
I forgot I am an Evil God

(Taylor remembered things she shouldn’t and the world paid for it, because in new evil, God is about to rise ) Authors note is just for fun I don’t own anything. Also this is my first time writing so sorry for the mistakes. This story has worm au elements crossed over with, I am a spider so what.

Chinosama · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 3 Experimentation with MA energy

I snapping out from thoughts of my powers and parahuman status.

I focused back on the situation that I'm in.

After I realised, I don't know what time it is, I quickly got up and picked up the scythe and Climbed up stairs and out of the basement.

After I went out of the basement, I listened for my dad.

Luckily, he was still asleep.

So I could quickly go back to my room and hide the scythe under the bed, because it wouldn't fit anywhere else.

As for what? I'm doing right now I'm experimenting with my new energy, Apparently it's called MA Energy.

And I'm also writing my experimental Results ,on my notebook Encode language that I created so If dad finds the notebook accidentally, he won't know what I'm writing about.

But I don't care what it is called. I only care about what it can do and it can do a lot for example it can strengthen me I can lift up my bed with no problem.

I don't know the upper limit because there is nothing heavier I can find in my room.

Strengthening myself doesn't seem to drain my energy reserves much.

Although there is a downside to strengthening myself, I can't control my strength properly, so I accidentally destroyed my pencil.

I can also create things from seemingly nothing.

I asked my power if I'm really making things from nothing the response was. [Affirmative]

So it seems like I can create things from nothing.

It seemed impressive at first.

Although it's not very useful, I can only create things with no particular effect, or like an ordinary, knife or a phone.

And creating things from nothing seems to take a toll on my energy reserves, just creating an ordinary knife, cost me half of my energy.

And I had to wait for an hour for my energy to come back.

I also can't move my creations with my mind ,

or destroying them at will.

Side note I also have an idea for how this can be useful, but I can't test it indoors.

Apparently I can enchant things I did this accidentally to my pen, making it have a vast quantity of ink without changing its appearance.

Sidenote, I had to change my pencil for a pen

That was running out of ink.

I asked my power if there was infinite ink in the pen, and it said no.

It was a pain in the ass.

It also seems like enchanting things takes a toll on me, depending on what it is for example, I enchanted my Hoodie to be resistant and it didn't take too much, but if I enchanted it more, it'll take a little bit more out of my energy reserves.

Things I enchanted.

Hoody resistance and Thermal equilibrium.

Results, the Hoodie seems to be resistant in general to most things, I haven't tested it for more things, I only tested it, for things like a knife and throwing it around and trying to rip it apart.

Results to this temperature on the inside of the Hoodie doesn't seem to change.

Pen more Inc.

It seems to have more ink, despite it looking the same

Pants thermal equilibrium and more stamina

While wearing this, I Never got tired.

Note, I only tested it in my room, so.

And a knife more damage and poison.

This took a lot out of me, especially the poison.

But whenever I slash something, it seems to do more damage and poison comes out of it.

It seemingly come from nothing ,maybe the enchantment creates the poison?

I asked my power about it, but it said it didn't know ,where the poison comes from either.

Powers are bullshit I guess.

And that's all I know about my powers.

For now at least because dad just woke up and I don't want to get interrupted suddenly.

{Time skip}

Hearing my dad opening the front door, I look out the window to see getting in the car and drive away.

Continuing to look out the window, I ponder on the those strange memories.

Looking at the sun, I felt so much more blessed to be able to see it feel it those memories that's strange girl I've never even seen what light was.

My thoughts drifted towards what I want do I wanna be hero still?

Or do I want to be a villain or a rogue?

I still have no answer, so I ask my power no, not my power, my servant asked it, what should I be?




So you want me to get into conflict to gain more data on my powers to become more powerful.


An interesting idea, my servant, but I have a better idea.

Why get into conflict myself if I can get others to do it for me.

So I guess this makes me a villain?

I know, nothing much happened in this chapter, but it’s for Power, scaling

And please give me some of the power stones or don’t . It’s all right

Chinosamacreators' thoughts