
I fall on my own Revenge.

Do you know Aira Cruz Donovan? Probably not, Aira Cruz Donovan hiding her identity behind a mask, with her aim of revenge on the Valencians. She was Aira Cruz Donovan from a poor family grew up helpless, and oppressed. Always bullied, until his Father met the Valencians. It negotiated in exchange for a better life with the Donovans, but the Valencians were traitors. Read the whole story to know more about Attorney Aira Cruz Donovan! Happy reading!

ciayuxiii · Adolescente
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3 Chs

Revenge 2

Marina's POV

"Fuck! Fuck!" then I scream. "The owner of that Ai'as Company is really competing with us! Our designers are much better, and we're trusted by the people for how many years, how can it be?! How can they rank 1?! " I'm in my swivel chair together with my stock holders. We're supposed to have a meeting but it seems like it's ruined. I massaged my head first, calming myself.

"Easy Marina, they just started so we can still get to the top again, besides our Company's rating is still high. I know a plan for us to beat them." one of my stock holders said.

"And what's your plan?" then my brows furrowed.

"Why don't we set them up?"

"Those are too obvious, you're too old fashioned, what a lame suggestion!"

Then I'll pull out, I'll lose too, it's just a waste of my money." Is she serious? it can't be. She didn't hesitate to say that so maybe she was serious even if her reason was too superficial to pull out his shares in the company, maybe she had other plans.

"N-no I'm just u-uh you know....Aaahh Right." Then I fake a smile. "I'm just joking to lighten the atmosphere h-here." that gives me goosebumps, omg, Celeste is one of the biggest stockholder we have this year.

"S-so what's the plan, Celes?" I managed to speak fluently like I'm not nervous.

"We will set up that they stole our designs, so as soon as possible we need to act first, but we need to steal their designs first." as I said it's too lame at the same time it's dangerous.

"Then?" my brows furrowed again, wanting more.

"Then their biggest client will choose us, because they'll see that they are copying ours."

"That's too complicated." at the same time too lame again.

"Before I forget I'll just reschedule our meeting next Tuesday, the meeting ends here." I got a call after ending the meeting, I also told Celeste that we can talk about our plan next week so she can think more about it, and I can think too.

The Next Day.

Aira's POV

"Hey Celeste, what's the plan?"

I asked Celeste when she answered the call.

"Looks like I didn't convince Marina about the plan, she's too hot-headed. But I know she'll agree too, don't worry I can handle this." She didn't make Marina agree but she sounded so proud, crazy.

"Celeste I know that you can do it but please be sure,"

"Yes, I'll take care of it." She answered.

"Take good care your work there Celeste, if you want me to follow your luxuries!"

"Yes madam."

"Good, go ahead. I'll end the call now. I need to find some more witnesses." then I ended the call.

When I ended the call I heard someone knocking on the door so I immediately fix my self, before letting them in.

"Come in."

"Ma'am, the documents you're asking for are already here." my Filipina secretary gave me the box of the documents I needed.

"Is this all the documents?" i asked her.

"Yes Ma'am, me and my team gathered that from trusted people that are connected to our witnesses." she confidently said.

"Good, when will they arrive here?"

"They're on the way here Madam."

"Good, that's what I want Eliza. Don't worry I'll give you and your team a bonus." I said then I assured her with a wink.

"Thank you Ma'am!"

"You're Welcome." then I smiled.

She smiled back at me.

"All right, go ahead fix the papers and documents after this."

"Yes Ma'am." then she left.

This day is very tiring, it's just my first day again as their CEO but it seems like I haven't done this before. I have a lot of meetings that's why I need to adjust my schedule, so I can fix my plan in the Philippines, too.