
6 Chapter 6 why is this happening to me ?

Me,titus,isiah,nanno had been in the same art class this time we had to be in a group of 3 I wished it was 4 because we had assigned partners I got nanno and Isiah but not titus he had been in a group of 2 girls and I got really jealous because he was surrounded by two pretty girls and I'm not as pretty as them I had thought the art project threw cause the teacher had said do something you love and I decided to draw a sketch of the 3 of us including titus

As I drew us I painted the picture of us Isiah drew the most beautiful roses on the side of the canvas and nanno added more details to the drawing

I saw titus being hugged by other girls and having fun and i was pretty sure they drew themselves hugging titus and i was honestly jealous as i zoned out nanno

New i was zoning out and getting a bit jealous of titus and the other girls he had decided to pour a whole container of gliter on my head i realized what he did and threw gliter at him and missed and hit Isiah they both put white paint on my noise and I put white paint on there's we were laughing so much that a little bit of glitter had stuck to our painting as we were done with art class i ran to titus to try to hug him but he ran to another girl and ignored me and kissed that girl I knew he probably had a girlfriend but why did he just let me hug the air ?

I yelled titus and he walked away shoulder hugging that girl ...

My eyes fell with tears cause I had not known the reason of him ignoring me ..

I ran back to nanno and Isiah tears welling up in my eyes as nanno and Isiah asked me what was wrong? I burst out sobing .

I said " do you guys know why he's ignoring me ? He won't answer and he just went with another girl and kissed her and I don't get what I could've done wrong ... I stopped sobing but tears were still welling up in my eyes as I thought to my self am I ugly did I do something wrong ?

Nanno added so uhm we got your phone he handed my phone to me and I saw a message for the police station " I have to inform you that your parents died during a plane crash im so sorry for your lost .

I held my phone the dropped to the floor trembling in fear that was one of my biggest fear is losing some one that have been there for me all my life ...

I said " w-w-why i-is this happening to me di I do something to upset God? Did I

Did I I repeated over and over as nanno and Isiah hugged me .

Your not alone you have us and Titus I think

Hot tears streamed down my face and on to my neck .

I said something I would never say before " I hate myself I feel like it's my fault that titus is ignoring me and my parents died I wish I were dead !

And I'm so ugly that no one likes me ! And ever girl on earth was prettier than me !

Every boy girl doesn't matter if your ugly your still beautiful on the inside and if your rude and mean and bully people hey you may be pretty but your personality says your ugly other wise

every shap size beautiful comes from your heart not from the out side maybe it comes from the out side sometimes but

my best friend told me "The most beautiful people are those who are truly themselves"

"Don't pretend to be what you're not, instead, pretend to what you want to be, it is not pretence, it is a journey to self realization"

elfy_2018LxAcreators' thoughts