be a predetermined Zanpakutō but it's still be a piece of my soul. And the Zanpakutō is also supposed to grow along me.

"Alright then, since all is in order I think it is time for you to go, Estarossa Leywin" he said with a snap of his fingers, my consciousness soon faded before I could even get a word in.

Wait...did he say Leywin?