
Flying kiss

I was sitting in my class bored af, so guess what I decided to do. I decided ask the girl behind me for what I should draw. Coincidentally, the girl behind me also happened to be my crush.

Anyways, she told me to draw the incident in which I wore the teachers cardigan (jumper) on my head, thinking it was a prop. Like any other sane person, I had never drawn anyone wearing a cardigan on their head however since she she was my crush i decided, "fuck it, I'll draw".

I must say, while my drawing isn't the best, it most definitely isn't bad. however, without an idea of how it would look like, I just kept on failing. So then I decided to ask people sitting around me to model for my drawing. However, since no one was willing, I just wore my jumper on my head, trying to imagine what it would be like.

However, I once again just kept failing and so it wasn't soon before I got bored again. So then I decided, "Why don't I fucking try and act like I'm a girl (the jumper was like long hair)".

Now this all is still pretty normal, however, from this point onwards became fucking insane. As a 'girl' i now decide to ask the people around me how pretty I was,"Hey Xavier, on a scale of 1-10 how hot am I" then Xavier, trying to hold his laughter, replies with "10".

Then I ask Harry(one of my best friends) ,"On a scale of 1-10 how sexy am I". To which he just stares at me with a blank expression.

Then I decide to end everything and i say to another friend who sat next to my crush, "I was so tempted to do this(as a joke):" and then proceeded to do a flying kiss towards him. I must say, hands down the biggest fuck up of my life and do you know why? BECAUSE I ACCIDENTALLY SWUNG AROUND AS I DID IT AND, if you couldn't guess the rest, I gave a flying kiss to my crush.

Then guess what, she goes to her friends, smiling widely, and is like"Sebastian just gave me a flying kiss". The worst and best part of all that was that she didn't even care about what I did and do you know how I knew, well that's a story for another day...