
I Don't know how to Live in this world!!!!

Ever wonder what you would do if you can return to the past? Me? Don't even ask. I've never regretted anything about my past. But that's a lie.

But_why · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Route of being Delinquent and an addict at the same time

Ever wonder what you would do if you can return to the past?

Me? Don't even ask. I've never regretted anything about my past.

But that's a lie.

April 4, 2010. the day that I've broken up with my Ex-girlfriend, Jen.

I still remember until this day. We were together walking in a mall. On the foodcourt we sat by, all of a sudden, I dropped the bomb.

"Let's break up."

She looked at me like I'm some crazy mofo.


"I... Just don't love you anymore."

Imagine a face described as an Average joe; some might like it, but most say it's bland. On the other hand, Jen is a mixed beauty with a Filipina mother and an Egyptian father. And I have the audacity to end our relationship, thinking I can find girls with extraordinary beauty.

She just looked at me while starting to tear up. Seeing this touched my heart a little, but I'm an asshole through the core. I didn't explain; I just stood up and left her.

While walking home, I started thinking about why did I end my relationship with this beauty. First, the relationship was so perfect that we don't even argue. Second, she never complains. I even tried cheating on her and told her about it the next day; in the end, she never asks why or never got angry. I started to think that maybe she doesn't love me.

Oh, and by the way, I also want to do some perverted stuff with her, but thinking that we're still 15, I abandoned the idea. I'm the kind of guy that liked perverted stuff but scared to carry the burden if ever I fu*cked up and got her pregnant. Well, we broke up, so be it.

That night I had a dream.

I was drinking with friends in a high-end condominium while taking drugs; I went up to the rooftop to see the city lights upon getting high. I sat on the edge of the roof while thinking of something, all of a sudden, someone hugged me from behind, and then I woke up.

"What the f*ck was that? did I read too much Romance and seinen manga to have that kind of dream?"

"Hold up, is getting high and a hug from behind is romantic anyway?"

I got excited, thinking maybe Jen was the one who hugged me in that dream.

"Meh, It's just a dream, man; you're already awake."


I was left behind alone at that foodcourt table while silently crying, thinking that maybe I wasn't attractive enough. Did I do something wrong for him to leave me like this? I love him with all of my heart, and I was getting ready to give my virginity to him on our anniversary.

Did he get impatient? I remember him always talking about those kinds of stuff. I know he's a perverted person.

Maybe he has already done it with the girl he cheated on me last time? Did he choose her over me?

After crying alone for some time, I decided to head home.

With a downcast heart, I entered my room.

From the wall that full of pictures of us to the table full of his letters.

I started reading one by one. And started crying again.

After finishing the letters, I resolved to fix this relationship.

"If I can't have you. No one can!"


Months have passed. And I was living my life as a single man.

I know in the back of my head that I miss Jen.

But that doesn't stop me from chasing skirts!

Most of the girls that I've come in contact with are starting to avoid me for some reason. They didn't say anything; they leave me with no contact at all.

In short, they're Ghosting me! No text, no call, no testimonies in Friendster. NONE.

I'm starting to feel that something is not right.

The other day, I played DOTA in the usual computer shop where my friends and I play. Some random dude approached me.

"Are you Gian?"

"Yes, Do I know you?"

"No, you don't need to know. Can I ask you a question?"

uhh, you're already asking, though? what a weird dude.

"What is it?"

"Do you know Karen silva?"

"Karen Silva? uhh, no, doesn't ring the bell."

Then the dude showed me a picture. It's a girl with white skin, brown hair, and brown eyes with average boobs. I remember this girl! It's kara!

I was texting her two weeks ago and having a nice SOP! (SexOnText) just remembering it gave me a bit hard-on!

"Oh, it's Kara."

The Dude's face changed for a brief second, but I didn't notice it.

"May I know when was the last time you've talked to her?"

"Uhh, I think it was two weeks ago? not sure because she just stopped contacting me."

Damn, such a shame! We already decided to meet up and go all the way!

"I see."

Then the dude went out of the computer shop like it was nothing.

"What the heck was that?"

Today, I'm with my friends DJ and Paolo in the same computer shop. This is actually our daily routine, Play DOTA for the rest of the day, then go home. But this time, we didn't go home; we went to the Condominium that Pao's parents owned.

Both of Pao's parents are working abroad, so Paolo is the only one who lives there. And as a Delinquent friend of theirs, I suggested having a drink all night long.

Of course, I didn't suggest having a drink because of the girls who ghosted me.

We went to the sari-sari store, so we won't need to present an ID to buy liquor.

In the Philippines, the legal age is 18. We're just 15, but I'm a delinquent, so I don't give a f*ck.

While we're drinking..

"Hey, Pao! I know that your dad has a stash of weed in their room!" (Gian)

"What? how do you even know that?" (Pao)

"Don't you know that he's always snooping around your condo every time we're here?" (DJ)

"What? I ain't snooping around! just looking if your dad has a secret collection of old Playboy magazines or Porn CD!" (Gian)

"Well, did you find some?" (Pao)

"No, but I found some weed wanna try it? hehe" (Gian)

"Stop it man, don't tell me that you're gonna go into that route of being Delinquent and an addict at the same time?" (DJ)

"Why not? Just this time, okay?"(Gian)

Then I ran through the corridor and went to the master's bedroom. There you can see a cabinet and a table. I opened the cabinet, inside there's a small drawer; I pulled the drawer and saw the marijuana and a small pipe. I went back to the living room and started to load the weeds to the small pipe.

"Are you sure about this man?" (DJ)

"Don't be a wuss, just try it." (Gian)

"Come on, let me do it! and actually, it's mine. you don't need to worry about it"(Pao)

DJ and I stared at Pao; we were shocked to hear it from him.



Pao did the first burn and passed the weed while coughing.

"What?! Don't look at me like that! Fuck you! Here you go!" (Pao)

"But we didn't even say anything???" (Gian)

I smoked the weed and passed it to DJ.

I don't know what happened next, but the last thing I remembered.

Is I was falling while looking at the city lights, and the feeling of someone is hugging me from behind.

Then SPLAT!~....