
I Fell In Love With The Demon Lord

I thought I had a nice and comfortable life. Friends, family, even a girlfriend, but it seems life had other plans. All it took was one day for it all to come crashing down and my whole world turned upside down, in fact, I wasn't even in my world anymore, our whole class had been brought to another world and my days of hell and misery began.......until an angel, no, a demon appeared in front of me...... (P.S- I can't add it to my tags but this is a yandere romance along with the rest, there will also be MANY r18 and borderline r18 scenes including a msub and fdom dynamic)

theforce1579 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Rising Heartbeats

I put my hand on her back while looking away in embarrassment. I felt a metal link near the nape of her neck.

"Is that it..." I asked, still looking away. My voice had become squeaky for some reason.

"Yes...pull that down please" she asked, I could only hear her voice at this point.

I slowly pulled it down as my hands slid across the fabric all throughout her back. The clinking noise of the zipper was the only thing being heard in the silence. When I was done I pulled my hand back up but and as I did so my fingers grazed past her soft skin. My hand immediately jerked back.

"S-sorry" I said.

"For what? thank you for helping me" she replied.

I heard a shuffling noise and my curiosity got the better of me as I opened my eyes and peeked at the source of it. Blood rushed to my head instantly at what I saw.

Her top had slipped down her shoulders and her hair was tucked to the front. Her neck and back were bare, her snow-white skin inviting you closer..like the light coming from the moon. My eyes were drawn towards the base of her back, as her hands moved and the dress kept slipping off, the more I could see. Her muscles flexed as her hands and shoulders moved and you realised that the illusion of innocence was only half true and her toned and defined musculature only completed her figure. Even goddesses would envy her body, a thin waist and her perfect chest was already an object of envy but as the dress fell lower it gave you a glimpse of her bottom and you would realise that she had been gifted with everything anyone could ask her. It was plump and soft but at the same time just like her back, it was elastic with perfect musculature.

I didn't even realise it but I was staring hard, the next moment I heard the dress fall to the ground and I came back to my senses and turned away once more. Any longer and I would be reduced to my basic instincts. That didn't stop my imagination from going haywire as I closed my eyes again. The shuffling noise I could hear in a sense immersed me deeper into my fantasies. I only saw her from behind and my floor had hit the jaw, I couldn't even imagine my reaction if I could see every other inch of her body.

"CALM DOWN HARUTO! How will she ever trust you if you act like a depraved pervert!!" I shouted at myself in my mind. I put a hand on my chest to calm my heartbeat down as I could hear it in my ears.

After a few more seconds the noises stopped and I felt a hand around my face turning me towards her.

"Why didn't you look...is my body that disgusting" she said in a whisper as her voice trailed off.

She was standing in front of me with a black baby doll nightwear, it was laced and translucent in places that I shouldn't look at otherwise I could have some physiological reactions let's just say. My eyes inevitably went straight to her breasts though as her cleavage was peeking out, it was like a door welcoming you into it. My mind stopped for a few seconds but I remembered what she said and looked back up.

"What!! No...what are you saying, you are a literal goddess. You are the most beautiful and gorgeous person I have ever looked at!" I shouted, my mind working on autopilot blurting out things I intended to keep to myself.

"fufu...I see I am glad. You seem to like my dress" she said as she climbed on top of the bed, what I didn't anticipate however was that she didn't choose to sit beside me. I looked down at her long legs and supple thighs and watched as she put her hands on my shoulders and used them as leverage to pull her ass up and place them on my thighs, her thighs rubbing on mine and her legs disappearing behind me.

"What do you think of it" she said as she shook her body while straddling mine, trying to show off her dress. But her actions were dangerous and I felt her hips get closer to my crotch and rub against it and in front of my eyes her breasts were swaying, it was hypnotic.

"I-uh...uh-I-I" I was speechless. My body was overwhelmed by her touch and the constant contact with her body. My pants were loose and I could feel my member rising.

"Hm...I can feel something poking me" she said with a mischievous smile. Her hand moved down from my shoulder onto my chest, to my abdomen and settled right on top of my bulge.

"I don't think you realise how happy this makes me....." she said as she bought her mouth closer to my ears and bit on my earlobe. Her hands started rubbing over my pants and her breasts were pressed against my chest, I could feel her nipples through the thin fabric.

"L-Lucy, w-what are you doing!?" I said out loud, with the last shred of control I had over my body.

Lucy stopped what she was doing and looked at me straight into my eyes.

"Well..that is enough for today" she said as she put her hands back on my shoulder and pushed me down onto the bed. She wrapped her hands around my head and her legs around my waist and pushed my head into her chest. Her soft bulges enveloped my face. We were both now sleeping on our sides.

"Haruto...you want to know why I changed, didn't you? Do you still want to know?" She asked as she placed her right hand on my head and started stroking it.

I don't know what prompted her sudden change in demeanour but I replied immediately.

"Yes...I really want to" Her warmth enveloped me and her hand on my hand was reassuring and calming. The adrenaline-inducing events just prior took a back seat.

"I changed because of you Haruto, remember when I said I was obsessed with the prophecy, that's what I believed all those years but now I realise that it wasn't the prophecy I was obsessed with, it was you" she said straight into my ears in a soft tone.

"I didn't even realise it but I hoped and prayed to meet you...because at least I wouldn't be alone in my suffering alone any longer. Maybe that person was just like me, maybe they know my pain...maybe we could be each other's only companions against the people who hurt us, like two puppies licking each other's wounds. These childish fantasies always existed in the back of my mind but day after day, month after month, year after year, every time I was reminded of my hated existence that feeling grew and kept growing larger and larger like a parasite in my heart, or that's what I thought. In reality, I was pushing my true self, my true emotions deep down, nowhere to be found...even by myself. Replacing it with a hollow, emotionless puppet to protect myself from more pain" she continued.

"But I always existed inside, in the darkness. The day I met you, was the first time I felt my true self again...I didn't realise it then but I do now. Somehow, I knew...I knew it was you, my obsession that I had hidden even from myself. I thought it was something chained inside of me...something bad, but the more I talked to you, the more time I spent with you, and the more I got to know you. I realised the darkness inside of me was really who I was, not some other entity. That day in the library, I decided I wouldn't hide any longer I would let the darkness and the desires of it run free"

I closed my eyes as I heard her speak, I thought I had gotten a grasp of the things she had been through. Now I realise that it was only a fraction of it.

"Everything I have done since then, even before then has been the result of giving in to those desires. You said no secrets right Haruto, then I will tell you the truth. I love you Haruto Hideyoshi..but it's not just love Haruto, it's infatuation, its lust, its adoration, its devotion, its obsession. You must think I am crazy right, it's barely been a week since we met...but not to me. It was the five-year-old girl who was banished here who fell in love with you, not knowing who you were, not knowing how you look, and that love has been smouldering and growing for the past thirteen years"

I just looked her in the eyes. What could I even say, I didn't even know the emotions I was feeling at that time.

"Lucy I-" I tried to speak but I felt a finger on my lips.

"Sshhh...Just listen, I do not want to hear responses...not today" she said.

I kept looking at her, it was a sincere request. My lips pursed together again as I kept my mouth shut and continued to listen.

"Today I had to confront the people who hurt me again and it was the first time I stood up to them but I didn't realise how draining it really was. But the moment I saw you again, everything lit up, you are like a drug to me Haruto, a necessity the real me can't live without...Just moments ago, I wanted to go further, I wanted to become one with you" she said.

"Why did I stop? because when you asked me what I was doing I realised that someday I will hurt you Haruto. My true self and my true desires are muddy and twisted and obsessive. You don't feel the same way about me the way I feel about you...and someday, I will feel that you betrayed me and then I will hurt you, I could kill you Haruto. But then I would kill myself too" she said into my ears.

I didn't even have to look at her to know that she was being completely serious. Her grip on my body and my hair was getting tighter.

"The only way we can be happy together is if you belong to me, only to me and no one else but It will not matter if I force you. I want you to...no I need to you come to me yourself, begging me to make you mine, pleading me to put my leash on you, I want it to be your sole desire to belong to me just as it is mine to make you belong to me. Then and only then will we ever be happy...but I also know that we will never be happy without each other" she said as she laughed cynically.

I didn't know what to feel, the past few hours had been overwhelming enough. What should I even think?

"I am not worried though...you know why? because I know exactly what I need to do from now on. I need to make you feel how you make me feel, every waking moment of your life not spent with me should ache your heart, and every time you do not feel my touch should make you uneasy, every time you do not hear my voice should make you feel lost..because that is exactly how I feel. I just need to be so necessary to you that you won't be able to live without me, I will make you so dependent on me that you would not know how to move on... I will make you obsessed with me just as much as I am with you. Then you will come to me yourself and then we can be happy. So until then, please bear with me Haruto...I love you" she said as her voice trailed off and she closed her eyes. The exhaustion seems to have gotten to her.

I laid there, doing nothing else but breathing. Not because I was buried under Lucy's emotions but because I was surprised at my own. My heart rate was climbing again and I was breathing heavily...just like how Lucy was when she hugged me. I felt my cock which had calmed down rush with blood again. An immense feeling of thrill and euphoria washed over me as I put my hand on my face and felt my lips curving up...I was grinning from ear to ear in ecstasy and I didn't know why.


NOTE- Holy shit what a huge chapter, unfortunately, no seggs today but trust me the wait is going to be 100 per cent worth it. The series is going to have a slight tonal shift from now and things are going to get crazier.

If you expected any of the mc's to not become crazy and obsessive, sorry, wrong novel. Anyway, I hope you liked it :)