
I Enslaved My System

Your average Author who wrote web novels, yes, the one you curse every day, dies in his slumber. But that wasn't the end for him. He reincarnates in another world where people have different abilities, from teleportation to transformation. But sadly, he doesn't get his Golden finger. It was not until he was 18 that he clicked on the ad for an erotica game. He gets the Lustful Rising, a system that can make him stronger by helping him conquer beauties. [Host, would you like to assimilate with the Lustful Rising?] "No." [...] "..." [But why?] [Host, I'm begging you, please assimilate with me.] "Still no." ...... > This is a novel with a very normal and sweet sibling relationship. In a non-messed up, slice of life setting. A pure book to heal your soul full of cursed content. Of course, you'll find actions and good plot too. Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 200=1 bonus chapter After that, every 50 Golden tickets is a bonus chapter!! 1 CASTLE =3 CHAPTERS Bonus release will drop the following week! My discord https://discord.com/invite/FQ9bGYV2vM

lucifer_2805 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
154 Chs


Elise placed the dinner on the dining table and thought, 'Hmm, everything is ready. I should call bro.'

She then skipped over to the hall where Lex was sitting. She tilted her head in curiosity as she looked at Lex, who was watching the laptop with full concentration. 

She slowly got close to Lex without making any noise as she wanted to see what Lex was doing. She wouldn't normally do this, but this wasn't the first time Lex had behaved like this, so she was really curious.

But the moment she reached behind Lex, he closed the laptop at lightning speed. Elise gasped as she took a step back at the sudden reaction.

"Oii! I told you to stop sneaking around." Lex turned around and scolded Elise. But inwardly, he was wiping sweat from his forehead.

'Fortunately, I saw her reflection on the table. She's getting good at this. Looks like I'll need to be more careful from next time.' Lex gave a side glance at his laptop and thought, 'Can't let her find out about the warcrimes all these motherduckers discuss.'

Elise pouted and said, "But I'm just curious, tell me, please!"

Lex shook his head and said, "No means no. Anyways, let's go eat before the food gets cold."

Saying that he went towards the dining table. Elise continued to pout but didn't object any further, but in her mind, she thought, 'I swear! I'll find it out.'

After having dinner, they both went to sleep in their room since they needed to wake up early.

In the morning, Lex woke up early at 5 o'clock and freshened himself up. By the time he came out of his room, it was already 6 o'clock.

He looked at the time and then at the locked room of Elise. He shook his head and thought, 'Talk about waking up early.'

Lex knocked on her room's door and said, "I'm going, Ely. Be careful when you go out."

He could hear her mumbling something, but her words were incoherent.

Lex then took the key to his bike and exited his apartment. While on the lift, he remembered something, so he asked his system, 'Hey, what about my reward?'

He was, of course, referring to the quest reward from the quest for writing. He had nearly forgotten it.


'What? Give me.'

[Do you really want that? It's just some basic Fist combat technique, you already know them, you know.]

'Then what? What about my reward?'

[I can convert it, probably, but I am not sure. Wait a minute.]

Minutes passed, and Lex was walking towards his bike. Vehicles weren't allowed in the city, but his condo was at the corner, so he could just go from the backside.

That's why he even bought his bike and not a car because it could get caught; after all, it was still illegal to use vehicles in the city. But he had managed to get his bike inside through his connections.

[Ah! Found it. I actually can convert your reward if you don't want to; just say that you want to convert, and I'll give your stats a boost in place of that reward.]

'Alright, then convert it.' Lex said. He found this feature useful; if he didn't find his reward useful, then he could just boost his stats.

[Gotcha, I'll boost your INT Stat.]

'Intelligence? Then it affects my spiritual energy?'

[Something like that.]

"I see," Lex said as he picked up his helmet and got on his bike. It was a Star bike, one of the only twelve in this world made by Hydra. It was a nice bike in black colour that he liked a lot.

[Here it goes then.]

Lex relaxed as he felt comfortable and relaxed. He was sure he'd sleep from this comfortable feeling, but he forced himself to stay awake. It was a feeling where he could feel something growing in his mind.

He sighed as he immersed himself in this wonderful feeling.

[Ohh! Looks like it worked fine. You got two points in INT Stat.]

"Hmm? The status is ready?" Lex asked as he yawned and then started the bike.

[Not completed.]

'Tsk.' Lex clicked his tongue, changed the gear of his bike and left the building.

It didn't take long for him to get out of the main city and come on the highway. Finding the wide-open and empty road, Lex smiled and accelerated his bike.

Minutes passed, and Lex was riding the bike already at 300kmph. There were some more vehicles, like trucks, on the highway, as usual, but overall, it was empty, giving Lex full freedom to ride freely.

Denver's home, Ramsey mansion, was in the Flaming Lion colony, which was a few kilometres away from the main capital city. This colony only had military family as their residents. No one, other than the military family, was allowed to live here.

After all, it was specially made by the royal family for the military. It was basically a military district, and every mansion there belonged to some general and a major general.

Denver's grandfather was a retired general of Lionheart Kingdom's army, so of course, he had his own mansion there. He was rich enough to buy his own in a different place, but he wanted to live among his colleagues.

Lex enjoyed the wind hitting him and smiled. Who didn't love speed? He then turned on the music.

He accelerated even more and laughed while humming with the music. He even began to sing along.

"Don't trust a fart

No. never trust a fart

It might not go the way you planned

But it gotta fart

Try not to push too hard

Or you might just go and shit your pants."

Lex felt happy, finally riding the wind after so long. At his high speed, he passed some cars that had stopped at the side of the road. At first, he didn't notice anything, but then it hit him.

He slowed down his bike enough so he could turn it around and went back to those cars.