
I fell in love with a criminal

He is not the guy I would like. He belongs among the teenage dropouts. I saw him one-time smoking weeds among his friends. He is total trouble, with so many bad decisions. Being in the same community we still get to encounter each other often. We went to a house party one day, he was there. I didn't even look at him. He doesn't catch my interest. While looking around the house he grabbed me then brought me to his room, that's when he destroyed my fairytale perfect life.

Harljane · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

on and off

I ended up coming with Talia and Zoren the other employees joined us. We rented a private room so we can use a karaoke. Soon Ron will call and he will see me in this place. So I messaged him ahead my sweet message for the day then told him that I'm soon going to sleep. I put my phone safe to my hand bag. Then join the gang dancing in the middle. Actually I lived my who life so safe only now do I started having fun. I feel safe with the people around me. I have nothing to worry around Talia and Zoren. They will send me home. I trust them with my life. I can hear Talia shouting. "PArty!party!" She's dominating the dance floor. I joined her in the middle but I dance softly just like my personality. Zoren too is now heas banging. I can't believe what are we now, 3 successful adults who are living their dreams. After working so hard we deserve this. Besides, soon we will have no more time to party as singles. This kind of night been repeated again thrice. Before Ron gets home I have to maximize the time he is not around. He won't be coming home in 2 more days anyway. Talia is daring me to drink more so is Zoren pressuring me too to drink what's left on my bottle straight up. At the end of the night I so groogy but happy. A taxi driver sent us home since even Zoren can't drive anymore. We are chuckling so hard Talia and Zoren walked me straight to my door we are still dancing while walking when we spotted Ron standing in front of the door. We froze in silence, the two bid their goodbyes right away to me and to Ron. I didn't imagine Ron would surprise me of coming early than what I expect him to come. He has flowers on his hands. Standing straight bearing a grim face in front of the main door. I laughed at loud and walk towards him. " Honey your home!" I gave him a kiss though I know his mad. I studied his facial expression if he would drop that angry face soon in exchange of my kisses but I no. I'm definitely be punished. " So this is what you've been doing while I'm gone. How do you want me to react on this. Your so drunk you can't even walk stŕaight anymore. Then you me to feel secure, not to feel jealousy against your friends. You're lying to me because of them. What do you expect me to feel. I walked inside not minding what he is saying. I sat down the sofa then look back at him. "I missed you honey, please give me a hug." He treat me so coldly. Ron assist me on going to my room. He continued talking I'm not interested on what he is saying. I'm happy tonight, I'm glad his home plus I'm no longer in right mind to explain myself. The moment I hit my bed I instantly closed my eyes. I'm not even sure if I really saw Ron or it was a dream.