
I Found Myself Buried In The Darkness

Evan was an ordinary man who's given up on life, however, he finds himself in another world as a 5 year old kid whose name is "Damien Maxwell". Follow him as he travel the world and witness the scary yet oh so beautiful world. Witness how his kindness crumble as the past that he wished to forget haunts him once more. Cover isn't mine, please inform me if it's yours and want to take it down.

DaoOfMadness · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

My First Battle

(Damien's POV)

It's been a few days since I've been here. Overall, although I'm still disgusted by the corpses and smell, I don't throw up anymore.

The soldiers were quite proud of me, saying that I have guts. I appreciate the gesture but it was so embarrassing listening to them being proud right in my face.

'If y'all will say cheesy stuff, at least let the person of your topic go away first!'

Although I said that internally, I'm quite grateful to them. Even though I'm in the back, there were still some monsters crazy enough to attack us where knights gather just to protect me.

Naturally, the results was a minced meat monster. What shocked me to my core was that monster meat was delicious. Although I was skeptical at first, the moment I took a bit, I instantly took a liking to it. Although I had the memory of the boy, he was still young to know this.

It seems the natives of this world likes to cook monster meat, and I don't blame them, rather, I'm quite proud of the guy who has enough balls to eat a monster meat that may or may not have poison in it.

As I was in my tent, arranging my clothings and such, one Knight called me and said he wants to talk about something important.

Naturally, I didn't waste anytime and went outside. The knight informed me that today will be my first day going into my battle. He said that everyone agreed that it was finally time for me to join.

Although I was excited, I was still anxious. After all, this was my first time cutting flesh. Although I was used to corpses and it's smell, cutting something with your sword was a different matter altogether.

I took my sword and went to the battlefield were the knights were waiting for me. Everyone seems to be quite easygoing. It looks like I'm the only one anxious.

"Don't worry young master, we will save you if anything goes wrong. It doesn't matter if an axe is a millimeter away from slashing your neck. We will save you. Rest assured."

"Thanks, that makes me feel secure and safe."

This knights are quite competent at making others feel at peace. The nervousness is still there, however, the fear of death was nowhere to be seen.

After our conversation, we headed to an area where monsters only run by themselves. However, monsters who usually don't have packs are generally are stronger than those who needs packs. Walking alone is a huge sign if their confidence in strength.

We finally saw an orc. An orc typically also has packs, however, there are times when one orc gets lost in it's way. Orcs with their packs are rated B+ tier monsters. However, when they're alone, they're rated C-.

I don't know how strong my current state is, but since I have multiple B rank knights on my back, it's fine for me to go wild, right?

However, just as I was about to approach the orc, I saw a figure on the ground. It was a young girl. Around my age. The fact that she's almost fully nude was a flag that I didn't want to think.

Orcs are known for their big appetite, however, they're also know for raping other humanoid species. This was the reason why orcs are one of the most vile monster in the monster index.

I hurriedly tried to ran to the back of the orc and tried to slash it's neck from behind, however, it looks like I wasn't silent enough. He noticed me and blocked it easily.

I frowned at the difference in our strength. The difference couldn't be more obvious, and attack like that isn't something that can be blocked easily, however, this monster blocked it with ease. As expected of a C- rated monster.

However, I wasn't weak, although our difference in strength was a lot, I can make up to it in other areas.

I tried to distanced myself from him to bait him to ran towards me. As I expected, although the orcs have intelligence, they're mostly brutes who only uses strength. The act of distancing might've made him realize I was weaker than him.

But that's wrong.

As our distance slowly close, i threw away my sword right him which he block, however, the moment he finished blocking my sword, I was already below him.

Right then and there, I hit to one of the most painful thing to get hit at as a male. The balls.

"Hah! You thought I was slower than you because you were catching up? Your species are one of the slowest among the C class monsters that everyone agreed that your speed was below C."

I rambled about how I defeated him using my brilliant plan of making him believe he was faster than me. I took my sword that was in the ground and raised it.

However, no matter how much I tried to swing it, it never did.

'Damn it, move your arms, this bastard doesn't deserve to live. He tried to rape a someone, not only that, a kid as well. SO SWING YOUR FUCKING ARM!'

I gritted my teeth and clenched my sword harder than I've ever done so in my entire life, and swung it to the monster in front of me.


I took a deep breath to register what I did into my mind. I finally took down a monster, however, unlike what I thought was fun back then in my previous life wasn't fun at all. All I feel is disgust.

"Amazing, young master, you were able to defeat a C- monster. That's amazing. Most of your peers can barely beat a D class monster, and yet you're already a grade ahead. As expected of the son of the Lord. Looks like the Maxwell household is in good hands."

"However, why did you rush like that, young master? Although your footsteps were quiet, it's still not enough to fool a monster of that le- Hmm?"

As he was talking, he saw the figure I was trying to save and frowned as he walked closer to her and lifted her up all the way here.

"I see, so that's why. Forgive me for not noticing earlier, young master."

"It's fine. It's not like I asked for any help, either."

"Thank you for your generosity, young master, can you please wait for a few moments? I'll give her to the others and instruct them to send her to an orphanage away from the borders."

"I'll also give her money for my mishaps."

I only stared at the man infront of me. I really don't understand people like him. People who can readily help others.

Although I helped her, i didn't think of using my life for it, if the knights haven't been with me, perhaps I might've run away for fear that I might get killed.

'All's well as long as it ends well. Let's not think about complicated things for now.'

After going back to the camp, I asked them what happened to her, and they said that she was sent to a good orphanage they themselves check so she won't get mistreated. Sigh, why does people who run orphanage have to be like that? Mistreating children they're supposed to treat well...

'Well, at least I know she's safe because of the knight's words. It's not like I'll meet her again from now on anyways.'