
10 chapter 10 believe me !

As the next morning when we were at school

Titus had to work a shift so he won't be home till next week on wensday .

I had went to school bye myself Ana and louis were at our house taking care Eli the cat . I was wearing the pendent of my family and I had the dinosaur plushie in my hands and I wore and oversized hoodie and jeans

And I did my make up. when I got to school I ran to nanno and Isiah to tell them that titus is my boyfriend when I said that they brust out laughing saying good one Elia! I replied " I'm not lying they asked were is he so they can ask him I said he is not hear today because he is going to be working for the past week and he's coming back next wensday in the afternoon

Fine I said don't belive me I felt hurt that they would think I'm lying

As we walked into class I told the girls that they made my life better for saying what they said the other day "

They said we don't believe you cause you were pretty cousfused and turned around I thought to myself " Why Won't Anyone believe me ! ....?????

I then sat in my chair silent and the teacher asked if I cheated on my test and copied some one else's? I replied no and she said stop lying ! I told her I was not

And why wouldn't she belive me ...?

She said because your always talking in my class

I said " talking so you think i cheated because i'm talking i have a mouth for a reason and you think i cheated cause i was talking about something off topic you know I would never cheat !

I studied really darn hard and you have the nerv to say you think I cheated because off talking of topic I Was talking about something off topic I never go hey uhm what's the answer to 20x -49 = ? If x = 4 you think I would do that I've been in this class for a year because I know your a great teacher and I thought hey ima join mrs.andersons class because she's like a second mom to me !

I shouted ! I stranded up and walked out the classroom, in disbelief

When we had break my friends came up to me and said why were you lying ? You could've told the truth like the rest of us you could've said sorry I cheated

When I heard that I dropped to the floor and screamed and cried out WHY WON'T ANYONE BELIEVE ME! I started solving and went to the bathroom and hid there for the rest of the day until schools out .