
I Explore The World of Teyvat With A Kamen Rider Gacha System!?

A young man wakes up after playing Genshin in the world of Teyvat with a wish system to summon items from the Kamen Rider universe. As he explores a hidden evil not native to Teyvat begins to emerge ================================================================== This is my first fanfic or story so any constructive criticism or suggestions are welcome I don't own the rights to Genshin Impact or Kamen Rider franchises

Najicablitz626 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 46: Sky Battle 3

I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids felt very heavy. I felt pain all throughout my body but at least I could still feel them and not lose any limbs. I forced myself to get up and look at my surroundings

'What happened, is everyone alright?' I thought worriedly

I got up and saw Amber and Lisa unconscious. Diluc and Kaeya were trying to stall Dvalin while protecting us. Lumine, Jean, and Eula were standing but they seemed almost about to collapse. Venti was in the sky floating in the air shooting anemo arrows. He seemed to be using all of his power but he could only keep Dvalin at bay

I ran up to Lumine to ask about the situation, "What happened? How long was I out?"

"Only for a few minutes, Venti is trying to let us recover but he doesn't seem to be doing very well."

"Okay, I'm going to back him up."

I flew toward Dvalin to help Venti. Dvalin notices me and sends black energy balls to attack me. I fly erratically so as not to get hit. Venti shoots more at Dvalin making him stagger


I flew toward the crystal and started hitting it. I could not continue however when Dvalin's claws were coming at me. I moved out of the just-in-time and moved beside Venti

"We barely are doing anything to him." I said in frustration

"All we can do is keep fighting. My friend I promise we will save you." said Venti aiming his bow

From underneath Dvalin's belly were multiple holes opening. From them came out round-headed missiles

"You have got to be kidding!" I said in disbelief that Dvalin was capable of this

All of the missiles launched heading towards us. Venti shot his arrow but as it was flying mid-flight it formed a spherical orb. All the missiles gravitated toward it and exploded. A magic circle appears above Dvalin and lightning strikes him.

He looks toward the source of the spell and sees the rest of the group. Amber and Lisa are now awake and the rest seems to be doing just fine. Dvalin flies toward them to ram himself

"Everyone!" I shouted

Everyone moved out of the way into a new platform. Dvalin slammed into the platform they were previously on and got destroyed. Dvalin turns back and gathers energy from his throat for a breath again aiming at the group. I tried to stop him but I was too far but I did not stop. As he was about to release his breath I hit him causing him to deter his aim slightly. The breath hit near the group and sent them all knocked back by the blast


I flew toward them to check if they were okay. When I landed everyone was on the floor unconscious. I saw Paimon shouting to wake everyone up. I saw Amber and ran towards her

I lifted her head to check if she was okay "Amber! Are you okay, wake up!" Amber opened her eyes for a bit but she was clearly weak

"Jun… is everyone okay…"

I was glad she did not seem to be severely wounded "Yeah… they seem to be unconscious but they don't seem to be in grave danger."

Amber felt relieved her friends were okay "That's good… *cough**cough*"

"Amber take a rest."

"But… Dvalin."

I held her hand to reassure her "I'll take care of him… trust me."

Amber looked at me and decided to trust me "Okay…"

I laid her down to let her rest. I looked up and saw Venti and Dvalin fighting. Dvalin was sending wind blades at Venti and Venti was trying to dodge as much as possible but since he does not fight much it was only a matter of time before he loses

Paimon floated towards me in fear and panic, "Jun! What should we do!? Everyone is down and Venti is losing! We're done for!" Paimon was holding her head in despair and did not know what to do

I clenched my fist and felt powerless to stop him. 'I have power but failed to protect them. I'm so weak… even though I have the rider system… I can't do anything! I thought to myself in despair

'No… don't give up Jun! You promised Amber to save him, don't lose hope! Even the Riders did the same. When all hope seems lost, they still stand up.'

"Even if I die trying… I won't give up! I will save everyone!" I shouted ready to face Dvalin again, when suddenly a small yellow light shined in front of me

Even though it was small everyone seemed to have noticed it. The unconscious people woke up and saw the yellow light. Even Dvalin and Venti paused to see what happened.

Paimon beside me stopped panicking and was curious about what it was, "What is that?" she said in fascination

I reached out to grab it and it was the Shining Hopper Progrisekey

"This…" I knew what I had to do. I grabbed it tightly and pressed the progrisekey

[Shining Jump!]


A yellow circular digital gate manifested on top of me. I opened the progrisekey and inserted it into the gate. I twisted the progrisekey and the gate opened. From the gate appeared a mechanical shining grasshopper with a smaller one standing on top of it.

"It's so big~!" said Paimon


I inserted the progrisekey into my Zero-One driver


[The rider kick increases the power by adding to brightness]

[Shining Hopper!]

[When I shine, darkness fades!]

The bigger grasshopper jumped and a giant yellow digital butterfly net appeared and caught it. The net encased me and I was wearing a black bodysuit. Yellow lines ran across the suit and the red decals turned yellow-green. A faceplate appeared similar to my base Zero-One form with red eyes. Grasshopper legs appeared in my torso and head before attaching to my traps, lats, and the side of my eyes. This is the super form of Zero-One, Shining Hopper

*Insert Kamen Rider Zero-One Opening - REAL×EYEZ*

I looked at Dvalin and saw holograms of me highlighting different paths I could attack. I jumped and kicked under his chin. He recoiled from the kick and sent his head upward. I then kicked his wings disabling them and then kicked his torso sending him hurling towards a platform.


Dvalin grunted in pain, I saw he was surprised he could not follow my speed and was able to damage him. I landed in front of him and he was angry


Multiple red energy builds up in the bridge of his wings sending out lasers once again at me. Now in Shining Hopper form, I was able to calculate all of the lasers paths and stand in place. Once any laser was about to reach me I moved with minimal movement and dodged them

The others were able to recover at this point and saw what I did

"Amazing! Keep going Jun!" said Amber happy I am gaining the advantage over Dvalin

I continued to jump all over Dvalin seeing the most optimal path to defeating. Dvalin could not keep up with my speed and attacks, so he kept on getting damage with no way to retaliate. Dvalin gathered energy in his throat to fire a breath again. I pressed the side of my driver to a finisher

[Shining Impact!]

Dvalin fired his breath and I kicked toward him meeting the breath path. I pushed through the breath, cutting it in half, and kicked his face. I jumped kicked him sending him upward and then kicked him in the torso knocking him back a few feet.

"The only one who can save you is me!"

I got the Rising Hopper progrisekey and scanned it on the belt multiple times

[Bit Rise!]

[Byte Rise!]

[Kilo Rise!]

[Mega Rise!]

[Shining Mega Impact!]

I ran to Dvalin and kicked him into the air. I then kicked him multiple times bouncing in the air. He stabilized himself and sent missiles at me. They were useless and I just destroyed them all and kicked him even higher. I went above and kicked toward the corrupted crystal. 

"Haaah!" When I connected the crystal began to crack. I applied more force and went through destroying the crystal

[Shining Mega Impact!]

I landed on a platform and Dvalin was falling down. His dark features disappeared and so as the dark aura. He landed on a platform unconscious, making the battle over.

*End OST*


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