
I Don't Care About Hero Stuff

what's the point of being on the side of humans if I have the power that can annihilate them. Let's have fun in this already chaotic world.

GOODAY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Me and Hana arrived in this city of Arcturus at noon, I didn't expect to be able to return to this city. It's been a week since I traveled to this place, and this trip was also quite pleasant with Hana's presence.

I intend to avenge Axel's actions and Hana intends to take back the power that was sealed in Mark's sword, so the two of us decided to go together to solve this problem.

We got into this city quite easily, it was all thanks to the badges we had made in the city of Altar at that time. As soon as we entered the city, the two of us immediately rushed to the Royal Palace.

"I can feel it… my power is up there!"

Hana pointed towards the front because she seemed to feel the power, and it seemed that this was true because the direction she was pointing was the direction towards the Royal Palace.

"The palace is right there."

"Then we must hurry!"

"Alright...let's go over there."

I warmed up my body a little and immediately prepared to use the [Heavenly Step] Skill so that I could run as fast as I could towards the palace.

I immediately carried Hana and ran as fast as I could towards the Star Royal Palace. With my speed, the two of us finally arrived at the palace gates in just a few seconds.

I really do resemble The Flash with this power.

Eh!? But wait a minute... I think I look more like Quicksilver than The Flash, because I have the same hair color as him.

I immediately let go of the necklace that was suppressing my aura and let all of this aura spread out in all directions.

The soldiers guarding the palace gates looked very surprised when I removed the necklace from around my neck. They all became alert and pointed their spears at me.

"All of you are just blocking me... Wind magic [Wind Impact]"

I immediately used wind magic and sent them all blown away.

After doing that, I slashed at the gate of the Royal Palace with my sword. But I was very surprised when this attack failed.

Huh!? Why is this, didn't I cut through this gate...?

I tried to slash the door again but the result was still the same, my attack didn't even hit the gate at all.

When I was confused, Hana stepped forward and prepared to punch the gate.

Hana hit the gate very hard and her attack also failed.

"Heh... I see now! Apparently this place is protected by some kind of barrier."


I tilted my head as Hana said this.

"Yes, a magic that can withstand any attack. But that depends on how much mana is used in the magic, and it seems this one is quite strong."

So it's like that, I guess I get it.

But if this is magic...?

Greed, can you snatch it...?


Good, let's take that magic...

"Hana, back off a bit. I'll use my power..."

I immediately put my hand near the Palace gate. And sure enough! I could feel a lot of mana gathering in this palace area like forming a blanket.

"Greed, quickly seize this magic..."





Good... You can always be relied on.

[ OF COURSE... ]

As soon as I managed to steal this Magic, I immediately deactivated this very annoying [Sacred Protector] Magic.

A rumbling sound started as I deactivated the barrier, and the mana that enveloped the palace's surroundings began to slowly dissipate. When the barrier was completely gone, I immediately slashed at the palace gate with the ease of a piece of paper.

Wow! This sword is really strong...

The split gate made quite a noise, and because of this the soldiers immediately surrounded the two of us. Even though we were surrounded, these soldiers did not dare to take a single step to approach the two of us.

Perhaps this was due to the mana aura I was emitting. Because they were all silent, Hana and I immediately went to the hero's mansion which is on the left side of the royal palace.

As soon as I got there, all my friends were already outside wearing frightened expressions.

"Hei... You guys miss me...?"

I greet them with a smile on my face.

I used the [Heavenly Step] skill and moved very quickly towards Axel. As soon as I was in front of him, my hands immediately grabbed his neck until he coughed a little.

"Still remember me...?"

Axel was very surprised when he saw me.

"cough… wh… why did you…?"

Greed, take all his skills...









[ YES/NO ]

Of course, YES!



Axel screamed in pain as I took all his strength away. It seemed that the person whose power was robbed would experience extreme pain, because the bandit whose power I stole had the same reaction.

As soon as I finished taking all of his strength, I immediately threw Axel's body and made him lie on the ground. I took out a sword from its scabbard and intended to end Axel's life right now.

When I was about to approach Axel, suddenly a woman hugged me.

Yes, that person is Julia.

"Yoru! I know you must be alive…"

Julia cried while hugging me from behind.

Mark and Rikka looked really surprised when they heard Julia calling my name.

"Let me go!"

I snapped at Julia a little and she finally let go of me from her arms.

"Yoru… is he the human you want to kill? He looks so annoying."

"Yeah, he's the one. Oh! You see that person, he's the one holding the sword now."

I said this while pointing at Mark who was actually holding the First Hero's sword.


I heard someone screaming and suddenly various magics started coming towards me and Hana. Seeing this, I immediately pulled Hana into my arms and immediately cast Ice magic to protect myself from the various magicians that tried to attack us.

"Ice Magic [Ice Wall]"

An enormous and sturdy Ice Wall began to from beneath the ground and managed to dispel all attacks that were aimed at the two of us.

"Are you okay...?"

"Yes, I am doing okay..."

looks like the Royal army has already started their offensive, so I need to finish this as soon as possible.

"Okay then, let's finish this quickly."

Hana just nodded with a smile and immediately walked over to Mark.

My Ice Wall is still standing strong. I purposely made an Ice wall that is high and wide enough so that other people can't interfere with the situation in this place.

Axel is still lying on the ground, wincing in pain, it seems that I have overdone it. But I don't care, because the thing he did to me was more than this.

"You said you wanted to kill me, but in fact I'm still alive right now..."

"H-how come…? how did you survive…?"

I kicked Axel so hard that his body was thrown and hit the Ice wall.

Axel spat out the blood that was in his mouth and tried to stand back up even though he was struggling a little. After he had stood up, he seemed to be preparing his stance to attack me.

"You Insolent … Dark Magic [Shadow Bind]"

Axel looks really surprised when his magic doesn't come out.

"Are you surprised your magic doesn't come out...? Don't worry, I've stolen all your skills."


I used [Shadow Bind] on Axel and it took him by surprise.

"Why do you have my skills and how come you can use magic…?"

"You don't need to know..."

I immediately raised my sword and prepared to slash Axel, suddenly Julia was already in front of Axel and blocked me when I wanted to slash him.

With a sad face and tears still running down her cheeks, Julia continued to hold me back from slashing at Axel.

"Yoru… why are you doing this…? what exactly happened?"

"This has nothing to do with you, so get out of the way…"

Julia still insisted on blocking me even though I told her to leave. Feeling annoyed, I finally told all the things why I could fall into the abyss.

Julia looked very surprised when she heard all these stories. She put her palm to her mouth and cried even louder. Looks like she didn't expect Axel to do that to me.

"You already understand right… so get out of the way!"

I pushed Julia to make her fall.

I raise my sword again, and this time it will actually slash Axel.

"Yoru… please don't do that…!!"

Julia screamed as I was about to slash at Axel; and Axel was silent as if resigned when I pointed the sword at him.



Axel screamed in pain when I managed to slash his left arm off. Julia immediately ran to Axel and rushed to cast healing magic to stop the bleeding.

"Thanks to Julia, I didn't kill you because she still cares about you..."

After saying this, I immediately left from their presence.


My footsteps stopped when Julia said that and I quickly looked at the two of them again.

"Why are you doing all this…? I know Yoru would never do something like this."

"Huh! How long have you known me?"

I mean... Julia only met me at school and the two of us only said hello a few times. Does that mean you already know me? Not for me!

Julia looked very surprised when she heard this. I know she has feelings for me; And what I just said must have really hurt him.

"We're just schoolmates, nothing more than that..."

After saying this, I immediately left them.

I saw Hana who was having a hard time fighting Mark and also Rikka, so I intended to help her. Even though Hana doesn't have magic, she's strong enough to stand up to two people who are proficient with swords and magic.

"Hana! Do you need help?"

The moment I said this, the three of them instantly stopped. Mark and Rikka looked very confused as I approached the two of them.

"Yes… yes… yes… please help me!"

"Okay, I'll help you!"

I used the Ultimate Skill [Mind Control] that I just got from Axel to stop Mark and Rikka's movement. This skill has the ability to move anything using my mind, so I can easily stop the two of them from moving.

"What happened!? Why can't I move?"

"aaarrrggghhh… why can't I move…"

Mark and Rikka were quite shocked when their bodies couldn't move. After they both couldn't move, Hana immediately took the sword that was in Mark's hand.

"What do you want...? quickly return the sword!"

Mark looks quite emotional when Hana takes the sword in his hand so easily.

"This sword may be yours, but the power within it is mine…"

After Hana gripped the sword, a huge and terrifying green mana started to come out of the sword and into Hana's body.

The mana continued to enter Hana's body; until finally starting to happen a little change in his body.

Two white horns began to grow on his head, the ears that initially looked like human ears also began to taper. Until finally this change is complete and Hana emits a very green and intimidating aura of mana.

Mark, Rikka, Julia and Axel even fainted when they felt the aura emitted by Hana. I also felt an aura of intimidation from him, but it didn't bother me.

After the transformation was complete and Hana had regained her strength, she immediately shattered the sword in her hand. The sword was a testament to how much power Hana had, as it shattered into pieces easily when Hana just squeezed it.

Woah... so this is the true power of a Dragon.

I was quite amazed when I saw Hana's changes were so drastic. Out of curiosity, I peeked at Hana's status using my dragon eyes.


Name: Hana Pendragon

Title: Earth Dragon

Race: True Dragon

Mp: 10,000,000

Hp: 10,000,000

Item: Dragon Eye

Skills: Ultimate Skill Yggdrasil, Advanced Elemental Magic (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind), Advanced Dark Magic

What!? Hana has this many magic points...? I really can't believe it.

I was even stunned after seeing Hana's immense power.

"Yoru... hey... why are you silent...?"

Hana waved her hand at me as I froze at the sight of her strength.

"ah.. I'm looking at your power… and I really can't believe it…"

"Hehehe... you know now, I'm really strong."

Hana put both hands on her waist and smiled very broadly, she looked very happy and arrogant at the same time when I praised her strength.

"Our business here is done, so what are you going to do after this...?"

I question this to Hana while sheathing my sword back.

"Hey... Can I come with you.....?"

I was a little surprised after hearing this, I didn't even expect to hear it come out of his mouth.

"Come with me? Why...?"

"You know... We've been together all this time, so why should we part..."


I refused his request and saddened him, to the point that tears came out of his eyes.

Actually I don't have any particular reason to refuse his request, but if I accept… Maybe I'll be dealing with various troublesome things. And I don't want that to happen to my life, so I have to refuse this request.

"Yoru... Do you really not want to go with me...?"

Her sadness had now completely turned into tears.

"I'm sorry Hana... But we have to live our separate lives from now on..."

"Why... Why don't you want to go with me... Is it because I always eat a lot, or I always wake up late. I'll change all that if it bothers you..."

Sigh... Why are you so adamant about wanting to be with me...? If you continue to act like this, I will find it increasingly difficult to leave you...

"Hey... Why do you want to come with me so much...?"

I started to lower my voice and spoke to him slowly again.

"Because I have no one but you! I don't know where my mother and brother went, I only have you. So I don't know what to do without you."

I don't know why, but I feel so happy when Hana says that she only owns me. Without even realizing it, tears came to my eyes when I heard those words come out of her mouth.


"Yoru, I'm sorry; mom have to go to work now..."

"Papa is also sorry... We will go another time, okay..."

"Yeah… Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about me..."

I couldn't help but smile when I heard their apologies, although I felt really annoyed that I had to hear this over and over again.

All of this happened since I was a child, in fact this continued to happen until the two of them separated and I was finally thrown into this world.

Always apologizing...

Always said that going to work for me...

But I never felt that way, I was always lonely when the two of them went to work.

Always leave earlier than me and come home late at night. Every day the activity was repeated; and on holidays, they even said they were tired and didn't want to spend time with me.

I don't even know what they think of me? And apparently, the saying "works for me" is just bullshit.

Mom, Papa.....

I just want you to be there for me... I just want to spend time with you two... But why don't you guys ever do that?

I just want to hear you guys say "Yoru, we're both here..." that's all, nothing more. But still, the two of you never said that once.

And the words I really wanted to hear came out of Hana's mouth... a person I'd only known for a few days. Somehow, I feel really happy about this... I really don't get it.....

But finally I realized, maybe Hana is the person I need.

I immediately hugged Hana very tightly.

"I'm sorry! Sorry to say things that make you sad. Let's go together...."

Hana cried even louder and hugged me tighter after I said yes to her request.

"Don't cry, okay... We'll be together from now on."

I touched his face with both hands and wiped the tears that ran down his cheeks with my thumb.


"Yeah, I promise..."

A very bright smile began to grow on her face again; and apparently, I really fell in love with Hana.

The two of us finally decided to go together and intended to leave this Kingdom, but suddenly an explosion sound startled us both.


The explosion turned out to be from the other side of the ice wall, and the explosion also managed to knock down the ice wall that I had made.

It turns out that the person who managed to blow up my ice wall was the strongest mage in this Kingdom, the Witch of Zeris.

Oh ... apparently he did it, no wonder my magic was destroyed.

Honestly, I wasn't too surprised when I found out that it was Zeris who destroyed my magic. Because he is indeed the strongest Magician that humans have.

As soon as the ice wall was destroyed, several soldiers were seen entering and trying to block us. Around 20 fully clothed people tried to block us, and I was even more surprised after seeing the figure of the King who was also there.

It seems that these soldiers are special forces under the direct command of the King known as "Antares." They are people the King directly chose because they have unique powers. I can tell this because Zeris had told about them to the Hero Party back then.

"By the orders of King Erick Star IV, the two of you are ordered to submit and surrender!"

One of the soldiers shouted like that at us, and it seemed that Hana was annoyed when she heard that.

"Stop! We don't have any business in this place anymore, we'd better just go."

I stopped Hana who was trying to attack the troops.


"Since you don't answer, then you will be considered as enemies!"

One of the soldiers suddenly ran towards me very fast, and he tried to attack me with his two swords. But I easily blocked his attack with my sword.


The sound of metal clashing was heard as our swords touched each other.

"Yo, Xorra..."

It turned out that the person who attacked me was the one who had taught me how to use the sword, namely Xorra.

Of course he was surprised when he saw me.

But because of that, he caught his guard and I immediately took this opportunity to attack. I swing my sword with more force and managed to make it bounce a few meters away.

"Hero Yoru! Is that you...?"

"Yeah, it's me..."

On the other hand, some people started to direct their magic to attack Hana, even Zeris joined in trying to attack Hana. But all the attacks were successfully blocked by using tree roots that suddenly came out of the ground.

Hana used her skills to block the various attacks that were aimed at her. I realized something when Hana used her skill, it turns out that the tree roots she took out not only functioned as shields, but these roots also had the function of absorbing magic.

Truly incredible power...

I'm also quite impressed with these people, it turns out that they can still attack despite receiving tremendous pressure from Hana. It seemed they were indeed a very well-trained troop.


Xorra shouted like that all of a sudden and made the whole squad look confused.

"Hero Yoru, what exactly happened…? Why are you doing all this…?"

"this is-"

"Man! You have a very similar face to him."

Suddenly Hana came and interrupted my conversation with Xorra.

Hana pulled out tree roots from the ground and attacked Xorra with those roots. The roots moved very quickly and managed to penetrate several parts of Xorra's body.

Xorra was thrown several meters after being hit by Hana's heavy blow, but the witch Zeris managed to save him and immediately cast healing magic on him.

"I will settle my business with this Kingdom right now."

Hana with a small smile on her face started walking towards the soldiers. They all immediately alerted after seeing Hana approaching them.

I chose not to interfere and just waited in this place.

Hana's body began to emit smoke and suddenly she turned into a dragon form. She has the same look as Zarias, except that Hana has a green color on her body.

Why did she change into his Dragon form...?

I was quite wondering when I saw Hana changing into her Dragon form and for some reason I had a feeling that something terrible would happen after this.

"You sick people have been making me suffer all this time, so accept the consequences. Dragon Magic [Dragon Breath]"

Hana gathered a large amount of mana in her mouth and released it at once towards the soldiers and the King in front of her.

King Erick, Xorra, Zeris and the entire Antares army completely disappeared after being hit by the attack, even the Star Royal Palace and its contents were also destroyed until nothing was left due to this terrible attack.

Honestly, on the one hand I feel very scared to see this. But on the other hand, I have to understand this because they have also kept Hana imprisoned for two hundred years.

I still couldn't believe what I just saw and was still stunned for a while.

"Yoru...let's get out of here..."

"Yeah, let's go..."

I mounted Hana's body and we immediately flew away from this kingdom. With one flap of his wings, we have been able to fly very far and have even been able to leave the capital of the Star Kingdom.

Hana continued to fly herself upwards, until finally we both flew through the clouds. I could see a very beautiful sight when the two of us were already flying above the clouds.

Woah.... this thing is absolutely amazing.

"Yoru... Are you afraid to see what I just did...?"

Hana said this in a slightly worried tone of voice. So I tried my best to get her in the mood.

"Honestly yes... But I understand the reason behind it, so I can understand..."

"Are you going to leave me...?"

"What are you talking about, I promised to be with you from now on."

"Hehe thank you..."

From the tone of her voice, I could sense that Hana had regained her mood. And I'm quite happy to know this.

Finally we both flew above the sky while looking at the very beautiful scenery.

"Oh yeah, where exactly are we going...?"

"I don't know, I just flew..."


I was quite surprised after hearing Hana's answer.

For a while, the two of us just flew around aimlessly and didn't think about anything. But I finally got an idea of the place I really wanted to live.

I'm a person who doesn't really like being in crowds, so it would be nice to be able to live in a place far from the settlements.

"Hana... Do you know a place that we can just live in...?"

" I think there is…"

Hana immediately flew faster after the two of us had a goal. The two of us continued to be in the sky until late afternoon, and finally landed on a very large empty lot.

I immediately descended from above Hana's body as soon as I got to this place, and Hana also returned to her human form.

Why are we stopping at a wasteland like this...? That's the question that popped into my head as soon as I got here.

This land is indeed very-very wide, but there is no life at all in this land. As far as the eye could see, I could only see the ground so dry. I don't even see grass or trees growing on this land, even though this place gets enough sunlight.

After all, this place is not just an ordinary wasteland, I can feel and even see a lot of negative mana in this place. So I assume it's all the negatives that make this place so barren.

"Why are we stopping here...?"

"Don't you want a place where the two of us can live…"

"I did say something like that, but why is it a place like this!?"

I let out a long sigh after saying that, because I still didn't expect to be in a place like this.

"Because this place will not be inhabited by other beings. This place used to be the site of the peak war between humans and demons, and this place was abandoned because there was a lot of negative mana. Therefore, this place can be our residence…"

"but there's nothing in this place..."

"You can take all the mana in this place, and we can make our own dwelling…"

Hana said this with a big smile on her face, and I couldn't have refused her request if she had put on a face like that.

"sigh... Well, we'll stay here..."

Okay [ Greed ], you can eat all this mana...

[ I'LL DO ]

An enormous magic circle started to form while [Greed] was trying to take away all the mana in this place. It's the same as when I tried to snatch the souls of the monsters at the bottom of the abyss, but this magic circle is many times larger in size.






"Alright, now it's my turn… Dragon Magic [Earth]"

Hana put her hands on the ground; and suddenly the ground began to shake and make a rumbling sound. Not long after that, mountains of diamonds started sticking out of the ground.

So this is how the dragon's true magic power is... truly amazing.

Once again I was amazed by the power that Hana had.

"Yoru, turn that diamond into a palace…!"

Huh!? Did I hear wrong, a Palace? Can I do that...?

I was quite hesitant when Hana asked me to turn the diamond into a palace. I do have a skill that can make anything, but I'm not sure if it can also create a Palace.

"I'm not sure I can make that…"

Because I felt a little doubtful, I conveyed my concern to Hana.

"Just do it, I'm sure you can do it..."

I finally got up the courage to build a palace after Hana convinced me.

"I hope this works, Ultimate Skill [Create]"

I feel the mana inside of me being drained in a large amount while using this skill. But the Palace is now firmly established on this land and I still can't believe that I built it.

"Aaah.... My palace is finished..."

Hana jumped for joy after seeing the castle that I made standing firmly in front of her.

"Just add some decorations… Ultimate Skill [Yggdrasil]"

Hana grew a giant tree beside the Palace and turned the once barren land into a vast meadow. Not finished there, Hana also created a lake near the Palace and made the atmosphere in this place come alive again.

"and now it's just a matter of doing the finishing touches..."

Hana shot a certain amount of mana into the sky and the mana began to spread out to cover the entire Palace. And it turns out, Hana is making a barrier to protect the Palace.

With this, the place where the two of us live has finally been completed. And I can't wait to spend time here with Hana.


The sunlight that entered the room woke me up, I immediately rubbed my eyes as soon as I woke up. I got out of bed and immediately drank a glass of water that was already available on the table near our bed.

Yoru were still fast asleep on the bed hugging a pillow. And I think it's the first time I wake up earlier than him.

I also stroked his hair because I saw Yoru was still fast asleep.

"Hehe... you have a really cute face when you're sleeping."

Not long after that, Yoru also woke up from his sleep. It seemed he was a little surprised when he saw me getting up first, it could all be seen from the expression on his face.

"Is there going to be a storm...?"

"What do you mean...?"

I'm a little confused by Yoru's question. Is he still delirious...?

"You who suddenly wake up in the morning, is that a sign of a storm...?"

"God damn it..."

Shit! It turned out that Yoru was just making fun of me.

"Haha... I'm sorry."

I've been living in this place with Yoru for three months, and a lot has happened in that time. The two of us grew closer after living together, I also started teaching Yoru some Dragon magic. But the most visible change is the Elf Race who now lives with us.

Yes, Elf Race. The race that worshiped me two hundred years ago, I didn't expect that they would all come to me again after I was liberated.

If I recall, they came to this place when I had only been in this area for two weeks. Around 250,000 Elves led by an Elf named Elva seek refuge under my name.

At first I was a little hesitant to accept them; but since they have worshiped me since two hundred years ago, I just accepted their request. After all, they said they would serve me wholeheartedly, so I had no reason to refuse.

Since they now live in this place, so Yoru and I made a place to live for them. I grew several big trees as the main ingredients, after that Yoru turned the trees into a place for the elves to live.

Yoru made their residence in a quite unique style, namely a tree house. Yoru said he deliberately did this to save the land area that is here. And I think it's actually very interesting.

Each tree can have five to ten houses, and Yoru also builds a bridge that connects one tree to another. The Elves who accepted this became very respectful towards Yoru, and they ended up worshiping both of us.

At first Yoru looked uncomfortable being treated like a King by the Elves, but over time he got used to being treated like that and took it for granted.

The Elf race has hunting and farming activities, usually the men will go hunting for monsters or animals and the women will do farming activities. The results of their activities will be given to me as an offering.

Because of their arrival, Yoru and I were able to relax and always spend time together. Of course I'm very happy with this.

I opened the door that led to the balcony and stood there looking at the Elves who had started their activities. While I was looking around, I could feel Yoru's hands starting to hug me.

This has become his habit every morning, he will definitely hug or embrace me when we both wake up. He's so cute when he's spoiled for me, so I always let him do this. But I would definitely die of shame if anyone else saw this.

"Hey... want to continue last night...?"

Last night!? Uh? Can we do it in the morning...?

For some reason I feel so embarrassed when I think about this, that I cover my face with both hands. But somehow I still feel embarrassed, even though I feel my face is turning red right now.

Knock... knock... knock...

A knock on the door startled me a little. But thanks to that, I forgot what I was thinking.

"Looks like it can't be… then we'll do it another time. Muach...."

Yoru just kissed my cheek and immediately went to open the door. But this thing really embarrassed me, I even went so far as to suffocate because of this.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?"

Yoru asked this when he came back after opening the door.

"No, I'm fine..."

I woke up immediately after Yoru scolded me and acted like nothing happened.

"Mera said earlier, they have prepared breakfast..."

Oh... I already knew for sure that it was Mera who knocked on the door.

She is an Elf who is willing to be a servant in this palace to prepare all of my and Yoru's needs. Together with his three companions Shera, Shuna, and Aya; they are always ready to serve us any time.

As we were about to leave, Yoru suddenly stuck his hand out to me and we both finally held hands as we headed towards the dining room.

The two of us went downstairs and immediately entered the dining room. As soon as we entered, I saw the four Elf maids who had prepared the food on the table neatly.

Yoru and I immediately enjoyed the dish while it was still warm. After we finished eating, Yoru took me to the lakeside to relax.

This place is indeed often used as a place to relax, besides the beautiful scenery, I feel that this place has a very positive aura, so I feel comfortable when I am in this place. As usual, Mera always gave us some dishes.

"Hey... why do you look gloomy...?"

I don't know why, but Yoru's face doesn't look like it usually does.

"I just missed something..."

"Did you miss your friends...?"

"Of course not, I just miss playing video games and reading manga. I can't do that anymore since I was in this world."

Ah... luckily he just missed those things. I'm afraid he's tired of me and now wants to go back to his friends. I can't imagine if that actually happened.

Yoru often tells about his activities when he was still on Earth, because of that I came to understand about it. Even though he tells stories, I became quite curious about manga and video games.

I hugged Yoru because he looked down, and he seemed quite comfortable with this. I also rubbed his head because he looks so cute when he acts like this.

"If you miss it so much, why don't you just create it?"

Suddenly Yoru looked at me with a very surprised look.

Eh!? Why is he looking at me like that...?

"You are right! How come I never thought about it…"

Yoru immediately stayed silent while crossing his arms, it seemed that he was currently communicating with his skills. Yoru and mother have thinking skills, so they must be communicating if they keep quiet.

After a while, Yoru finished communicating with his skill and a big smile started to grow on his face.

"Hana, let's go to the town!"

My hand was immediately grasped and suddenly Yoru used the [Teleport] skill to go to the nearest town. In an instant, the two of us had moved to the city of Pollux. This city is still under the rule of the Star Kingdom, and this city is also often visited by us when we need something.

"What are we doing in this town…?"

I'm still a little confused from suddenly changing places, so I'm asking this.

"I want to find paper and ink to make manga."

So that's the reason, it means he can make a manga. I guess I'd like to read it too when it's actually done.

"Because you brought me to this place all of a sudden, so you have to buy me a lot of food…"

"You don't have to worry about that..."

With that, the two of us went through the city looking for paper and ink.

I also always use a necklace that serves to suppress my aura when I'm in human territory. The necklace is also made with the same material that Yoru used on his necklace.

The Elves who live in our territory aren't too bothered by the aura that Yoru and I give off, so I only wear this necklace when I'm in human territory.

The two of us continued to search for the two objects until noon, but could not find them. Until finally we both chose to rest first.

We entered a restaurant for lunch and rest. I immediately ordered a variety of food that I thought was delicious from the waiter who immediately approached us when entering this restaurant.

"So what, is that thing really not available in this town...?"

While waiting for the food to be served, I tried to start a conversation with Yoru.

"Actually there's one more shop I haven't been to yet. If that shop doesn't sell it, maybe I'll look for it in the capital."

"Woah, I didn't expect you to be so adamant about getting that thing..."

"Of course, because manga has become a part of my life. They have been with me all this time..."

I didn't expect something called manga to have such an impact on his life.

Not long after that, the food we ordered arrived. The dish was arranged very neatly on the table by the waiters who brought it.

"Enjoy your meal..."

The waiter immediately left us as soon as he finished arranging all the dishes we ordered.

I immediately enjoyed these various dishes while they were still warm, and Yoru did the same.

Hmm..... man-made food is really delicious...

I could taste the richness of every spice in every bite. Even though the food that Mera made has good taste, somehow humans can make these foods on a different level.

Human food is so delicious that I take this into consideration when trying to destroy them. And finally I decided not to destroy humans.


"Hehe... of course, these foods are very delicious..."

"Okay then, let's go..."

After finishing eating and resting, the two of us continued our search for the two items. We walked for about fifteen minutes, and finally arrived at an old shop on the outskirts of town.

The bell rang as Yoru opened the shop's door, and the shopkeeper immediately put a smiling face on the both of us. I looked around when I entered this shop, and it seems that this shop sells a lot of magic equipment such as potions and magic stones.

"Is there anything I can help...?"

The shopkeeper greeted us very friendly.

"Do you sell paper and ink...?"

"Yeah… I sold it."

"Is that so… eh!? Selling it, you selling it?!"

Yoru looked very surprised when he heard that this shop was selling the items he had been looking for. I could also see him getting excited again when he found out that this shop was selling the things he really wanted.

"I'll buy your entire stock!"

With this, we finally have paper and ink. As soon as Yoru finished the transaction with the shopkeeper, we returned home using the [Teleport] skill again.

When we got home, the four Elf maids were already prostrating in front of us as if they were welcoming us. But I'm quite surprised, how do they know if Yoru and I will teleport here.

"Welcome back, Miss Hana… Mr Yoru…"

While prostrating, Mera greeted us very politely.

"Thank you Mera..."

"All of you, don't go yet..."

The maids looked surprised after Yoru asked them to stay.

"Wait here a moment, because all of you will be the first to witness the creation of a manga."

The maid still didn't seem to really understand Yoru's words, but they still obeyed his orders.

Yoru started to take out the things he just bought in town, piles of paper and bottles of ink started to be taken out from his storage. Honestly, I was quite looking forward to making this manga, because I was quite curious about it.

I sat and watched Yoru create a manga. He placed his hands on the paper and ink, and suddenly the ink began to form an image on the paper. And finally the pile of paper has turned into a book called manga.

Woah... I didn't think it could actually happen.

"Yes! It really works…"

Yoru shouted with joy while holding up one of the mangas he had made.

He also taught me and the maids how to read manga, and in the end we were all so addicted to reading that we didn't even realize when the sun had set. The maids finally stopped reading and started back to work, while Yoru and I were still reading while lying in the living room.

It turns out that reading a manga is fun, even though I don't want to stop reading after opening it.

"Hgnn... I think that's enough for today, let's go take a shower... Hana?"

Yoru seem to be stretching after quite a while of reading while lying down, and I can see the huge pile of manga he's been reading. I didn't think he could finish 20 books in such a short time, I just finished reading 3 books.

"Hmm, come on..."

I immediately put down the manga I was reading because Yoru asked me to take a shower.

I didn't really like bathing at first, but Yoru always forced me to do this after we lived together. Even Yoru doesn't allow me to sleep with him if I don't want to take a shower.

Once we got there, a large pool filled with warm water was waiting for us. After cleaning the whole body, we both finally soaked in the pool.

Ahh... I can feel my tiredness starting to disappear after soaking in this pool.

After we finished bathing, the two of us enjoyed the dishes made by the Elf maids. And finally we spend the day reading a lot of manga titles until late at night.

One week has passed since Yoru created the thing called manga. In this week, I spent a lot of my time reading manga. Even right now I'm reading one of the titles Yoru recommended.

"How...? nice isn't it.."

"Yes! I didn't expect people from your original world to be able to do something like this…"

I'm really impressed with the people who can make this thing. But I'm really curious about the food in these pictures. I find this food really looks delicious.

"Hey, do these foods really exist in your world…?"

"Yes of course..."

"I really want to eat these foods..."

Even subconsciously, my saliva started to drip at the thought of this.

"I think I can teach Mera and the others to make those foods..."

I immediately jumped at Yoru as he said this. When I jumped at him, he tried his best to catch me; but it failed. So now I'm on top of it.


The door to this room was opened very violently and this was quite a surprise to me. A male Elf entered this room in a hurry.

"I deeply apologize for my impudence. Miss Hana, Mister Yoru..."

The elf prostrated before the two of us and apologized for what he did.

"What is it! Why do you look so panicked…?"

Yoru asked the reason for the Elf's arrival in this room.

"The Sun Emperor along with 100 of his soldiers seems to be heading to this place…"

Sun Emperor? What is he going to do in this place...?

I'm really curious as to why they came here.