
I Experienced an SSS Encryption

Raymond traveled to the exam room of the college entrance examination. He found he knew nothing when he had seen the examination papers. Fortunately, he activated the Grade-A Student System. However, he then found the system was somewhat weird! In the Chinese exam, the system offered him a body cultivation method? In the English exam, the system offered him Morse code? In the geography exam, the system offered him the Art of War of Global Actual Combat? In the physics exam, the system offered him the design drawing of Chengdu J-20? ... Lin Yi wanted to cry, but he had no tears to shed. In the end, he only wrote some nonsense on the examination papers. In the Chinese examination paper: “Qi and blood attack. Direct qi to flow through the meridians in your body. One day's work can last one week...” In the maths examination paper: “The weather controller can launch a meteorologic attack, such as thunderstorm, frost, in hemispheres. The calculation formula is x.=Ax...” As expected, Raymond’s total score was zero. Those weird examination papers got viral on the Internet. The whole school was talking about it on Homecoming Day. However, to his surprise, the military saw Raymond’s examination papers. On the same day, the papers were encrypted on the SSS level.

Little Brother Langya · Urbano
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161 Chs

The Video Is Released! It’s Trending On the Internet!

Translator: Simple MTL Editor: Simple MTL

At the same time.

America's largest social media platform was also in a heated discussion.

"A new generation star, Brad has released a new song!"

In less than half an hour after it was released, a piece of news immediately reached the top of the hot search rankings.

This piece of news had tens of millions of views and millions of reposts!

In an instant, it caused a huge discussion on the American internet.

"A new song has been released! Sisters, let's go!"

"Let's go for Brad!"

"Brad is the best and the hardest-working. We won't accept any rebuttal!"

"This era has really changed. An actor releasing a new song can cause such a huge discussion. Those old scientists have passed away, and you guys didn't say a word."

Soon, voices of objection appeared.

But the moment this comment appeared, Brad's fans collectively surrounded them and attacked.